标签存档: 美国论文代写推荐







As a first step, the available public information about the company was collated. It was found that after this stage, there was analysis of the primary and the secondary research information. There needs to be efforts taken by the management to reach the D4 management style. Where the output is maximum commitment and efficiency (Hersey, and Blanchard,1969). It should be noted that the real life specific situation has more variables in the situation and this is an overall purview. From analysis, it is understood that the company needs to meet consumer requirements. Groupthink of the organization is when a group of people want to find amiable solutions that would benefit everyone. They are effective members who can work through conflicts and reach consensus.

From the survey results, it was found that the front desk personnel and the waiters directly interact with the consumers. They understand the requirements of the modern consumers. They are also able to satisfy the current needs of the people. These two groups have also posted current recommendations being aware of the people (Wheelan, 2014). Owing to this, these two groups have been identified as the “Groupthink” members. It has been recommended that the company does more to improve communication and team building efforts to develop a better amiability by the company. They can provide insights to the COO at regular meetings. Organizational learning of the company in this week was divided into two parts. The induction program and the knowledge management program.



马斯洛的需求层次理论是由5 levels-physiological,安全需要,归属、自尊和自我实现需要。层次明确规定员工需要建立有意义的人际关系,需要安全和健康工作场所。钱不发挥作用的任何地方层次结构(Zilla接触,2015)。金字塔还坚称,管理者往往与自我实现方面斗争,因此,他们需要舒适的计时和尊重,可以帮助他们感觉动力在工作场所。Hertzberg 2因素理论关注卫生和动机因素。保健因素包括薪酬、工作安全、工作环境,激励员工。另一方面,Hertzberg还有一个单独的分工问题,涉及dissatisfiers和激励因素。在激励因素的范畴,它包括成就、责任和识别和分类不包括金钱作为动力。

自然,雇主和雇员之间的关系只适用的成就动机是给定的,有趣的工作,责任和发展,而不仅仅是可能有时不能满足员工的奖励。道格拉斯•麦格雷戈已经开发了两个模型——X理论和y理论X理论需要方向,更好的控制和机会作为激励因素的地区。然而,它还要求需要金融奖励在工作中为了满足他的需求。另一方面,员工需要工作满意度、控制、问责制和利用自己的知识能力(卡佛,schey, 2001)。员工感觉完整,当这些照顾。虽然所有这些不同形式的激励因素,这一理论还进一步强调,钱不是唯一或最好的动力,但这只是一个选项,在困难时期员工的工作满足感。


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is comprised of 5 levels-physiological, safety, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization. The hierarchy clearly states that the employees need to establish meaningful relationships and require safety and good health at workplace. Money does not play a role anywhere in the hierarchy (Contact Zilla, 2015). The pyramid also insists that managers tend to struggle with the self-actualization aspect and hence, they need comfortable timings and respect that can help them feel motivated at all times within the workplace. Hertzberg’s 2 factor theory focuses on hygiene and motivation factors. The hygiene factors involve the pay, job safety and working conditions that tend to motivate the employees. On the other hand, Hertzberg also has a separate division of work issues that involve dissatisfiers and motivators. Under the category of motivators, it includes achievement, responsibility and recognition and the category does not include money as the motivator.

Naturally, the relationship between an employer and an employee works well only when the motivation is given in terms of achievement, interesting works, responsibility and development and not just rewards that might sometimes not satisfy the employees. Douglas McGregor has developed two models – Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X states the need for direction, better controls and opportunity as the areas of motivators. However, it also demands the need for financial rewards at work in order to fulfill his needs at work. On the other hand, employees require job satisfaction, control, accountability and utilization of one’s own intellectual abilities (Carver and Scheier, 2001). An employee feels complete when these are taken care of. While all these are different forms of motivators, this theory also further highlights that money is not the only or the best motivator but it is just an option that works at the hard times of an employee for fulfillment.



