标签存档: 美国论文代写





The industrial revolution started in the 18th century and it started first in the British region. After starting in the British region slowly, it has spread in European countries as well. On the 18th century, all the countries of Europe were focusing on industrial production rather than agricultural production. The electricity, cotton gain and other investors have changed the European society and Great Britain helped all the European countries a lot in this case. Cotton production was increasing on that time and therefore the overall the overall textile industry were growing. This was the main reason behind the industrial revolution.

The industrial revolution in Europe has started in Britain in the 18th century and the revolution spread throughout the world. The overall industry revolution mainly started with the textile industry. The overall industrial revolution in Europe did not happen in a day and it took time to spread. Europe has witnessed many opportunities on that time and this was the main reason behind the industrial revolution on that time. Many creative inventors were there and they played major role behind the success of the textile industry. Apart from this, the productive nature of Europe is the other thing that helped Britain to bring industrial revolution easily in the textile industry. The spinning frames were mainly created on the British island and after it have created on different places. As per Stearns, France was the major competitors of the Great Britain. Both Britain and France were successful on that time (2018, p.89). The supply of the cotton was increasing rapidly because of the rapid production and both Great Britain and France both were getting benefits because of this easily. Therefore, they were focusing more on the clothing production and thus these countries began to switch their investment from agrarian section to the industrial production. According to Inglehart, apart from this, Belgium was focusing on the industrial production because of the rapid production of the cottons and they were importing cottons from Britain for enhancing their textile industry (2018, p.12). In addition, this was one of the main reasons behind the industrial revolution in Belgium.

Spain, Greece and other Balkan countries were focusing on industrial production and they were getting help from the other European countries. Thus, they were improving. Germany has many small states and at the beginning, they were facing difficulties to transfer import cottons from one place to another. Hence, the industrial development of this country is slow compare to the other European countries. However, Netherland has little natural resources and they were facing difficulties to develop heavy industry throughout the country. Henceforth, they were focusing more on the agrarian products compare to the industrial businesses. Nevertheless, still they were getting help from the other European countries and this helped to develop their industrial production rapidly. Great Britain had many opportunities on that time and they helped other European countries. This was the main reason behind the happening of industrial revolution in Europe.



美国代写论文:海洋奇缘冒险电影。海洋奇缘是一部3D动画音乐冒险电影,由华特迪士尼动画工作室制作。第56部迪士尼动画电影由约翰·穆斯克和罗恩·克莱门茨执导,克里斯·威廉姆斯和唐·霍尔联合执导(Anjirbag, 2018)。电影围绕着主角莫阿娜展开,她是波利尼西亚村长意志坚强、自由奔放的女儿;她被海洋选中去寻找传说中的半神毛伊,并重新团结女神特菲提的心来拯救她的人民。接下来美国代写论文专家将对海洋奇缘冒险电影进行以下分析。



精神分析理论形成了人格组织的基础,并给出了人格发展的动力(Fine, 2011)。根据西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的说法,儿童时期的事件有重要作用,从而影响成年时期的心理功能(Barker, 2012)。虽然莫阿娜的村民都是流浪者,但她的父亲在航行到珊瑚礁外时失去了童年的朋友,从此便驱逐了船只。即使在没有鱼吃或者村子陷入困境的时候,他也对在开阔的海洋中航行感到偏执。这是他朋友死亡的结果,也影响了他的存在,因此,尽管他们有设备和技术航行到海洋和捕鱼,他限制了自己和他的村民(卡纳曼和特沃斯基,2000年)。毛伊在襁褓中也被父母遗弃,后来众神将他抚养长大,赋予了他力量。失去或压抑的欲望往往会影响人工制品的创造,并对由此激活的精神驱动有一个解释(Dhar & Chakravarti, 2014)。为了有一种归属感,被人类所接受,他偷走了心,给了人类创造的权利,结果女神的愤怒落在了他身上。这种渴望被接受的渴望是他在童年时遭到遗弃的结果,他想通过他的行为在人民中建立自己的存在感。

女性气质主要是一种身体属性,从早期的物化转变为主体化;重点延伸到个人主义、赋权和选择。从很小的时候起,莫阿娜就感受到了成为下一任村长的压力;她从小就受到教育,从小就把人民的幸福放在第一位,而不是自己的安全。从很小的时候起,她的祖母就知道她是特别的,因为大海选择和她一起玩。丽萨·艾略特解释说,婴儿时期的微小差异会导致成年时期的显著差异。莫阿娜的保护本能不仅限于她的族人,甚至包括其他生物;例如,她救了一只小乌龟的生命,在她几乎不知道如何走路的年龄。这种保护本性对她来说是自然的,然而,她作为酋长的女儿和未来的酋长被抚养长大,尽管她渴望探索海洋,自由地过她的生活(艾略特,2012)。这让她走出了珊瑚礁,虽然她的船倾覆了,她确实尝到了冒险的滋味,这鼓励她去寻找毛伊岛在她的祖母的鼓励(Santana, 2016)。虽然这也证明了精神分析理论的应用,但也有一个潜在的女性主义理论的暗示;女性被期望以某种方式表现,首领的话是最终的,虽然他的母亲有更多的知识,但不能期望女孩找到问题的解决方案(hook, 2000)。通常,女性气质与被动、情感、美丽、私人领域和女性作为性对象联系在一起。然而,女性主义理论研究了男性和女性的社会角色、他们的兴趣、经历、家务以及女权主义政治,重点分析了性别不平等(Basu & McGrory, 1995)。虽然莫阿娜的父亲并不怀疑她的能力,但起初,她被毛伊看不起。Baron-Cohen认为,女性的大脑天生就会获得同情,而男性的大脑天生就会理解和构建系统(Baron-Cohen, 2012)。在他们短暂的相遇中,拥有毛伊魔法鱼钩的贪婪螃蟹塔玛托也物化了毛伊,这证明了尽管毛伊的行为很伟大,但归根结底她“只是一个小女孩”。

