标签存档: 美国论文代写推荐



The concept of what leads to wealth was initially probed by Smith. Certain ideologies that were professed by Smith were openly rejected by Marx. Nevertheless, certain ideas were interpreted from a different perspective by Marx. For example, it was stated by Smith that there was a social need that drives production, Marx had used this idea to stress upon the value of commodity (Veblen, 2015).

Division of labor was originally formulated by Smith. This states that there has been creation or accumulation of wealth based on the division of labor. Each worker had a claim in the wealth of the society. Marx claimed a more systematic approach to the labor theory of value. Marx was essentially divided with Smith in this aspect. He stated that Smith in general was very accepting of the division of labor. Smith postulated the invisible hand theory which was to promote individual self interest that would eventually lead to the benefit of the society (Durkheim, 2014). Marx was esp. critical of this theory.

Some of the key notions of Ricardo have influenced Marx. He had a more systematic analysis of the division of labor in the case of the theory that was proposed by Ricardo. The use value of the products was not considered, but the exchange value of the products was considered. Ricardo considered the value of the commodities as an exchange for the labor that was required to create the final deliverable (Pilling, 1972). Profit was created based on the amount of capital that was utilized. Ricardo states that there was only a limited supply of land and this would hinder development. There was a declining rate of products which stated that in the future it will only be decline. This is a rather grim view that was taken by Ricardo. There have been a number of issues that were raised by Ricardo against the capitalistic owners. This was a popular rhetoric that was used by the trade unions (Pilling, 1972). Marx used certain key concepts that were postulated by Ricardo for this theory.
To understand the theories that have been postulated by Marx, it is important to understand how he addressed the values of the objects. This has been explained in detail in the following.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




The satisfied workers help in building satisfied customers which ultimately improves the financial performance of the entire organization. The consequences of worker disengagement in the organization could be: Disengaged workers are care less about their jobs and try to exit at best and planning on minimal effort indefinitely at worse. These types of activities cause a severe damage to the quality of work performed by them. The disengaged workers have more absenteeism and create more turnovers within the organization (Welch, 2015). This will reduces the productivity level and hampers the smooth running operations of the organization and also downs the brand name of the organization in the market. The disengaged workers causes dissatisfaction and disruption within the organization. This would decrease the morale of other employees if the overall team’s level of engagement falters. The disengage workers also affects the customer services and the customer sense and respond to unhappy employees. This type of worse services provided to the customers by disengage workers bring down the brand loyalty. Thus, research of Bhuvanaiah, and Raya, (2015) can support my research because it involves the maximum literature covering the engagement factor and involves multiple interpretation possibilities which can work in varied organisational settings.

As the engaged workers are more beneficial for the organization, because they provide an excellent services to the customers and increases the productivity level of the organization. Today, many organizations are now trying a lot to retain and motivate their great talented employees in the organization, because these talented employees have a positive effect on the bottom line. In order to overcome with the employee disengagements, the organisation initiates with several recognition programs which helps in enhancing the job satisfactions among the employees at the workplace. Job satisfaction is been considered an important aspect which motivates an individual to work with this best efforts and also leads to the employee engagements within the business. These programs manage employees by keeping them engage at work. In addition to this, it has been observed that an engaged employee serves the organisation with great passion and feel an insightful connection with the enterprise. The employees drive innovation and creativity in their work and help the organisation to move towards the success.

綜上所述就是論文代寫-組織提高員工工作滿意度的項目內容,如果留學生論文不會寫怎么辦?在此推薦美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台機構的論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有碩士論文代寫、美國代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!



From these analyses, it is expected that the researcher can gain comprehensive view of different issues and the eventual solution that can be derived as a result of this paradigm. There is certain limitation in the case of case study. It can be eluded that there are subjective variables that dominate the construction of the scenario in each one of these cases. These create a cohesive system for the particular problem. To overcome these limitations the case studies were focused on specific time periods in different geographical locations.
It is also plausible for the researcher to develop a one-sided theory. Owing to this there must be efforts taken to collate all the information from different sources. These were the important factors that were considered in this schema.

