标签存档: 美国论文代写推荐


美国论文代写:业务分析师的角色。分析师的角色是了解日常业务操作及其流程。根据Kothari, Mizik和Roychowdhury(2015),他们分析了改进业务流程的可能行动。另一方面,它们确定业务中的空白区域以启动自动化流程。在这个阶段,他们将使用重要的任务来满足要求。业务分析师将客户的需求转换为详细的功能规范。他关注的是项目余下的生命周期。他会发现项目中的机会和商业问题。他也考虑和研究组织中可用的资源。除此之外,业务分析师将分析特定服务和产品的目标客户。他将利用权责发生制会计技术来更好地了解费用和收入。识别业务需求是评估项目并使收益最大化的必要条件。根据Barth等人(2017)的观点,分析师将通过使用收付实现制会计找到在可承受的价格区间内满足企业需求的最佳选择。接下来美国论文代写专家将为同学们讲解下业务分析师的角色。

分析师的角色是了解日常业务操作及其流程。根据Kothari, Mizik和Roychowdhury(2015),他们分析了改进业务流程的可能行动。另一方面,它们确定业务中的空白区域以启动自动化流程。在这个阶段,他们将使用重要的任务来满足要求。在盈余管理方面,通常采用权责发生制而不是现金收付制。分析师们研究了市场的反应,以期在企业界有所修正。这些修订比预测的分类高出约30%。根据Warren和Jones(2018)的研究,收付实现制避免了应收和应付费用的核算。它们还以IT设计的形式提供特殊照顾,以在企业中带来更好的盈利管理。一般来说,它们在盈余管理中扮演着两种角色。经理们利用分析师的发现来持有概念。诠释角色和公共信息帮助组织在公司世界。分析员的效率角色和技术技能使一个组织在质量上完美。



The roles of analysts are to understand the daily business operation and its process. According to Kothari, Mizik and Roychowdhury (2015), they analyse the probable actions to improve the business process. On the flipside, they determine the blank space in the business to start an automation process. In this stage, they will use important tasks to fulfil the requirements. In terms of earning management, the accrual basis is followed often than the cash basis. The analysts examine the reaction in the market to bring certain revision in the corporate world. These revisions are around 30% greater than the forecasted classifications. According to Warren and Jones (2018), the cash basis avoids of accounting of receivable and payable for the expense management. They also provide special care in a form of IT design to bring a better earning management in the business. Generally, they play two roles in earning management. The managers engage the discovery of the analysts with a holding concept. The interpretation role and public information help the organization in the corporate world. The efficiency role with technical skills of the analyst makes an organization perfect in quality.

There are two types of accounting system i.e. cash basis and accrual basis. The business analyst will provide judgment on the accounting system. Accrual accounting basis requires cashless adjustment on depreciation, inventory valuation and more. It is why the accrual accounting is the best for earning management of a firm.

There should be collaboration with the client and team-leader to discuss about the risks. He may add members, internal department, vendors and customer in this meet-up. Analyst will raise few questionnaires to the team and clients to know more about the business needs. After that, he can analyse, categorize and validate the idea while keeping the profit maximization idea in mind. A business analyst always opens new opportunities between software and finance for better earnings of the firm. The author states that earning management will increase the sales figures and boost the earnings of the firm. Generally, the analyst performs various activities and works as a business consultancy in the daily business operation. He also takes care about the cost effectiveness and managerial skills with quality management.





Organizational culture has a crucial role in main segments of ERM like how main ideas are executed, how rapidly BTG can respond to market changes, and if or not BTG can effectively find the way to major amendments in the business environment. Considering the challenges faced in implementing ERM all over the business, it is certainly an important initiative. As it is proposed to support BTG to be more flexible in period of uncertainty, it would not be irrational to anticipate an organization’s inner culture to be a noteworthy element in ERM application. Even BTG and EBI are facing challenges linked with organizational culture.

The culture of setting targets of collecting fines from people is a wrong practice set by EBI. There has been lots of complaints regarding the behaviour of the staffs. In BTG, there prevails a culture of working without CEO’s leadership, which needs to be changed, either by appointing new heads or by keeping a separate division for governance. The culture of bad behaviour of the authorised officers needs to be checked. It has been the key factor impacting the staffs and the clientele. Normally, a firm will want everybody to identify that it is alright to raise a concern, whether it is an apparent fault on an assembly line or an intuition that clients are getting impatient. A culture that supports hiding problems is not an excellent thing; the majority of codes of ways make that obvious. Those behavioural standards should be embodied through the culture.