The selected object is significant to the study because of the contrasting natures of the two main characters. While Moana is a kindred being, she cares about the people, she is a wanderer at heart yet the responsibilities towards her village and the people expect her to behave in a certain way. On the other hand, Maui, a demi – god, is a megalomaniac; his high opinion of his achievements, his self – boasting and his opinion that he is the hero of men and women is actually a farce to cover up his insecurities. Firstly he was abandoned as a child and the Gods raised him and secondly, the isolation he felt after he stole the heart of Te – Fiti gives him an almost childlike demeanour.

The movie highlights the fact that though a demi – god, a self – proclaimed saviour of the human race had stolen the heart of Te – Fiti and brought a curse on the land, it was a village girl who broke all norms and restored things back to normal against all adversities. Moana braves the seas, fights pirates, help Maui retrieve his magical fish hook while Maui had waited for years on a deserted island after being ousted; the idea of a mortal girl being the hero of a movie while a celestial plays safe breaks all norms that are generally viewed in movies.

Psychoanalytic Theory forms the base for personality organisation and gives the dynamics of development of the personality (Fine, 2011). According to Sigmund Freud, childhood events have a significant role to play thus influencing the mental function during adulthood (Barker, 2012). Though Moana’s villagers were wanderers, her father had banished boats and ships after he lost his childhood friend while sailing beyond the reef. He was paranoid about sailing in the open ocean even when there were no fish to eat or the village was in trouble. This was a result of the effect of his friend’s death and the same had influenced his existence so that though they had the equipment and the skill to sail to the ocean and catch fish, he restricted himself and his villagers (Kahneman & Tversky, 2000). Maui too had been abandoned by his parents as a baby when the Gods raised him thus giving him powers. Lost or repressed desires tend to influence the creation of artefacts and have an explanation for the mental drives thus activated (Dhar & Chakravarti, 2014). In order to have a sense of belonging and be accepted among humans, he stole the heart to give to the people the right to create, as a result of which the wrath of the goddess fell on him. This yearning to be accepted was a result of the abandonment he had faced during childhood and through his deeds he wanted to establish his presence among the people.

Femininity is mostly a bodily property where a shift occurs towards subjectification from what was earlier objectification; there is a focus extended on individualism, empowerment and choice. Moana since a very young age had felt the pressure of being the next village chief; she was tuned and brought up in such a way that from a very young age she always put the well – being of the people first rather than her own safety. Since a very young age her grandmother knew she is special when the ocean selected to play with her. It has been explained by Lisa Eliot that little differences during infancy result in notable difference during adulthood. Moana’s protective instinct was not only restricted towards her people but even other beings; for example she saved the life of a baby turtle at an age when she barely knew how to walk. This protective nature was natural to her, however, she had been brought up as the chief’s daughter and the future chief though she longed to explore the ocean and lead her life freely (Eliot, 2012). This made her go beyond the reef though her boat got capsized, she did get a taste of adventure which dared her to go look for Maui with encouragement from her grandmother (Santana, 2016). While this demonstrates the application of the psychoanalytic theory as well, there is an underlying hint of the Feminist Theory; women are expected to behave in a certain way, the word of the chief is final though his mother has more knowledge, it cannot be expected of a girl to find a solution for the problems (Hooks, 2000). Commonly, femininity is associated with passiveness, emotions, beauty, private sphere and women being sexual objects. However, the Feminist Theory examines the social roles of men and women, their interests, experiences, chores and also feminist politics with focus on the analysis of gender inequality (Basu & McGrory, 1995). While Moana’s father does not doubt her abilities, initially, she is looked down upon by Maui. It has been argued by Baron – Cohen that the female brain is hard wired to gain sympathy while the male brain is tuned to understand and build systems (Baron-Cohen, 2012). The greedy crab Tamatoa who had Maui’s magical fishhook too objectifies her during their brief encounter which proves that though her deeds were great, she was ‘just a little girl’ at the end of the day.