This report is aimed at describing the importance of change management for organisation its motives and objectives, change management processes, how company can involve all the stakeholders for successful implantation of change management and the strategies that an organisation can adopt to implement the successful change. As an inception step, the overall dynamics of the Chinese companies have been detailed in the following.

China as a nation has vibrant culture and unique political ideology. The notions of free market in China have been embraced with a different ideology. There was a pragmatic approach that was undertaken by the Chinese companies to infuse the ideology of free market principles and the principles of their Marxists ideology. The companies have unique dynamics that suit the local culture to meet the global market demands.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


从本篇论文代写招聘-市场饱和是产品销售失败的原因来看,当供应商突然考虑提供大的销售和市场饱和时,就意味着市场被淹没,达到自然极限的点被称为创新饱和。然而,在饱和区,增长将是小作为起飞前的市场。因此,市场的洪水是库存启动销售的额外价值,导致不希望的下跌,按产品的价格,这进一步使产品不可能以特定的价格销售。商业组织必须采取具体的措施来避免相同的情况(Gillespie, 2013)。当为了消除竞争而故意进行市场泛滥时,可以称之为倾销。这一点在华纳兄弟因低质量的系统和产品而造成额外库存的案例中表现得很明显。这是由于其竞争对手低价授权商品销售,广泛的零售连锁店无法保持其对客户的吸引力和缺乏主要的电影来鼓励商品销售。接下来论文代写招聘-市场饱和是产品销售失败的原因分析如下:

However, in the area of saturation, the growth will be small as prior to taking off the market. Hence, the flood of market is the additional value of inventory initiated for sale causing an undesired fall as per the product price, which further makes the products impossible for sale at a specific price. Business organizations have to take specific measures for avoiding the same (Gillespie, 2013). When there is intentional flooding of market as an effort for eliminating competition, it can be referred as dumping. This was well evident in the case of Warner Bros causing extra inventory out of low quality systems and offers. This took place as the low prices licensed sales of the merchandise by its competitors, extensive retail chain that could not keep up its appeal to the customers and lack of major movie to encourage the merchandise sales. Therefore, the product saturation was the key cause behind the failure (Liu, 2013).

The theories selected for explaining the failure are the theory of natural limits and product life cycle theory. The theory of natural limits indicates that each product and service has a defined and natural level of consumption (Nilsson, 2016). This theory was developed by Osenton in the book namely The Death of Demand: Finding Growth in a Saturated Global Economy. The theory states that the natural consumption level of the product can be determined usually after two decades of the sales and marketing investment (Simon, 2014).

The point of reaching down to the natural limits is referred as innovation saturation. When the suppliers consider offering large sales and market saturation in an abrupt manner, it refers to flood the market. Growth in logistics is a growth element bounded for limiting saturation under the scope of logistic growth and imaginary market. In graphical terms, the blue curve will be depicting the establishment of market size. The red curve of this graph will be describing market growth as the initial derivative for volume in the market. In the graph, the yellow curve will be illustrating weighted growth in terms of market size (Marks and Mirvis, 2010).As for the growth in logistics, the yellow curve depicts the fact that even a large size in the market will be strengthening growth with the approach of saturation. The growth of logistics will never turn out to be negative.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!