美国论文代写推荐:美国校园种族歧事件。校园种族歧视长期困扰着美国社会。2015年11月9日,密苏里大学校长蒂姆·沃尔夫宣布辞职,因为非裔美国学生抗议了数周,称校长沃尔夫制造了学校内部的种族紧张局势(Eligon, 2015)。正如Chang所说,“校园就像这个国家本身一样,仇恨和不宽容的程度正在上升。”寻找解决美国社会种族紧张的可能方法是最重要的,因为这个不可避免的种族话题导致了越来越多的当前校园冲突的种族问题。在接下来的内容中,美国论文代写推荐将为同学们分析讨论下美国校园种族歧事件。

密苏里州的学生抗议活动并不是由单一事件引发的,而是由每一个单独的事件加起来造成了种族紧张关系。回顾密苏里州的学生抗议活动,我们可以看到,种族冲突几乎经常发生在校园周围,校园也受到周围州事件的影响。2014年8月9日,密苏里州弗格森市的一名警官在两小时后说。远离位于哥伦比亚的密苏里大学。迈克尔·布朗谋杀案是全国关注的焦点。所有的大学都受到了这一事件的影响。“10月4日——一名醉酒的白人学生扰乱了一个非裔美国学生组织——黑人大学生军团(Legion of Black Collegians)——为返校节活动做准备,当他们要求他离开时,他使用了种族歧视的语言。根据《皮尔森报》的报道,“10月24日,校园里又发生了一起骚乱事件。”有人用粪便在宿舍的墙上画了纳粹党所用的十字记号。它解释了校园事件(Pearson, 2015)。然而,这只是冲突的一小部分。事实上,许多住在密苏里大学的学生感到不安,他们意识到自己受到了歧视和威胁。乔纳森·巴特勒曾是密苏里大学的一名学生,他告诉CNN,“自从我踏上这所校园的那一刻起,我就感到不安全……我们足够爱密苏里,去批评和对抗我们在这所学校所面临的不公正”(Ford, D, 2015)。校园里的种族威胁笼罩着密苏里大学。各种事件最终导致了大规模的抗议,最终导致了密苏里大学的总统辞职,引起了美国社会的广泛关注。这进一步说明了消除种族紧张关系的紧迫性。

The Missouri student protests were not triggered by a single incident, but each of the individual incidents that added up to create the racial tension. Looking back at the Missouri student protests, we can see that ethnic conflicts occur almost constantly around campus and the campus was influenced by the events in the state surrounding it. “August 9, 2014 — A police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, about 2 hrs. away from the University of Missouri, which is in Columbia. The Michael Brown murder was a national concern. All universities were influenced by that event.” “October 4 — A drunken white student disrupts an African American student group, the Legion of Black Collegians, preparing for homecoming activities and uses a racial slur when they asked him to leave.” As per the quote in Pearson, “October 24 — Another incident roils the campus. Someone uses feces to draw a swastika on the wall of a residence hall.” it explains about the incident in campus (Pearson, 2015). However, this is only a small part of the conflict. In fact, many students living at the University of Missouri felt unrest and were aware that they have been discriminated and threatened. Jonathan Butler had been a student at Missouri University, he told CNN, “I felt unsafe since the moment I stepped on this campus……We love Mizzou enough to critique and to fight against the injustices we face at this school”(Ford, D, 2015). The campus racial threat looms over the University of Missouri. Various incidents eventually led to large-scale protests, which resulted in the resignation of the president of Missouri University and caused widespread concern in American society. This further explains how urgent it is to eliminate ethnic tensions.






The EC imposed 24% import tariff on all tuna products coming from Thailand, but not on the ACP countries. This was clearly and undoubtedly disputable and discriminatory. Fair treatment is with one entity and unfair with other when there is no legitimate reason for rejection of products for their low standards.

The EC did, however, acknowledge the concerns expressed by Thailand and the Philippines but they were hesitant to come to the table for defending their statement and answering Thailand’s allegation of discriminatory behaviour. The EC was under obligation to adhere to the rules and tariff regulations laid out in the Cotonou Agreement. It is to be noted that the EC represents many countries who have different requirements and different financial health, which culminates into a confused state of tariff imposition. However, since the ACP nations sold cheap tuna and the cost of export was low than coming from Thailand, the EC resorted to imposing tariff on tuna imported from Thailand. EC has the right to reduce its cost of trade as it justifiably agrees with its partners, in which Thailand has no right of interference. There is a discrimination question which makes the EC’s case a little weaker.