对文献的批判性评论强调,饮食障碍可能出现在生命的任何阶段,但它更有可能出现在个体的青少年到青年成年阶段,无论其性别(Lavagnino et al., 2016)。研究发现,饮食失调与抑郁症、焦虑症和药物滥用等其他疾病密切相关。

对饮食失调潜在原因的文献的深入分析表明,虽然不可能找到精确的具体因素,但心理、生物和环境因素的结合导致了饮食失调的发展(Mehler和Brown, 2015)。研究发现,生物学原因包括营养缺乏、激素紊乱和遗传或遗传性饮食障碍(Lock and Le Grange, 2015)。心理原因与自我感知有关(Rohde et al., 2015)。研究发现,自卑和消极的身体形象会使个体在极端程度上停止或开始进食,从而导致进食障碍的出现。

研究进一步表明,由于需要减肥或增重,家庭功能失调的本质会导致饮食障碍的出现(Sahoo et al., 2015)。此外,在很多职业中,如模特、芭蕾舞和演员,将体重减到极致成为个人的职业要求(Brownell和Walsh, 2017)。关于饮食失调原因的文献进一步表明,不仅是需要瘦人身材的职业导致了特定行业专业人员的饮食失调,而且也有美学运动强调运动员需要达到瘦人身材以达到最佳表现(Westmoreland等人,2016)。因此,长跑、体操、跳水、划船、瑜伽等运动项目的运动员都需要保持审美上的苗条身材,以符合行业的期望。


因此,从对饮食障碍背后原因的批判性分析中发现,饮食障碍的广泛的生物、心理、环境、职业和家庭相关因素导致了饮食障碍,这些因素在亲密社会成员的批评基础上指导了饮食障碍的性质,如极端体重减轻或极端体重增加(Lavagnino et al., 2016)。在引起或帮助饮食失调方面可以影响个人的社会成员包括教育工作者、朋友、同事和家庭成员。因此,社会对个人体形或体重的批评结合在一起,导致了饮食障碍的出现。

Eating disorders are often described by the researchers as illnesses which are characterized by the irregularities in the eating habits and behaviour of the individual accompanied with the severe concern about the shape or weight of body (Brownell and Walsh, 2017). It becomes essential to consider for this essay that eating disorders can range from inadequate to excessive consumption of food which negatively impacts the wellbeing of an individual in both cases. The eating disorders can range from Anorexia and Bulimia to Binge Eating Disorder (Culbert et al., 2015). Therefore, the thesis statement of this essay lies in analysing the potential causes and effects of the eating disorders on the eating behaviours of a person.

The critical review of literature highlighted that the eating disorders can emerge at any point of life but it is more likely to emerge in the teen to young adulthood life stage of the individuals regardless of their genders (Lavagnino et al., 2016). The research has identified that the eating disorders are critically linked with the other conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders and substance abuse.

The in-depth analysis of the literature on the potential causes of eating disorders has indicated that while the pinpoint specific factors are not possible, the combination of psychological, biological and environmental factors result in the development of eating disorders (Mehler and Brown, 2015). It was found that the biological causes range from the nutritional deficiencies, irregularities in the hormones and genetic or hereditary eating disorders (Lock and Le Grange, 2015). The psychological causes are linked with the self-perception (Rohde et al., 2015). It is found that poor self-esteem and negative body image can make the individuals to either stop or start eating at extreme levels which result in the eating disorders to emerge.

The research has further indicated that the dysfunctional nature of the family can cause the eating disorders to emerge due to the need to either weight loss or gain (Sahoo et al., 2015). Furthermore, there is wide range of professions such as modelling, ballet and acting wherein losing weight to the extreme levels becomes a career requirement for the individual (Brownell and Walsh, 2017). The literature on the causes of eating disorders has further informed that not only professions that need people with lean body causes the eating disorders among the professionals of the given industry but also there are aesthetic sports which place emphasis on the need to achieve lean body for athlete to achieve optimal performance (Westmoreland et al., 2016). Therefore, the athletes involved in the long distance running, gymnastics, diving, rowing and yoga are required to maintain aesthetically lean body in order to comply with the industry expectations.

Moreover, the history of severe trauma, childhood physical and sexual abuse along with domestic violence has contributed to the emergence of eating disorders among the individuals during either childhood or young adulthood stage of life (Culbert et al., 2015). The research further suggested that stress and peer pressure from the co-workers and friends towards the body image of an individual contributes as a cause behind eating disorders.

Therefore, it has been identified from the critical analysis of the causes behind eating disorders that the wide range of biological, psychological, environment, career and family related factors causes the eating disorders which direct the nature of the eating disorder such as extreme weight loss or extreme weight gain on the basis of the criticism given by the close social members (Lavagnino et al., 2016). The members of society that can influence individual in terms of causing or assisting with eating disorders comprise of educators, friends, co-workers and family members. Hence, combination of the criticism about body shape or weight received by an individual from society causes the eating disorders to emerge.




经鉴定,热带地区的土壤通常养分流失。该地区的高温、频繁发生的强降雨和侵蚀也影响了土壤的质量。高温导致土壤中盐的更多积累(Barrow 1987)。由于这些问题,即使气候条件有利于生产,温带土壤更适合高产。正如盖洛普(Gallup)和萨克斯(Sachs)(2000)所说,“热带和温带地区农业生产力的差异甚至比收入水平的差异更大”(第731页)。更高的营养价值也增加了土壤的质量。一些热带地区确实有火山和冲积土支持更好的生产,但该地区的特殊性阻碍了大规模生产计划。土壤问题也因为这些地区的害虫和杂草泛滥而产生。热带地区通常同时是温暖和潮湿的,并以季节性降雨为特征。因此,害虫和杂草的存在阻碍了生长。热带地区每天的阳光也根据一年中的不同时间而变化。农业生产需要一定量的太阳辐射。这对植物生长至关重要。云量的限制威胁着热带地区的生产。