美国论文代写-Elsie Elliott政治思想的重塑

本篇美国论文代写-Elsie Elliott政治思想的重塑分析中,Elsie Elliott的政治动机是什么?回顾她的一生,她似乎从未有过任何对政治权力的渴望。根据埃尔西·埃利奥特(Elsie Elliott)的自传,她在两个重要问题上做出了改变。第一个是不幸的童年;第二次是她的第一次婚姻。这两个问题都受到宗教的影响,也形成了她早期的左翼政治思想。从1954年到1962年,Elsie Elliott一直在寻找一个更好的学校教书。然而,无论是公共还是私人企业都需要腐败不同的政府部门,Elsie Elliott开始在不同的部门抱怨,试图改变这些非法活动。接下来有关美国论文代写-Elsie Elliott治思想的重塑具体分析如下,仅做为参考供同学们阅读。

Before talk about Elsie Elliot, there is an important question that we have to ask. What was the political motivation of Elsie Elliott? Looking back at her life, she seems that she never had any desirous of political power. According to Elsie Elliott’s autobiography, two important issues had been made her change. The first one was unhappy childhood; the second one was her first marriage. These two issues were influenced by the religious, and it is also form her early leftist political ideology.

Hong kind history is elucidated in order to explain about the various notions of the ideologies of Elliot. When she was a missionary, she had met several Chinese refugee in Nan Chang, China. However, Hong Kong was just a transition place of her next preach destination, but those of refugee smuggled to Hong Kong at the same time, they wanted William Elliott couple stay there for help, so they make the final decision stay in Hong Kong. In 1952, more than ten thousand refugees came to Hong Kong, and it made the living environment very difficult. Elliott’s couple used their shabby apartment as a clinic, and they helped people to cure not serious illness, such as skin diseases. They continued missionary work and try to persuade more people to believe in Jesus and go to church. However, they had an extremely hard time living in Hong Kong, each person had to earn six dollars per day, but people were able to earn only one to two dollars only, even the children had to work at home to survive.
After Elsie Elliott left her husband and the church, she was determined to help people and started teaching. She continued teaching the low income family’s children. She thought that knowledge can change the living conditions. From 1954 to 1962, Elsie Elliott was keeping to look for a better school place to teach. However, no matter public or private business were both needed to corrupt different government department. Elsie Elliott started to complaint in different department and tried to change these illegal activities. She also thought that this is very unfair for low income people who living in Hong Kong. During at those eight years, she tried different ways to solve the problem and insisted not to give “black money”. She realized that if the person who is powerless in the society, this is no power to help more people. Elsie Elliott became famous and low income people always go to ask her to solve problems, and she joined the Reform Club of Hong Kong at 1962.
Elsie Elliott realized that if people knew to find her, she would have a good reputation and she could use people’s support for fighting of the government progressively. She understood that United Kingdom is a democratic country and the country always needs to face international force of public opinion. She also used her “British identity” complained to United Kingdom’s government, it really could help both side to understand the real situation.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台机构的硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




Whenever an enterprise agreement is made, it is mandatory to have a consultation term. The Enterprise agreements are lodged with the Fair Work Commission. A clause must be included in model consultation term. This term is set out within the Fair Work Regulations 2009. The consultation must require the employees to be consulted about major changes in the workplace. This holds true if they have significant impact on the employees. In these cases, the parties involved can have representation of the employees. This is imperative.
If the company decides to terminate the employees, the employers must consult the union in cases of the dismissal of certain special circumstances. The consultation must be done within the union where the members are impacted. In cases where 15 or more employees are to be dismissed, the company must present clear evidence of economic, technological or similar reasons. It is important to ensure that they are adhered even in cases where the relevant union does not act (Forsyth and Stewart, 2009). The Fair Work Commission act sets out to ensure that the worker rights are protected in this case.
The consultation is required when the employees meet with significant changes, the method of consultation and the arriving of the final decision by the company.
This consultation of the business needs or priorities can be done by using mixed official communications. The use of team meetings, newsletters, emails is valid forms. Different efforts can be made to secure the opinion of the different employees. A consensus must be reached with the consultants. Based on this, the companies can ensure that they have consultation. The next important requirement for consultation is to ensure the occupational health and safety of the people
The employers need to be aware of the additional consultation duties with the employees regarding their health and welfare. The Fair Work commission mandates that good faith efforts must be created for the context of the negotiating terms of the enterprise agreement. The employees would require certain flexibility (Forsyth and Stewart, 2009).
In summary, the employers need to have consultation in cases of significant changes to the employees work conditions such as pay or working hours. In case of dismissal of more than 15 employees, occupational safety and individual flexibility arrangements. The context of good faith efforts and adhering to the important good faith efforts are mandatory in these cases. These consultations must be in accordance with the Fair Work act of 2009, modern award and the company polices. It is also important to ensure that there is consultation for enterprise agreement that is drawn between the employees. This can be done to ensure that there are state or territorial occupational health issues.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


