标签存档: 美国论文代写哪个好



法国文化的一些重要组成部分是他们的艺术和艺术倾向,他们的美食,语言和他们的生活方式。从埃菲尔铁塔的巴黎地标到卢浮宫、奥赛博物馆和香榭丽舍大道,都有许多著名的艺术和国际建筑。其次,法国的美食很受欢迎。法国美食可以追溯到它们的历史,反映了被认为是受欢迎的美食目的地的技巧(Arrindell et al., 1997)。语言也被认为是法国文化中令人垂涎的元素。语言的完整性得到保护,并且有一个独立的官方机构叫做法语学院,它的存在是为了保护和监督法语在法国和国外的使用。法国人的生活方式,他们的礼貌和礼貌是人们普遍注意到的一些特征。法国的民族文化和身份可以追溯到凯尔特民族的起源,高卢-罗马和法兰克文化。




Some of the key components of French culture are their arts and artistic tendencies, their gastronomy, the language and their way of life. From the Parisian landmark of the Eiffel tower to the Louvre or the Musee d’Orsay, and the Champs-Elysees, there are any famous sites of arts and international architectures to be seen. Secondly, the Gastronomy of France is popular. French cuisine is traced back to their history and reflects finesse that is considered as a popular food destination (Arrindell et al., 1997). The language is considered as a very coveted element of French culture as well. The integrity of the language is preserved and there is a separate official institution called the L’Academie francaise, which exists to protect and monitor the usage of the language both in France and the abroad. The French way of life, their politeness and courtesy are some of the commonplace characteristics noticed in the people.The French National culture and identity can be traced to the origins of the Celtic nations, the Gallo-Roman and the Frankish cultures.

A hexagon shaped nations, popularly referred to by the people for its six-sided shape, the country is one of the largest Western European nations. Paris is both the capital city and the cultural center of this state and the state has twenty-two regions in its entirety including the overseas territories of the French Polynesia, the Caledonia, the Wallis and the Futuna. Numerous symbolic representations are present in the country and followed till date. For instance, the flag colors of the country which is known as the tricolor is blue, white and red and indicates monarchy, republic and the Charlemagne early rulers. The Gallic rooster which was associated with the nation since the time of the Renaissance came to be recognized as the national symbol for the country and was used during the first World War. In present times the history is maintained, as the symbol is continually used in sports teams. The nation as such is multiethnic and has dominant French identity mixed with immigrants from North Africa, the United States, Algeria, Moroccans and more.





这些措施通过消除过程中涉及的健康和安全风险来实现。WHS的主要目的是鼓励企业遵守道德规范,确保员工的安全。为了安全,他们应该采取合理的措施。在撰写案例报告的同时,对该过程的启发式进行了分析。人们普遍忽视了一些方面,这是造成许多事故的原因。在考虑安全法的同时,WHS将人们分为三类。他们以最高的罚款甚至监禁来惩罚最高管理层是正确的。这个过程在很多方面都有帮助(Mason, 2015)。


I have often wondered about the impacts of due diligence. Essentially I have pondered who is responsible and how a disaster can be prevented in the hospitality industry. In the case of risk assessment and addressing hazardous issues in the workplace, three major stakeholders have been defined by the government. This is based on their remuneration that they can garner from the hotel processes. By addressing the issue of due diligence, this can be explained. The WHS mandate the protocols that need to be adhered by the company, and the employee in order to ensure that they provide due care and safety for the people involved. The WHS Act and regulations require the companies and businesses to ‘manage risks’.