It is identified that soil in the tropical regions are usually leached of nutrients. High temperature in the region, and intense rainfall and erosions that happen on a frequent basis also hampers the quality of the soil. High temperatures lead to the more accumulation of salt in the soil (Barrow 1987). Because of these issues, even if climatic conditions are favorable for production, temperate soils are better suited for high productions. As Gallup and Sachs (2000) argue, “The disparity in agricultural productivity between the tropics and the temperate zones is even greater than the disparity in income level” (p. 731). Higher nutrient values also add to the quality of the soil. Some tropical regions do have volcanic and alluvial soil supporting better production, but the specificity of the region deters large scale production initiatives. Soil issues also arise because of how these regions are infested with pests and weeds. The tropical region is typically warm and moist at the same time and is characterized by seasonal rainfalls. The presence of pests and weeds hence deters growth. Tropics also have variable sunshine per day based on the time of the year. Agricultural production required a certain amount of solar radiation. This is critical for plant growth. Limitations in the form of cloudiness threaten production in the tropics.

In addition to the existing challenges, more challenges will be introduced in the tropic regions in future. Rosenzweig and Liverman (1992) present the below expected changes and threats for the tropical regions that could further challenge their economy.

The changing nature of temperature makes plants mature faster. This shortens their growing stage and in future the yield in the tropics could go down. Pods, seeds and grains need more time to absorb energy through photosynthesis, however higher temperatures could disrupt this. Both the mean and extreme temperatures could be drastic.

Mean global precipitation is expected everywhere, but in the tropics this distribution will not be uniform. Convectional rainfall will also increase and retain much moisture in the air. High humidity can lead to disease infestation for some crops and could contribute to moisture stress for crops.

Physiological effects in the form of increasing CO2 will create a fertilizing effect on the plant. Increased Co2 leads to increased levels of photosynthesis. First, a beneficial boost will be seen at 440ppm for crops, but over time, the Co2 concentration can trigger fertilization effects to go beyond 2000 ppm and this could be harmful for the plants.

Climate change is already having an effect of soils, as it leads to accelerate decay of the soil organic matter.



美国论文代写:学生对翻转课堂的认知。学生对翻转课堂方法的感知从积极合作到热情兴趣,其次是对在课程作业中使用媒体感到兴奋(皮尔斯和福克斯,2012)。或许还有一种担忧,这种担忧可能与这样一个事实有关,教育者愿意在学生身上承担更多的责任,并且教育者不愿意以尽可能直接的方式教授足够的内容(Bennett, 2012)。接下来美国论文代写专家将以某高中的个案研究为例,努力提供一些与学习反馈有关的例子,以说明翻转课堂的优点

与案例研究类似,Brint和Marcey(2012)尝试比较期末考试的成就感,考虑到同一所高中生物入门课程的两个主要部分。在两个部分中,一个部分的班级被翻转,而另一个班级遵循传统的授课方法(Bergmann和Sams, 2012)。然而,当近75%的传统授课方式的学生能够发现与翻转课程相关的论坛和内容视频,并开始使用它们时,该研究出现了部分混乱(Roehl et al., 2013)。据他们报道,当学生了解到有一个翻转的另一个班级,他们决定创建自己的翻转课堂没有教育工作者的指导(Berrett, 2012)。学生没有问过这个问题,在学习概念中加入在线元素也没有潜在的压力,但他们自己做出了翻转课程的选择。在这两个部分,学生开始一起学习,更频繁地参与视频相关的讨论,甚至在上课时间之后(Bishop和Verleger, 2013)。翻转课堂的学生表示他们参与了课堂讨论,传统课堂的学生也提出了问题。之后对分配传统课程的学生进行了调查,据报道,当他们从基于课堂的传统讲座中获得学习时,他们能够将学习添加到日常学习习惯中(Bozalek, 2013)。他们表示,该方法是有效的和有趣的研究。更重要的是,与过去的学期相比,两个与课程相关的部分在考试中都有更高的成就感。

除此之外,随着传统课程的学生开始观看基于视频的课程(Burch, 2013),学习翻转课程的学生和学习传统课程的学生之间的学习结果差异似乎有了显著的消失。数据显示,在期中考试之前,学生的成就感似乎存在潜在的差距。然而,在学生开始观看视频讲座后,两个班级的成就感与期末考试有一些相似之处,并且与前几个学期相比更高(Burk, 2011)。其中包括那些使用传统学习方法上课的学生。在总结主要发现时,我们发现参加这两门课程的学生更喜欢翻转课堂,而不是传统的授课方式,即使没有来自教育工作者的任何压力来改变学习习惯。除此之外,两门课程下的学生在考试中取得了相似的成绩(Cacciamani, 2011)。然而,有人指出,在课后学习的日常小组中在同伴支持下的学习可能有助于弥补这种缺憾。在另一项关注与翻转课堂相关的学生观点的研究中,伊利诺伊州拜伦高中的富尔顿(2012)采访了在翻转课堂学习的学生(萨德勒,2010)。据学生报告,他们感谢他们在课堂上从教师那里获得的额外支持,他们也喜欢在课堂上工作,喜欢自己的速度,喜欢在课堂讨论中做出关键贡献,而不是只听一节课(Camel, 2011)。这让他们觉得自己比其他采用传统教学方法的班级学得更好。当翻转课堂涉及到教师拍摄视频时,学生也表现出偏好,因为学生也表现出愿意在家里观看视频(Code和Zaparyniuk, 2009)。

The perceptions of student related to flipped class approach range from active collaboration to enthusiastic interest, followed by excitement to include media within the course work (Pierce & Fox, 2012). There might also be a sense of concern. This concern might be related to the fact that educator is willing to outweigh responsibilities on the student and the educator is not willing to teach sufficient content in a direct manner as possible (Bennett, 2012).