論文代寫-MTB醫療保健公司的互聯網信息服務。互聯網被認為是傳播有關非醫療和醫療保健服務的信息的主要來源,這些信息由醫療保健領域的所有服務提供者提供。它可以被確定為確保產品直接到達客戶群體的最廉價和最有效的方法。為了宣傳的目的,MTB了解公司品牌的需要和意義。這包括利用最尖端和最新的在線營銷努力,如博客,新聞稿和谷歌廣告品牌的公司和其他組織網站在整個醫療旅遊行業。公司一直作為醫療旅遊機構與患者合作篩查病例的中心,將患者的每一個必要的醫療信息發送到醫院。在未來,代理商有責任在全國範圍內為醫療服務提供者做廣告並進行營銷,並進一步傳播基於口碑的服務可靠性和保證廣告(Yeoh et al., 2013)。公司致力於業務的蓬勃發展,同時根據業務的具體需求調整方法。提供教育的優質資源側重於在手術之前建立手術,而不是像詢問病人這樣的創收方式。

For the purpose of promotion, MTB understands the need and significance of company branding. This involves the utilization of the most edge cutting and latest online efforts of marketing like blogging, press releases and Google ads for branding the company and other organizational website in the entire industry of medical travelling (Acharyulu & Reddy, 2004). Progressive marketers of the company have a clear understanding about the achievement of success in marketing, with the possession of intricate knowledge related to the businesses, the offer of products, the thought process of marketer, and the associated relationships of the environment. With the scope of this knowledge, marketers have the ability of formulating strategies with productivity for the purpose of yielding the positive results of marketing (Awadzi & Panda, 2006). Instead of the utilization of various lines and boxes common in the charts of organization, the Organigraph utilizes a number of different shapes for the illustration of actual relationships existing outside and inside the organizations. This particular feature provides a great increment in the overall scope of detail for incorporation within the diagrams. For the purpose of its promotions, the company has been participating in conferences, seminars, exhibitions, trade fair, travel fairs and travel market. Further ahead, advertisements are placed across nations in travel magazines under the support of the government.
A number of informative materials like t-shirt, paper bags, video-cds, booklets, and brochures with logos had been utilized as well for creating awareness regarding the health care services available (Burkett, 2007). In addition, there has been a strong establishment of cooperation with the local medical schools, universities and institutes in other nations for the establishment of collaboration in training, exchanging knowledge and education. This is also crucial for the promotion of alternate services of health care.
Advertisement regarding non- medical and medical services in both international and local media are utilized by the providers of healthcare service. News, video, and articles in context with high quality, standardized medical services and treatments, issues of health, latest equipment of medical technology, availability of quality accreditation, awards and assurance are provided all across the website (Connell, 2006). This is even available for the sources of international media. These are crucial for the creation of awareness across the alternate available medical treatments along with the need of building a positive reputation under international standard and high quality of medical care across Australia.

中國留學生英語論文不會寫,可以找美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構,美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構有認真負責的寫手老師,可以解決中國留學生的論文寫作難題,保證論文原創,為留學生提供美國代寫、report代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,並使用與美國各大高校同樣權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺分享的所有論文範文,未經轉載,不得私自轉發或專用,如有發現,我們網站平臺將會追責一切法律責任,望留學生們諒解!