These do so by eliminating health and safety risks involved in the process. The primary purpose of the WHS is to encourage the businesses to follow the ethical mandates and ensure safety of the employees. They should employee reasonable practices for the safety. While working on the case report, the heuristics of the process were analyzed. It was found that the people in general tend to overlook some aspects and this is the cause of many accidents. WHS divides people into three categories while considering the safety laws. They have rightly penalized the top management with the maximum fines or even imprisonment. This process is found to aid for a number of aspects (Mason, 2015).

research paper 代写:后现代主义

research paper 代写:后现代主义

后现代的视角被引入到组织和管理中。我们发现,后现代主义在寻找真理的不情愿和建立永恒的本体论方式或认识论的方式(Morgeson, et al., 2015)中有两种不同的观点。这些承诺是这样的,它们产生了现代主义的科学态度的努力,或者是象征意义的描述和人类活动的意义。从其他两个角度来看,后现代主义者足以胜任哲学性的立场。即使是暂时的哲学立场也被他们拒绝了。这是因为相信它会给某些知识形式提供特权,而这违背了后现代主义的伦理。

research paper 代写:后现代主义

然而,现代主义哲学家对怀疑论的运用,最终起到了支撑知识主张的作用,但在现代主义的方法下,后现代主义者却提出了不受质疑的假设。他们拒绝了对理性、客观和知识中存在的确定性的渴望。后现代主义与组织方式的象征主义有共同之处,因为它与组织文化研究学科的引入相联系(Reuber, et al., 2016)。这些学科包括精神分析、人类学、语言学、历史和文学批评。福柯的影响进一步强调了文化和组织的概念并没有暗示对象,而是指出了语言学的结构。从话语中可以看出,即使研究人员集中在文化中并不具有共性,但文化的组织研究也可以看作是相同的话语形成的一部分。

research paper 代写:后现代主义

The perspective of postmodern was brought within the organizations and management. It is identified that postmodernism diverges from the two alternative perspectives in the unwillingness of finding the truth or to make permanent communities of ontological manner or of epistemological manner (Morgeson, et al., 2015). These commitments are such that they give rise to the modernist endeavour of scientific manner or for the symbolic interpretive meaning description and the meaning of human in making the activity. Viewing from other two perspectives, the postmodernists is adequate to be fitted within the positions of philosophical nature. Even temporary stand of philosophical nature is refused by them. This is because of the belief that it will provide privileges to certain knowledge forms over others and it violates the ethics of postmodernism.

research paper 代写:后现代主义
Whereas scepticism is invoked by the modernist philosophers in the manner that eventually functioned to bolster the claims of knowledge, the unchallenged assumptions are surfaced and criticized by the postmodernists within the approach of modernist. They have rejected the aspirations to the rationality, objectivity and the certainty present within the knowledge. Post-modernism is in common with the symbolism of organizational manner since it is linked with the introduction within the disciplines of organizational studies of culture (Reuber, et al., 2016). These disciplines are psychoanalysis, anthropology, linguistics, history and the literary criticism. The influence of Foucault further underlines the realization that the concepts of culture and organization not suggest the objects but indicated the constructs of linguistics. It is implied by the discourse that even if the researchers focused within culture do not possess commonalities, the organizational studies of culture can be regarded as the part of discursive formation that is same.

essay 評判:关于战争

essay 評判:关于战争


essay 評判:关于战争


essay 評判:关于战争

War is considered as the most devastated means of violence that is sinful, and on the contrary, it is also against the divine percept. St. Thomas Aquinas was the medieval thinker, who has provided the guidance to understand the concept of just war. He states that in all the sense war is sinful. However, it is believed that war is sometime the only way to resolve the conflicts. According to St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologiae Extracts II-II, war is permissible only in the case if it is just. Various theological scholars and bishops have agreed that the concept of just war has been the source of guidance to alleviate the destruction of wars. The commentary over war given by St. Thomas Aquinas is based on the Christian values and morality.

essay 評判:关于战争
His idea is mainly to display the moral philosophy that believes in stating the rightness of any action, which is solely directed towards the positive consequences. According to his just war theory, he has given conditions to wage a justified war and how such war should be conducted in an ethical manner. Aquinas stated that it is completely unlawful to kill any human, because according to Christian religion, every human should love God’s creation. Humans are also the creation of the God and killing them with violence is sinful. The cause of the war must be just, so that innocent people are not harmed and get killed. Every act which is lawful will bring lawful results, but unlawful wars are prohibited by the Church. The cause or the reason to wage a war must be moral or justified. The aim of common good is important for a justified war. Therefore, he has given three limitations for a just war.