商业模式、框架和相关的策略已被选定,因为它只不过是一个有用的工具或参数对于理解公司的操作动作。计划管理行为的后果是一个定义的边界内的公司的产品输出和操作系统的公司。商业组织运作他们的不同行业不同的机会,限制和策略的结构应该采用适合的操作动作的各种实现他们的个人目标和组织目标。分类法的传统企业由于其独特的性质设计一直在使用传统分层商业模式的时候,工业革命以来(Kotabe Helsen, 2011)。层次的商业模式架构代表了改良的主题分享经济。

有四个水平层次的商业模式。顶级的层次结构模型,组织董事会的首席执行官和首席执行官,首席信息官等组织其他有影响力的高管、首席财务官、首席运营官等等。这是顶级的管理,所有组织的重要成员。根据传统公司的大小,这些部门主管通常遵循高层管理和其他类别的高管顶级管理紧随其后。根据模型,它可以看到有四个决策平台EIS, DSS、MIS和TPS。所有这些行业有自己的个人活动(科特勒和凯勒,2016)。


Business models, frameworks and the associated strategies have been chosen because it is nothing but a useful tool or parameter for understanding the operational movements of companies. It is an outcome of planned management actions for defining the firms’ offerings within the boundaries of output and operational system of a company.Business organizations operate their different industries with different kind of opportunities, limitations and strategies so the adopted structures should fit as per the operational movements of various organizations for accomplishing their individual goals and objectives. The traditional firms because of its unique nature of systematizing designs have been using traditional hierarchical business models since the time of industrial revolution (Kotabe and Helsen, 2011). The hierarchical business model architecture has been represented for the betterment of the topic of sharing economy.

There are four levels in the hierarchical business model. At the very top level of the hierarchical model, organization has a board of directors followed by the CEO, and under the CEO, organizations have other influential executives such as chief information officer, chief financial officer, chief operating officer and so on. This is the top level of management where all the important members of organization situated. Depending on the size of traditional firms, those department head usually follow the upper management and the other categories of executives followed by the top level management. As per the model, it could be seen that there are four decision-making platforms which are the EIS, DSS, MIS and TPS. All these sectors have their individual activities (Kotler and Keller, 2016).


此外,在馬提亞王國征服這些婦女的同時,美國在19世紀經歷了兩次重大的運動。這些運動導致了女性的進步(Johnson and Wilentz, 2012)。這些實質性的變化是第二次大覺醒和市場革命。馬提亞通過殘酷的對待使王國的婦女失去人性,並通過追隨者的批評不斷貶低婦女在馬提亞王國的作用和地位。這可以從下面關於性別偏見的引用中看出。為了與他溫和的福音主義保持一致,他公開譴責奢侈品,並稱讚女性在國內的新影響力(儘管他堅持認為女性“天生的和顏悅色的膽怯”應該讓她們遠離“強勢性別”的範疇(第28頁)。

19世紀中期美國發生的最重大的變化是社會開始意識到婦女的權利。這與王國內婦女的生活方式相衝突,因為她們被要求在丈夫不在的情況下做家務,並被要求在丈夫在場時使丈夫的生活更輕鬆。然而,這一趨勢在19世紀中期開始的婦女權利運動中受到了挑戰(Johnson and Wilentz, 2012)。此外,另一個相當大的變化是第二次大覺醒,為社會中的婦女提供了更重要的角色。馬提亞斯特別試圖阻止婦女參與宗教,結果導致他被趕出了一個教堂,這些婦女被派往教會的傳教之旅,擔任牧師的角色。


Furthermore, it has been revealed while the Kingdom of Matthias had subjugated the women two substantial movements were experienced by the United States in the 19th century. These movements resulted in the forward women’s progression (Johnson and Wilentz, 2012). These substantial changes were the Second Great Awakening and the Market Revolution. Matthias had dehumanized the women of the Kingdom through cruel treatment and had constantly degraded the role as well as status of the women as evident in the Kingdom of Matthias through the followers’ criticism. This can be viewed from the quote below in relation to the gender biasness. “In keeping with his moderate evangelicalism, he publicly condemned luxury and applauded the new domestic influence of women (though he insisted that women’s “natural and amiable timidity” should keep them out of the sphere of “the stronger sex” (Page 28).