Similar to the case study, attempts have been put in by Brint and Marcey (2012) for comparing the sense of achievement in terms of final exams considering two main sections at the same high school for an introductory course in biology. Out of the two sections, the class of one section was flipped, while the other class followed the traditional approach of lecturing (Bergmann and Sams, 2012). However, the research had been confounded partially when almost 75 per cent of the students in the traditional approach of lecturing were able to discover the forum and content videos related to flipped course, and started to use them (Roehl et al., 2013). It had been reported by them that when it was learnt by the students which there has been a flipping of the other class, they took the decision of creating their own flipped classroom without the guidance of the educator (Berrett, 2012). This had not been asked by the student and there had been no underlying pressure for adding an online element to the concept of learning, but they made the choice of flipping their course by themselves. In both the sections, students started to study together and were involved in video related discussions more often, even after the time of the class (Bishop and Verleger, 2013). The students from the flipped class stated that they were involved in in-class discussion, and questions had been asked by students who attended the class of traditional approach. Students assigned with the traditional course had been surveyed later and it was reported that when they obtained learning from class based traditional lectures, they were able to add their learning as daily habits of studying (Bozalek, 2013). According to them, the method was efficient and interesting for studying. What’s more, in comparison with past semesters, both the sections related to the course were known to have higher sense of achievement in the exams.

In addition to this, there seemed to be a noteworthy disappearance underlying the differences in the outcomes of learning between the student of the flipped course and the traditional lecture, as the students from the traditional class started watching the video based lectures (Burch, 2013). It had been shown by the data that there appeared to be an underlying gap in the sense of achievement before the mid- session exams. However, after the students started watching the video lecture, the sense of achievement in both the classes had some similarity with the final exams, and was higher in comparison with prior semesters (Burk, 2011). These included students who attended the class that used traditional method of learning. In summarizing the key findings, it was found that students attending both the courses showed preference in the flipped class rather than traditional approach of lecture, even in the absence of any pressure from the educator in changing the habits of studying. In addition to this, students under the two courses had similar achievement on exams (Cacciamani, 2011). However, it had been noted that the learning under peer support within the daily groups involving after class-study might have helped in making up for such absence. In another research that focused on the perspectives of students related to flipped class, the students studying in flipped classes were interviewed by Fulton (2012) in Illinois at Byron High School (Sadler, 2010). It had been reported by the students that they appreciated the additional support they obtained from the educator in class and they also liked working on the lessons, preferring their own speed, and preferring to make key contribution in discussions of the class instead of just listening to a lesson (Camel, 2011). This gave them the feeling that they were successful in learning better in comparison to other classes following the traditional approach. Students also showed preference in the approach of flipped class when it involved filming of videos by the teachers as the students showed willingness in watching the video at home as well (Code and Zaparyniuk, 2009).



论文代写:毕加索作品中的立体主义。立体主义是20世纪早期的一种艺术运动,当时的艺术家通过让空间围绕物体的表征流动,采用了一种更开放的事物可视化形式(the art Story, 2017)。这是一场从文艺复兴时期以来一直占主导地位的艺术视角风格的运动。从不同角度描绘的物体构成了立体主义的主要方面。毕加索是立体主义的共同创造者之一,论文代写将对毕加索作品中的立体主义进行以下分析。

巴勃罗·毕加索1881年出生于西班牙。他作为艺术家在西班牙生活,后来在法国生活,创作了两万多幅油画、素描和雕塑。他的艺术作品包含了广泛的风格,他是为数不多的艺术家之一,设法有一个全面的记录他的艺术作品和发展(PabloPicasso, 2009)。他的艺术生涯开始于他年轻时的现实主义手法和艺术作品的象征主义影响。后来在法国,他把现代主义融入到他的艺术作品中,在一个饥饿的艺术家的岁月里,他发展了单色的阴郁绘画。他的一些作品,如《生活》,描绘了他当时对生活的悲观看法。这个时期被称为蓝色时期,从1901年到1904年(PabloPicasso, 2009)。后来在玫瑰时期(1904-1906),他创作了更加欢快的艺术作品。他在作品中使用了橙色和粉色的色调,《格特鲁德·斯坦因的肖像》就是这一时期的代表作之一。在1907-1909年的后期,毕加索探索了艺术家保罗·塞尚的成就,并通过他了解了对人体的程式化处理。这被称为非洲时期。