论文代写推荐-公司对消费者的微观和宏观的分析因素。现代企业需要不断改造自己,以满足不断变化的消费者需求和外部事件。通过对公司的宏观和微观分析,了解情况的动态(col卑鄙,2016)。从这一点上,公司可以定期评估所需要的变更的方向和范围。通过使用系统的分析工具,如杵和SWOT,公司可以了解微观和宏观的分析因素是必要的。这些工具提供了一个简单易用的方法来使用框架来分析各种问题。它们有助于确定政策的弱点,并在跨职能技能和专门知识方面提供帮助。它们有助于识别冗余(Gillen, Huschelrath and Niemeier, 2016)。它们还提供了一种机制,使本组织能够利用和确定正在出现的趋势。

Companies in the modern era need to continually reinvent themselves to meet the changing consumer needs and the external events. The macro and the micro analysis of the companies are done to understand the dynamics of the situation (Colvile, 2016). From this the company can periodically evaluate the direction and the scope of change that is required. By using a systematic analysis tools such as PESTLE and SWOT the companies can understand the micro and the macro analysis factors that are required. These tools provide a simple and an easy way to use framework for the analysis of the various issues. They help in identifying the vulnerabilities of the policy and aid in the cross functional skills and expertise. They aid in identification of the redundancy (Gillen, Hüschelrath and Niemeier, 2016). They also provide a mechanism to enable the organization to exploit and identify the emerging trends. PESTLE analysis in particular helps organization to enter into newer markets and establish itself. Purpose of this analysis is to understand the areas of growth and potential of Air New Zealand Company. To understand the use of established macro scope and the internal factors, the case study has been used for this analysis.
Context and Issues
Air New Zealand company is the national airlines of New Zealand. They are headquartered in Auckland and the airlines operate in 16 countries and in the United Kingdom. They are the member of the Star alliance group (Duval, 2016). The company was originally formed in 1940. The air route of the company focuses on Australia and the South Pacific rim. The company has also been awarded numerous accolades for their safety protocols. The company has managed to garner positive brand image and is well known across the spectrum. They have a loyal consumer patronage and this has enabled the sustenance of the company. However, the financial insecurities, changing consumer requirements and rise in the supplies need to be addressed using innovative newer measures. These have been probed systematically in the following.

New Zealand is a young cosmopolitan country. The people prefer to live in urban areas. Hence the needs of the younger people are bound to change with age. The company needs to have innovation and effective change management to address the future requirements.
They should be able to have multiple portals to make payments.
The company should focus on developing its brand image in other emerging nations and creation of more routes (Graham, 2013).
It needs to form strategic alliances with the competitors in order to leverage performance.
There should be more innovative development that the company should undertake to address the rising fuel costs and the pollution.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



My second successful experience is relevant to grasping the historical opportunity of Smart City Construction to propel our business in India. With the advent of the Internet and the rapid development of the Internet of Things and large-DATA technology, Governments in all countries established the Smart City building plan. Smart City can significantly improve the urban management and operational efficiency, reduce operating costs, achieve the sustainable development of cities and has far-reaching significance. Because of our previous efforts in expanding India market, one large family business in India, namely the Mittal Company took an initial visit to us in July 2015, presented to us the India government’s ambitious plan of building 100 smarter cities, and enthusiastically invited our company to participate in the urban development construction work of several India’s major cities. Access to this important information, we immediately conducted an in-depth assessment with the home office colleagues. Based on this decision, we took a series of actions, during which I, as the Indian market developers, participate actively in all the aspects of the project, including the preliminary assessment of the project, looking for domestic town planning institutes, participating in the preparation of cooperation intent, paying a visit to India to investigate the Smart City Market. In 2015, in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of India’s Smart City Market, we participated in various seminars in India, and actively communicate with the local government. In one of the Seminars, most attendees were basically India local companies. We were the only one foreign company. At the meeting of the seminar, participating enterprises need to express their views, and until at the end of the meeting, my leadership didn’t make any responses. I bravely stood up at this time, raised a question to the speaker and stated my own opinion. Obviously, this move aroused the concern of the participants. At the end of the meeting, some experts specially came to communicate with us about China’s intentions. My leader was very satisfied with the effect of participating this meeting. I had also presented and enhanced my own creative problem-solving capacity.
Another experience is related to focus on market segments in establishing the new overseas study enterprises. In recent years, there are an increasing number of Chinese students going abroad to study. According to the Open Doors Report published by the Association of International Education (IIE), by 2015, up to 300 thousand Chinese students went to study in the United States, of whom nearly 200 thousand people were the undergraduates. In 2015, I came to know that my friends were innovating the overseas study business. As one of the former students once studying overseas, I felt the great value of this innovation model for the students and the parents and therefore join decisively the entrepreneurial team.
Then, after joining the team, I took advantage of my own experience of studying abroad and optimized the original services system. In order to bridge the existing defects of Study Abroad Agent services, I led the team to conduct customer questionnaires and situation simulation, and designed a 7*24 full service system, including the five services systems, namely the learning guidance, university guide, life care, extra-curricular life design, parents process communication. As a result, through innovation and considerate service mode, we created a study in service industries and quickly open the situation. Currently, the Company has already begun to set up branches in several major cities of China and the United States, and has established strategic partnerships with a number of international schools. In 2016, the revenue is expected to reach 10 million Yuan RMB, and plans to introduce risk investment.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!