美国 论文 代 写:关于艾滋病毒

美国 论文 代 写:关于艾滋病毒


美国 论文 代 写:关于艾滋病毒

此外,该非政府组织的项目目标是艾滋病病毒阳性与在城市居民中挣扎求生的脆弱的生存危机。然而,抗逆转录病毒疗法对艾滋病患者的支持非常昂贵。在2004年,全球基金开始支持为HIV阳性的人提供免费的艺术项目。这些艺术项目的重点是促进HIV阳性人群的均衡饮食。这些艺术计划创造了一个支持艾滋病毒携带者生存的空间。艾滋病毒正在减少,病人的身体逐渐衰弱。存在艾滋病毒顽固性疾病,增加对药物的依赖和需要照顾。然而,与此同时,艾滋病毒在人道主义经济中被确立为一种资源,在艾滋病毒的干预下形成了一种形态(Prince 2012:548)。贫穷和饥饿降低了人们对药物的反应能力,在这种情况下,严重的不平等导致饥饿的人们更加饥饿。这些患者服用的是艾滋病药物,因为这些药物使他们更加饥饿,因此需要加强饮食。

美国 论文 代 写:关于艾滋病毒

As per Prince, presently, there are significant relations among the biology, economics, and politics in the western part of Kenya. The author provides great emphasis on the social, cultural, biological, and linguistic anthropology for understanding these influential factors that have a huge impact on the health and well-being of the people in western Kenya. In the journal article “HIV and the Moral Economy of Survival in an East African City,” Prince has stated that moral-economy is taking shape in Kisumu. The ways people are learning to survive with HIV in Kisumu shows that they are enacting in a bio-political frames, which disciplining them, opening opportunities for revaluing life, supporting in building new social networks and making a living. The life and living of the people continually spill over as well as interfere with the bio-medical and bureaucratic logic of the clinic rather than acting only within the bio-political frames. A new moral economy functions as a medicalized system for treating HIV positive people.

美国 论文 代 写:关于艾滋病毒
Moreover, the NGO’s with their projects target the HIV positive intersect with a delicate existence crisis among the urban inhabitants who are struggling to survive. The antiretroviral therapy support the AIDS patients, however, it was very expensive. In the year of 2004 the Global Fund started to support free Art programs for the HIV positive people. The focuses of the ART programs are on promoting the balanced diet among the HIV positive people. These ART schemes make a space that supports the survival of the people with HIV. HIV is decreasing people, the patients’ body weakening over the time. Presence of HIV persistent illness, increase the dependency on medicine and need care. However, at the same time, HIV is established as a resource in the humanitarian economy, which is taking a shape around the interventions of HIV (Prince 2012:548). The poverty and hunger reduces the capability of the people to respond to medicine and in a condition where severe inequalities lead the hungry people to be hungrier. The patients’ take the medicines of HIV, which needs strong diet because the medicines make them hungrier.



要理解史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)是一个仆人领袖还是变革型领导人,定义这两种领导力是很重要的。在下面的部分中,我们将更详细地解释这些术语。一个仆人领袖被发现分享权力。他把员工的需要放在目标前面。通过支持人民,他们能够发挥最大的潜力。仆人的领导是一种帮助人民的承诺,同时也会成为更好的人。这是一种服务他人的方式,并引导其他人改变(Heracleous & Klaering, 2014)。


被认为是更值得信赖的仆人,尽其所能。员工或一般人对仆人的领导有很好的意见,他们试图满足仆人的要求。这是两国领导人之间的共识。另一种领导方式是变革型领导。在这种领导下,领导者通过使用一些工具(Lussier & Achua, 2015)来激励人们,提高人们的整体道德。这些措施包括遵循本组织人民的身份和集体身份。这是一种挑战人们获得更多工作所有权的方式(Heracleous & Klaering, 2014)。这些领导者被发现了解追随者的长处和弱点。他们试图调整追随者的需求,并将适当的任务分配给人民。


To understand if Steve Jobs was a servant leader or a transformational leader, it is important to define the two kinds of leadership. In the following section, these terms are explained in more detail. A servant leader is found to share power. He puts the needs of the employees ahead of the objectives. By championing behind the people, they are able to perform at the highest potential. The servant leadership is a commitment to help the people and also become better persons along the way. It is a form of serving others and leading others to change (Heracleous & Klaering, 2014).