非洲的影响是毕加索走向立体主义的原因。在受到对人物的风格化处理的启发后,毕加索创作了《阿维尼翁的少女》。这幅画是关于五个裸体女人的。这些人物以扁平的分裂方式组成,面部看起来像是非洲面具和伊比利亚面具文化的混合。女性的身体以一种扭曲的方式呈现,它的形状也是几何的(Foster et al., 2012)。传统艺术的形式和表现在这里完全被抛弃了。在这幅画中可以看到一种原始主义,视角被换成了二维平面。这被认为是一件非常创新的艺术作品,毕加索自己也觉得这把他从更经典的技术中解放出来,他在法国工作时受到了影响。这些绘画形式后来成为立体派的趋势。

立体派早期的许多艺术作品都探索了类似的风格:尖锐的人物和物体,在一端与背景混合,在另一端显示出投影的表面。立体主义者的工作角度和对象与风格化的人在上下文。现代世界的空间、运动和时间都在变化,其影响在立体主义中被观察到。抽象、简化和风格化的人体表征曾给毕加索带来灵感,也启发了立体派(Cooper, 1971)。

毕加索对立体主义的直接影响来自于1907年他在《阿维尼翁的少女》中的作品。这部作品对人体进行彻底扭曲的风格与经典手法形成了鲜明对比(Chave, 1994)。碎片化、几何平面、柔和的色彩等被认为影响了布拉克等艺术家。布拉克受到毕加索作品的启发,他在20世纪初创作了山水画,直接受到毕加索作品的影响。埃斯塔克的房子以柔和的立方体形式呈现树木和山脉,被法国评论家路易斯·沃克斯塞尔称为“奇异的立方体”。十九世纪的毕加索对立体主义的影响是多方面的。古代和部落艺术形式挑战了文艺复兴艺术的传统(Galenson & Weinberg, 2001)。在立体主义的第二种形式合成立体主义中,色彩变得很重要。没有绘画的物体和有颜色的物体被做成了拼贴画。毕加索给主流绘画手法注入了激进而富有挑战性的思想,开创了立体主义的新趋势。

Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in the year 1881. He lived his life as an artist in Spain and later in France and has created more than 20,000 paintings, drawings and sculptures. His art works encompassed a wide range of styles and he is only one of very few artists that had managed to have a comprehensive record of his art work and developments (PabloPicasso, 2009). He started his art with the realism technique and the symbolist influences of artwork in his young age. Later in France, he incorporated modernism in his art works and in the years of a starving artist, he developed sombre paintings in monochromatic shades. Some of his works like La Vie portray the gloomy outlook he had on life at that time. This time period is called the Blue period, lasting from 1901-1904 (PabloPicasso, 2009). Later in the Rose Period (1904-1906) he developed art works that were more cheerful. He made use of orange and pink hues in his work, and the Portrait of Gertrude Stein is one of the exemplars of this time. In the later years from 1907-1909, Picasso explored the achievements of artist Paul Cezanne and through him came to understand stylized treatments of the human body. This is called the African period.

African influence was what led Picasso to Cubism. After getting inspired by the stylized treatments of the human figure, Picasso created the Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. The painting was about five naked women. The figures were composed in a flat splintered way and the faces appeared like a mix of African masks and Iberian masks culture. The female body is presented in a distorted way, and it was geometric in its shape as well (Foster et al., 2012). Form and representation of traditional art were totally abandoned here. A primitivism is seen in the picture and perspective was traded for a two-dimensional plane. It was considered a very innovative work of art and Picasso himself felt that it liberated him from the more classic techniques that he was influenced into working in France. These forms of paintings later came to set the trend for Cubism.

Much of the early art work of the Cubists explored similar styles of piercing figures and objects that blended with the background at one end and showed a projective surface at the others. Cubists worked with angles and objects with stylized humans in context. Space, movement and time in the modern world were changing and its effects were observed in cubism. Abstract, simplified and stylized representations of the human body that had inspired Pablo Picasso were also an inspiration for the Cubists (Cooper, 1971).

Picasso’s direct influence on Cubism is from his work in the Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon in 1907. The work’s style of radical distortion of humans was a sharp contrast from the classical techniques (Chave, 1994). Fragmented, geometric planes, subdued colors and more were seen to be an influence on artists like Braque. Braque was inspired by Picasso’s work and he created landscape paintings in the beginning of the twentieth century as a direct influence form Picasso’s work. The House at L’Estaque with trees and mountains in subdued forms of cubes was named by French critic Louis Vauxcelles as the “bizarreries cubiques’. A mix of influences was projected on Cubism by Pablo Picasso from the nineteenth century. Archaic and tribal art forms challenged the conventions of renaissance art (Galenson & Weinberg, 2001). In the second form of cubism called synthetic cubism color become important. Non-painted objects and colored objects were made into a collage. Picasso gave radical and challenging ideas to the main stream techniques and created a new trend in cubism.