The most significant change that took place in the mid 19th century across United States was that the society started to realize the rights of the women. This was conflicting with the lifestyle of women within the Kingdom as they were required to do the housekeeping in the absence of husband and were required to make the husband’s life easier when they were present. However, this trend was challenged as the movement towards the rights of women initiated within the middle of the nineteenth century (Johnson and Wilentz, 2012). Furthermore, another considerable change was the Second Great Awakening which provided the women in the society with more essential roles. Matthias was specifically attempting to prevent the involvement of women in the religion as a result of which he was kicked out of a church at one instance and the women were being sent to the mission trips of churches and took roles of the preacher.






China had been dominating the factor of economic power and commanding surplus of trade with the entire world. The agriculture of China had maximum efficiency in comparison with the methods of Europe due to the excellence of China in the technologies of irrigation. China appeared to be having superior projects of transportation with an excellent utilization of canals across larger scale in comparison with in Europe. As a significant example, the Grand Canal of China ensured its connection with cities across north to south route of 1000 miles. This contributed in the facilitation of domestic travelling and trade. Irrespective of a number of requests from sovereigns of Europe since the passing years, emperors identified less need for the alteration of successful economic system or the engagement of trade throughout Europe. Since the year 1793 followed by continuous inquiries, the emperor of China considered the rejection of requested trade from King George of England.

Therefore, there is no crucial requirement of importing the outside barbarians manufactured while exchanging the own produce. However, the lack of interest across China for sea based trade specifically allowed the European population for seeking benefits out of easily sourced wealth.As the empires of Asia started to decline in terms of power and wealth during the earlier modern era, there was an expansion, strengthening and competing European nations. This was significantly led by the advancement in technology. The advancement of firearms and canons quickened to centralize the system of state governments throughout Europe. Improvement in iron- working technology enabled the creation of cheap iron cannons. Even though China was using the metallurgical technology fired by word, there was superiority of Europe during the earlier modern period. China was lacking deposits of coal and iron sufficiently close with centers of industry for seeking the benefits of the technology.






The incident focused in this article is the sinking of boat near Lampedusa on 3rd October 2013. The boat carried around 500 people on board, where most of them were migrants from Somalia and Ghana. The incident reported the last count of 200 survivors and 194 African bodies. A large portion of the people on board was women. Hence, the article has argued that due to majority of blacks and women, Italian Coast Guard were reluctant to offer fast and vigilant rescue services. The dislikeness towards black people has been argued in light of the socio-political attitude towards Kyenge.

While gender discrimination in Italy is proven by statistical evidences, as a rationale person, I strongly condemn the attitude of Italian people and political elements towards their black minister. The attitude towards women in Italy is also condemnable in response to the rate of sexual abuse and killings on the mere base of being women. However, the idea that the reason of Lampedusa tragedy was racism and misogyny seems exaggerated. The sinking of boat and consequent death tolls falls under naturalized incident which is common all over the world. Racism and misogyny may be an element involved in slow response but it cannot be claimed as an incident which occurred on the basis of emotional, sentimental and socio-political reasons.



作为一名音乐作曲家,斯特罗齐在1644年首次发表了她的歌曲,尽管大部分是印刷形式的。这些都是她爸爸写的歌词。1652年朱利奥·斯特罗齐(Giulio Strozzi)去世后,她剩下的8次分布式累积出现了。作为一种遗产,斯特罗奇从父亲那里得到的财富只有很少的一部分,她被当时的经济需求所激励。她努力获得一个训练有素的音乐作曲家和歌手的支持,但从未取得任何丰硕的成果,直到她遇到Castrato才找到任何成果。


她创作了八部音乐文学作品,其中七部被发现是献给不同的音乐支持者的,比如托斯卡纳大公公爵夫人(Grand Duchess of Tuscany)或尼古拉萨格勒多(Nicolo Sagredo)。第8部文学作品“Opus-4”至今还没有被音乐研究者发现,但它被认为是在曼图亚公爵的记忆中创作的(Rosand 1981, 251)。目前还没有记录显示她从忠实的支持者那里得到了什么样的补贴或好处。然而,她从他们那里获得了名声,因为他们通过口碑让她名声大噪,此后她在非洲大陆的演出获得了丰厚的报酬。虽然她的大部分作品都是宗教歌曲,但在历史上都被描绘成“康塔塔”或“阿里埃塔”。


As a music composer, Strozzi first published her singings in 1644 although most of it in printed forms. These were madrigals that set lyrics by her dad. The rest of her eight distributed accumulations showed up after Giulio Strozzi kicked the bucket in 1652. As a heritage, Strozzi got only a little portion of wealth from her father and she was inspired to perform by the financial demands at that time. Her endeavors to secure the support of a well-trained music composer and singer never yield any fruitful outcomes and she wasn’t able to find any till she met Castrato.