The Servant-leaders are considered to be more trustworthy and do their best. The employees or the people in general have a good opinion about the servant leaders and they try to meet the needs of the servant leader’s requirements. This is a mutual form of agreement between the leaders. The other kind of leadership is transformational leadership. In this kind of leadership, the leader motivates the people and improves the overall moral of the people by using a number of tools (Lussier & Achua, 2015). These include following the identity of the people and collective identity of the organization. It is a way of challenging the people to take more ownership of the work (Heracleous & Klaering, 2014). These leaders are found to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the followers. They try to align the needs of the followers and assign appropriate tasks to the people.




  • 连续的价格变动是独立的。
  • 价格的变动在某种程度上是传统的。

根据这篇文章,一系列连续的价格变动足以说明价格变动分配的某些特定性质。如果范围内的真实情况不足以解释所涉及的财产,统计学家可以将一个独立的假设作为对现实的充分描述(Chen, 2010)。



随机漫步理论的另一个假设是价格变动符合可能性分布(Chitenderu, Maredza和Sibanda, 2014)。然而,在这两个假设之间,独立性是最重要的。价格变动的分配模型被认为是对希望在这一领域从事实际工作的个人的重要信息。统计工具的强度通常与它的功能特性密切相关。


According to the author, the theory of the random walks regarding the security prices in genuine sense associates with two different hypotheses which are as follows:
The successive price alterations are independent.
The price alterations are conventional to some possibility distribution.
According to the article, a range of successive price alterations is adequate to account for some specific property of the distribution of price alterations. In case the real in the ranges is not adequate to explain for the property in question, the statistician may take an independent hypothesis as a sufficient description of the reality (Chen, 2010).
Independence of consecutive price alteration for a specific stock may simply imitate a price mechanism that is completely dissimilar to the actual world of economies along with the political events.


Another hypothesis of the theory of random walks is indicated to be the price alteration that conforms to possibility distribution (Chitenderu, Maredza and Sibanda, 2014). However, between the two hypotheses, the independence is the most significant. The model of the distribution of the price alterations is considered as important information to an individual who wishes to perform the practical job in this field. The strength of statistical tools is in general closely connected to the nature of data to which it is functional.






Amongst the resources of human, economy and finance, the latest ones are more important and seem to be having the capability of endowing the organizations having an edge in competition in comparison with the others. In the fundamental context, the performance of employees is highly dependent on a number of different factors such as appraisal of performance, motivation of employees, satisfaction amongst employees, compensation, development and training, security at job, structure of the organization, and other, but the main focus of this essay creates a focus over the motivation of employees (Deci, 2000). This factor has a major impact on the performance being displayed and contributed by the employees at the place of work. Motivation of employees has been identified as being the key policies of the managers for increasing the effectual management at job amongst the employees playing a significant role in the organizations.

An employee that is highly motivated has the responsibility towards the definite objectives and goals that must be achieved by the employees, therefore, self- direction is given towards these efforts within the favor of the business organization. It had been reported by Rutherford (1990) that motivation contributes in formulation an organization highly successful as employees that are highly provoked are in a constant manner, seeking for the performance of improved practices (Gollwitzer, 2009). Motivating employees for the performance work in the best possible way even in situations that are strenuous in nature, is one of those employees having highest degree of stability and involvement of greasy challenges, and there is possibility of this only by the sources of motivation being implemented in a significant manner and as per the characteristics of each and every employee.



每当要写论文的时候,留学生就会羡慕那些native speaker,但其实也并不是每个美国当地学生都擅长写论文的,他们也有论文不及格的情况。有些找代写的同学盲目的相信欧美人,看到对方金发碧眼就放心的找他们代写论文,结果被对方骗了。只能说是看到的国外诈骗案例太少,戒备心没有建立起来。找代写对方以英语为母语很重要,但是也要找个靠谱的,美国论文代写哪个好,这里推荐客户满意度高的高阶论文代写。