In this, Gramsci’s explains about the cultural means for influencing the shape to the world and to make them subject of the existing political or social order. In this situation, there is acquisition of the predominate culture. This is carried by the simple acts of coercion and oppression. This ultimately lead to the formation of hegemony. Hegemony is grounded on the voluntary acceptance and the approval for the public opinion (Witz, 2013). They strive to form the social normative standards and there is an intricate process of conflict balance. This leads to the formation of the cultural hegemony. This is completed in a complex dynamic process of struggle and the negotiation. (Rojek, 2013). In the classroom, there was discussion about the governor claims as to the use of the minority language. Owing to this, it can be alluded that the people are not controlled by violence in China. The people are controlled by propaganda and social factors. This in essence indicates about the formation of cultural hegemony. This cultural hegemony of the people is not really a question of competing for the leadership. It is about the control over the power of the leadership. This develops into the question as to how the leadership is accepted by the mainstream society. The language testifies and centers around unification.

Giroux (2011) stated that Gramsci wants to point about how the working place tries to establish their identity over the bourgeoisie. From a personal standpoint, I agree with the author that this causes the formation of the one-sided development and leads to the issues of class distinction in the society. Hence, the people in capitalism and the people under socialist education continue to feel alienated with the people. It is proposed that the socialist education must cultivate the people with the all-round development. This will point towards the holistic growth and empower all the people.





随着谷歌宣布为其人工智能相关项目设立一个单独的部门,情况正在发生变化。谷歌AI是2017年宣布的谷歌的一个部门,将完全致力于人工智能和相关的发展。现有项目有基于云的TPUs、Tensorflow research等(Craig & Karl, 2016)。

例如,考虑一下,宣布更好地整合AI会如何改变谷歌的格局。在过去,谷歌搜索引擎是由有限查询驱动的,但现在他们可以通过神经网络找到一些AI实现。负责公司搜索引擎的Amit Singhal即将退休,该职位被分配给John Giannandrea,他也负责谷歌的AI工作(Craig & Karl, 2016)。他的大部分工作都集中在深度神经网络上。深度神经网络在某种程度上近似于存在于人脑中的神经元,因此可以创建类似于人脑神经网络的数据网。在改进搜索引擎的背景下,现在将使用神经网络。大量的数据可以在接近人类大脑神经元网络的快速时间内被搜索。神经网络的这种能力将使他们在很短的时间内完成很多事情。它们能够更快地识别照片,能够同时接受文本和照片输入,并能够通过自学习的方式更新查询响应能力。它将能够在提供搜索结果的方式上超越人类,为人类用户定制自学习。


Google engineers would work on these rules based on results and performance issues and they would modify the rules to generate better results. However, the modification had to be done by them, and the algorithms were not designed to make them self-learn.

The situation now is changing as Google now announced a separate division for its AI related projects. Google AI was a division of Google announced in 2017 that would be completely dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and related development. Some existing projects are the cloud based TPUs, Tensorflow research, etc (Craig & Karl, 2016).

Consider for instance, how the announcement of better incorporation of AI changes Google landscape. In the past, the google search engine was driven by finite queries but now they would find some AI implementation through neural nets. The person overseeing the search engine of the company, Amit Singhal is retiring and the post is assigned to John Giannandrea who also oversees the work in AI of Google (Craig & Karl, 2016). Much of his work is focused on deep neural networks. Deep neural networks in a way approximate the neurons that exist in the human brain and hence webs of data can be created similar to the neural network of the human brain. In the context of improving the search engine, now neural nets would be employed. Vast amounts of data could be searched in a rapid time that approximate the web of neurons in the human brain. This capability of the neural net will make them do many things in a short amount of time. They can identify photo faster, will be able to accept both text and photo input and can update its query response capability by means of self-learning. It will be able to outperform humans in the way it delivers search results with customized self-learning for the human user in question.

A deep learning approach is promoted for the company. The deep learning approach that Google intends to invest in is nothing new. A similar form of AI has been used on Internet social media service networks like that of Facebook, twitter and skype. While rule based scoring metrics can be used in parallel to tweak or correct certain situations, the AI approach would assure self-learning is happening on a regular basis.











The total stress analysis includes the stress parameters of the soil which is often performed for the cohesive soils. In the effective stress analysis, the effective stress soil parameters are often performed for the cohesion less soils. Thus, for the following purpose, the pore water pressures along with the slip surface should be known. The soil layers above the water table and the pore water pressures are assumed to be zero. If the water table is in the horizontal position and soil is below the water table, then the pore water pressure below the water table would be hydrostatic. The flow net in the sloping water table can be estimated as the pore water pressures below the water table. The method is considered as the simplest form for the estimation of the slope stability. The calculation is based on the wedge method. As per the analysis is undertaken for the study, the analysis clearly explains the structure of the method which is explained by the study. The enhancement of the mechanism provides the appropriate mechanism for calculating the slope defined failures. The pressure of the water can be easily illustrated for the structural strength.