美国代写论文-政党认同的发展形势。政党认同正在改变形势,帮助人民作出与投票有关的适当决定。对人民来说,重要的是他们应该在选择和确定当事方方面作出明智的决定。人们应该明白,他们应该选择一个支持社会整体发展的政党,应该努力利用一切设施,并支持它们,使可持续发展能够应用于社会。目前,人们已经认识到,他们应该选择能够帮助他们实现可持续发展的政党(Dalton, 2014)。人民群众认识到自己在党的建设中所起的作用,认识到自己应该怎样用自己的选票来管理人民。

At the present time, people have developed the understanding that they should choose the political parties which can help them in sustainability (Dalton, 2014). People have understood what role they play in party identification and how they should use their vote to manage the people. It is required that these factors should be taken into consideration while choosing political parties and these factors are selecting the parties which will help in managing the work and will ensure to provide the support system with the help to the people (Carlson, Chavez, Miramontes, Olivares & Onsurez, 2014). People have started thinking about the society in which they are living rather than thinking about self. An understanding is being developed that the people will have to move with the society and work for them. Hence, they prefer to vote the party which will help the society to grow and develop.
Values keep on changing and so the things are changing with the change in time and values of the people. People are considering values, behaviours and psychology of the parties which will work for the organization (Blackstone, 2014). Determination of the parties is done on the basis of both materialist as well as post materialist aspects. It is undertaken that the things are changing as in past time, people were prefer being given the money to vote and on the basis of the money given to them, the parties were selected by them (Elgie et al., 2017).
Time changed and now people are not depending on the money which is given to them. Now the things are changing and so the psychology of the people, as people are identifying the political parties on the basis of the work done by them rather than the money given to them for voting. Nowadays, people vote on their own will rather than the money provided to them for the voting purpose (Bartle & Bellucci, 2008).
Concept of party identification is one of the most effective concepts which could be used in the present time for the identification of the voting behaviour of the people in the country. Party identification helps in understanding the sequence of the people for making voting decision (Bakker, Hopmann & Persson, 2014). It helps in understanding what factors are taken into consideration by the people so as to identify the parties. Understanding the behaviour of people helps in initiating how help and proper support could be provided to the people so as to initiate the work and how they could be provided better and effective set of help. Parties could make the decision of attracting the people towards voting and can influence them to take a stand to select the right party which could work for them and provide relevant set of support to grow and develop in the competitive market (Heffernan et al., 2016).
Party identification is the reliable method which ensures to provide a support system to the people available in the market. It is necessary that proper measures should be applied by the parties so as to ensure that the people should undertake all the aspects of voting into consideration and support the management to vote (Adler, 2012).

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