美学、安全和保障问题:据新闻报道,达令港到处都是垃圾,码头和人行道的大部分都被污染了。环保组织“回旋镖联盟”(Boomerang Alliance)对许多这样的海湾地区进行了评估,指出达令港每1000平方米至少有2456个垃圾或垃圾。此外,水中也存在垃圾(Collins, 2013)。这威胁到了这个地方的美感。它还威胁到游客的安全和保障。人们不愿意预订酒店,因为他们觉得酒店的环境不安全。

内部管理不善的问题:“该区域的垃圾比其他任何地方都多,除了悉尼北部穆尼穆尼的F3。位于西部腹地的库克河是受影响最严重的水道。人们坐在达令港周围的台阶上,把他们的包装留在台阶上。没有人清理它,所以一夜之间它流入港口”(柯林斯,2013年,第。3 – 4)。此外,还有雨水排水沟流入港口,带来了垃圾。现在的位置会对凯悦酒店的入住率产生负面影响。这一论点在理论上得到了支持,具体如下。

环境保护和废物管理控制不足的问题:垃圾危机和对环境的影响正在影响旅游业和酒店业(旅游影响,2017年)。旅游业和酒店业是高污染者(科马克,2015年)。大多数旅游景点被认为与垃圾产生作斗争(Busuttil, 2016)。在这种情况下,酒店行业会受到影响,因为游客或游客的流失会导致酒店入住率下降。在这种情况下,酒店发现自己需要处理这些问题,作为其可持续发展和增长计划的一部分。如果没有更好的环境保护措施和废物管理措施,人们前往达令港或选择在港口附近居住的机会将会下降。


There are many elite brands of hotels in Sydney, and even Darling Harbour where Hyatt Regency is present; sports hotels like Sofitel which offers quality for value are present. Hyatt regency has brand reputation, but still has to set itself apart in some unique strategy to get back competitively.

The hotel industry of Australia is quite strong in the past years. Hotel sector of Australia is highly fragmented, but the performance is strong. REVPAR revenue per available room increased from its previous values by around 3.6 per cent in 2017. Occupancy was driven up by around 66 per cent (Cummins, 2016).

The location as presented in analysis of strategic situation was highlighted as a strength. However, this strength could be an issue for Hyatt Regency, especially considering the fact that Darling Harbour where the hotel is situated is highly polluted. The following are the issues at the Harbor:

Issue of aesthetics, safety and security: Darling Harbour is full of litter as per press releases and much of its pier and walkways are seen to be full of pollution. An assessment on many such bay areas as established by the Boomerang Alliance, an environment group highlighted the Darling Harbour as having at least 2456 rubbish pieces or trash per 1000 square metres. In addition, there is rubbish present on water (Collins, 2013). This threatens aesthetic look of the place. It also threatens the safety and security of the tourists at the site. People will be reluctant to book into a hotel where they feel unsafe in the surroundings of the hotel.

Issues of mismanaged internal governance: “The area contained more litter than any other site, bar the F3 at Mooney Mooney north of Sydney. The Cooks River in the inner west was the worst affected waterway. People sit on steps around Darling Harbour and leave their packaging on them. Nobody cleans it off so overnight it flows into the harbour” (Collins, 2013, para. 3-4). In addition, there are storm water drains flowing into the harbour bringing rubbish with them. Now the location will have a negative impact on the occupancy of Hyatt regency. This argument is supported in theory, presented as follows.

Issues of fewer controls for environmental protection and waste management: Garbage crises and the impact on environment are affecting the tourism and hospitality industry (Tourism Impacts, 2017). Tourism and hospitality industry are high polluters (Cormack, 2015). Most of the sites of tourism are seen to struggle with waste generation (Busuttil, 2016). The hospitality industry suffers in this context, as the loss of tourists or visitors to a place leads to lesser occupancy rate in the hotels. Hotels in this case find themselves in the need to handle these issues as part of their sustainability and growth initiative. With no better controls for environmental protection efforts and waste management, the chances of people visiting darling harbour or electing to stay somewhere near the harbour would go down.

Addressing this issue will have positive impacts for the hotel. The hotel will be able to get more positive occupancy rate in future if the environment issue is tackled. Local environment threat reduction will drive up visitors to the area (Tourism Impacts, 2017). Attractiveness of the place and attractiveness of the hospitality destination improves. Without the issue management, it would be difficult for Hyatt Regency to compete with other hotels that are in Sydney, but situated away from the perils of the harbour.










The cracks that are found in concrete are a common occurrence. This is based on lower tensile strength. It is found that the concrete would be impacted by cracks and this would allow the fluids to flow through, making the whole concreate of no use. In the cases where the micro-cracks grow, there will be a lot of issues in the use of the concrete. It is imperative to control the cracks and control the width in order to treat the cracks as soon as they are formed. Based on the costs involved in the maintenance and the repair of the concrete structures, the focus of the development has been about self-healing concrete. The self-healing of the cracks in the concrete leads to lengthier service life of concrete structure. These would make the material more durable and increase the life of the concrete. There is considerable research that is done to achieve this paradigm using different methods.

Autogenous healing

The concrete has the property of “autogenous healing capacity”. The concrete has un-hydrated cement which is present in the matrix. Whenever water interacts with the cement, there is further hydration that occurs. The CaCO3 crystals are formed when the CO2 interacts with the Ca2+. These two methods are used to heal the smaller cracks. To enhance the healing mechanism, the microfibers are added to the mixture. This addition of the microfiber in the concrete causes multiple cracking to occur. This is based on the use of autogenous healing.