The theoretical analysis of the Wedge method is defined by way of the analysis which is made by the illustrating the simple and the complete method of the wedge analysis. It is clearly demonstrated by using the multiple wedges that seem to be using the non-vertical interfaces. The generalized wedge method is determined to be the force and the moment equilibrium which is made to be explained along with the kinetic conditions. The fully mobilized strengths are fully structured on both the separation of the wedges and the achievement of the wedges is appropriately allowed for illustrating the admissibility of the wedges. The structure of the initial wedge based methods was illustrated to be addressing the solutions and the problems which are illustrating to be initial wedge based solutions. The structure, for the purpose of constituting the model, is illustrated to be based on the generalized model which is adequate for the slope stability analysis.

The well-accepted factors can be easily defined regarding the safety, and the amount is illustrated to be available on the shear strength. The amount of the shear strength must be reduced for the purpose of bringing the slope to its initial state of the limiting equilibrium. Due to this, the shear stress on the failure surface can be easily expressed concerning effective shear concept.


美国代写推荐论文摘要的主要写作内容。论文摘要是对论文中心思想的简要概述,是留学生们展开写作思路的方向。通过论文摘要还可以了解整篇论文所表达的中心观点,如果论文摘要写作成功,可以提高整篇论文的写作质量。那么有关论文摘要的写作内容有哪些呢?接来美国论文代写Advanced Thesis老师为留学生们做以下讲解。

首先摘要的要写得短小精悍、要言不烦、文笔流畅,虽然有3部分内容组成,但字数要控制在400字左右。美国论文代写Advanced Thesis老师老师提醒大家国外的论文写作要求十分紧密的逻辑思路,论文代写在摘要部分尤其能表现论文的逻辑思维,理论基础是否稳固。论文的每个段落的榜首句话和最终一句话,简直都是重述构建本段的宗旨,而摘要短短几百字的篇幅如何能够全面、精粹的归纳全文,其主要的写作内容如下:


2.对论文中所录入的参考资料进行阐明,并论说论文中所使用的特定研讨办法,让导师对你的论文 的科学研讨办法有必定了解和知道。


3.提出论文的中心观念,列出论文的安排架构,对论文的理论进行有选择性的总结,以重要的且出彩的部分为首要呈现内容。直到留学生们的论文提交之前,论文摘要部分都是能够灵敏批改的,它是能够不断改变的,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis在论文代写进程中,认真负责且专业的写手会在完结论文剩下部分的一起不断对摘要部分进行批改。这是由于论文是需求不断批改的,论文在研讨和证明的进程傍边,会呈现新的idea,所以,论文的观念需求不断批改,甚至宗旨也会适当发生改变,而这也正是论文研讨进程的趣味地点,你一步步地接近一个由一个个观念和论据推理出来的成果。

以上内容就是美国代写推荐论文摘要的主要写作内容分析,希望能给留学生们带来帮助!有关更多论文代写问题,留学生们可以在线咨询美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台客服,此论文代写平台专业信誉高,论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!

论文代写personal statement容易出现的错误有哪些?

论文代写personal statement容易出现的错误有哪些?同学们在留学申请时所需要的申请文书材料有很多,其中最为重要的personal statement的写作。personal statement简称ps,也不是同学们所了解的个人陈述。personal statement写作申请需要陈述出申请动机,说明自己申请的意愿和憧憬,这些陈述要据实描述,不能夸大其词没有事实依据。而且在写作过程中还应该了解容易出现的错误有哪些,然后尽量去避免这些错误,从而提高留学申请的成功率。那么有关论文代写personal statement容易出现的错误有哪些?接下来美国论文代写Advanced Thesis老师为留学生做以下讲解。

论文代写personal statement容易出现的错误1:撒谎



论文代写personal statement容易出现的错误2:词藻过于华丽


论文代写personal statement容易出现的错误3:打官腔


论文代写personal statement容易出现的错误4:用鸡毛蒜皮的例子证明大道理


论文代写personal statement容易出现的错误5:罗列自己的成就


综上所述就是论文代写personal statement容易出现的错误解析,希望能给留学生们带来帮助!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


有关美国代写论文摘要的写作问题分析。论文摘要的写作内容要简明扼要,突出论文中心观点。留学生们在整理论文摘要所参考的资料时,也要做出正确标注和注释,避免论文抄袭的情况发生。那么留学生们在写作论文摘要时需要注意哪些问题呢?接下来美国代写论文Advanced Thesis老师为留学生们做以下分析。














3.主要内容部分处理技巧。即Body. 很多初次完论文的学生往往会写很多细节,把我的方法是什么,结果正的方面是什么,反的方面是什么,做很多的详细烦琐的描述, 其实大可不必要的。


以上信息内容就是美国代写论文摘要的写作问题分析,希望能给留学生们带来帮助!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!