She had composed eight music literatures and seven of those were found to be dedicated to different music supporters such as the Grand Duchess of Tuscany or Nicolo Sagredo. The eighth literature ‘Opus-4’ is not found by music researchers till date but it is believed to be composed in the memories of Duke of Mantua (Rosand 1981, 251). There is no record of what sort of installment or benefit she got from her dedicated supporters. However, she got fame from them as they made her name renowned through the word of mouth and after that she was getting well paid for her performances in the continent. Although most of her works were madrigals, but they were portrayed as ‘cantata’ or ‘arietta’ historically.






Rome in the north had been threatened by Germany and one of his commander Arminius who defeated the Rome army headed by Varus who worked as an auxiliary in the army but with his sincerity earned his citizenship and residence in Rome. Arminius used special tactics where it trapped the Roman army on a single foot bridge where they could not proceed farther and thus accepted defeat, following which Varus committed suicide for his failure. The war indicated that Rome did not interfere its expansion in this region as Germany had a geographical advantage and were stronger then, for allowing Rome to win the battle of its expansion.

The justice system in Rome was somewhat questionable because they had specialised powers in cases, but in some specific cases like the one discussed about Jesus of Nazareth who the Jews wanted to kill, the court could not punish more openly. The trail, search, and punishment of Jesus flanked open the Roman system of justice and its weaknesses. As alleged by the Jews that Jesus committed blasphemy, it was still not proven clearly with evidence because of poor investigation and enforcement of law. This clearly shows limitations of the Roman government to take important decisions when most demanded.

代寫論文 價格:教育模式創新

代寫論文 價格:教育模式創新

代寫論文 價格:教育模式創新

代寫論文 價格:教育模式創新

Even education in arts utilizes the fundamentals of general science. Many have supported Sir Robinson’s theory by stating that the school curricula and the busy schedules doesn’t provide enough time for the students to be creative. But, there are time management skills that can be learnt in a month or so and creativity can be learnt in any form or at any place, students can try to devote some time for brain storming activities after the school is over. They can even take time to attend arts and music classes for which schools will never say ‘NO.’

代寫論文 價格:教育模式創新
More importantly without knowledge, creativity cannot be born and this essential knowledge is provided by school, teachers and our guardians in day to day life. Although some modifications can be done in schooling pattern to make students learn the things in a more innovative way. Even, Einstein had to go to school to learn mathematics and one day he emerged as all-time great. Below paras will depict how Sir Robinson found a relation between human ecology and creativity and what changes can be made in education pattern and what subjects can be included to enhance creativity.






Wertheimer states that the issues of consent and sexual relationship need to be considered from two perspectives. Coercion and exploitation is one aspect. In this, the victim who says yes might be coerced and the full situation needs to be understood to factor to make an analysis. The author uses the case study analysis of the “homecoming” to explain about the issues of sex for the teenage community. There is an implied promissory obligation that has been used by the student in the case study in the article Liberto promising sex, Another aspect is asking the people to look beyond the bodily or physical harm to the victim. This is the main strength of the article by Wertheimer. Rather the emotional consequences of the situation should be factored in order to make accurate determination. In Liberto, Jane states that she would have sex after homecoming but she can also choose not to keep up that obligation.

There is no moral obligation for Jane to consent even though she had promised earlier. It can be understood from this analysis that a person can choose not to indulge in sex even though they had stated that they would consent earlier. The issue of consent only during the act should be factored not other issues. This is an important argument that the author makes and I Agree with all of the viewpoints of the author. There are two kinds of sexual activity. It is either consensual or nonconsensual. In the cases of the act being nonconsensual the number of actions taken against the people is relatively lower. There are very few demarcations that state that sex and rape are two different entities. This needs to be factored in while making. The legitimization of nonconsensual sex should be avoided, and there should be clearer demarcations as to what constitutes as criminal and what is allowed in the society.