Superabsorbent polymers (SAP)

These SAPs are the hydrogels and they are able to consumer larger amount of the fluids. This is used to retain their structure without the process of dissolving. At times when the cracks occur, SAP has been observed that whenever it is exposed to humid environment, it swells. This swelling is defined as the reaction to partly close the cracks and cause prevention from the intrusion of the potentially harmful substances. After swelling process occurs, the SAP particles generally desorb the compounds and provide more fluid for the surrounding matrix for them. This invariably leads to the internal curing. There is further requirement of hydration and the precipitation of the CaCO3. This causes the cracks to close completely. The PH level in the concrete drops from 12.8. It is imperative to investigate the pH sensitive hydrogels. This causes the swelling of the cracks that occur and the fresh water penetrates.

Bacterial spores

The cracks are observed to be healing from the use of the calcium carbonate by utilizing the bacterial micro-organisms. The organisms are observed and entrenched in the concrete matrix. After the immobilization of the diatomaceous, the earth in the microcapsule shows cracks. This would start the precipitation of CaCO3. This causes the crack to occur. This crack happens whenever the bacterial cell is coated with another layer of CaCO3. This results in the crack filling. The CaCO3 precipitation has been observed to be immobilized on diatomaceous earth of the silica gel.







这里使用的研究方法对主题材料给出了详细的观点,可以评估更多的细节。定性研究不太关注数据,所以它节省时间,并提供了一个机会研究的研究主题的细节(Flick 2014)。此外,这种研究方法有助于根据传入的和可用的数据进行研究。与定量研究方法不同,定性研究方法不需要遵循任何特定的结构或框架。根据研究人员的方便程度和研究的需要,可以采用不同的设计方法。定性研究被认为是一个开放式的过程,它有助于获取个人情绪反应的信息(Qu & Dumay 2011, 238-264)。

研究人员选择定性研究的另一个原因是它能够解释态度。有了这一点,人们可以了解消费者模式及其变化(Maxwell 2012)。首先,受访者的情绪方面被捕获,与定量研究方法相比,从其他定量研究方法需要的样本量较少,态度行为也可以研究。

In order to evaluate the power of qualitative research in the current social media era, the researcher has chosen the comparison method for all the phases of this research. By comparing different qualitative research methods, the researcher has been able to deduce how new and emerging methods and traditional methods affect the consumer research methods and decision-making process of the business organizations and facilitate improved brand performance.

In the first phase, the researcher has referred to conference presentations and research magazines to understand the different qualitative research methods, their key features, similarities and dissimilarities. By understanding the nature of different research methods, the researcher has used the technique of “verbal accounts” where interviews and focus group techniques are used to gather information. The analysis of this collected information is done in an automated way. In the second phase, the researcher has compared different methods and has found out the important aspects of qualitative research to evaluate if SMM is better than other qualitative research techniques.

However, in the first phase, where information was collected from interviews, a limitation was identified where only 30% of the information was said to be accurate. This means that different text analytic software needs improvement and the way in which the information are analysed should be monitored thoroughly to ensure accuracy and effective results. There are certain limitations of SMM, which reflects that other qualitative research methods are more adaptable and have better approach towards data collection and analysis.

The research method used here gives a detailed view on the subject material and can evaluate with more details. Qualitative research does not focus more on data, so it is time saving and gives an opportunity to study the research topic in details (Flick 2014). In addition, this research method assists to conduct the research based on incoming and available data. Unlike the quantitative research method, qualitative research method does not require to follow any particular structure or framework. It can be designed in different ways as per the convenience of the researcher and demand of the research. Qualitative research is considered as an open-ended process and it helps in getting information regarding emotional response of an individual (Qu & Dumay 2011, 238-264).

Another reason that has made researchers select qualitative research is that it enables attitude explanations. With this, one can get idea about consumer pattern and its variations (Maxwell 2012). Firstly, emotional aspect of the respondents are captured and in comparison to the quantitative research method, sample size required is less from other research method of quantitative, attitudinal behaviour can be studied as well.



论文代写:澳大利亚时尚行业环境分析。时尚行业每年雇佣约37000人,包括模特和造型创造约22万个工作岗位,结合零售,创造的工作岗位更多(Beverland, 2017)。因此,时装零售对国家经济来说是非常有利可图的。澳大利亚在时尚方面的花销很大,然而大部分支出是一种高价值的进口设计师。在接下来的内容中,论文代写专家将对澳大利亚时尚行业环境进行以下全面分析。


澳大利亚在时尚方面的花销很大(约280亿澳元)。然而,大部分支出是一种高价值的进口设计师时装(152亿澳元)(Beverly, 2017)。价值61亿美元的大部分纺织品实际上是出口到其他国家,而法国和意大利的时尚品牌则是进口的。本土时尚品牌需要更多的认可。



澳大利亚是一个劳动密集型国家,有很多技术工人渴望在时尚行业工作。澳大利亚有一些最好的时尚学院,比如怀特豪斯设计学院、皇家墨尔本理工大学的时尚副学士学位、澳大利亚创意设计学院等等,因此有很多机会在时尚市场中引入创新品牌重新定位(Fowler, 2017)。


澳大利亚的时尚产业近年来增长了10%,这表明人们愿意在时尚上花钱,所以现在迈尔斯必须想办法了解如何将Sass & bidd重新介绍给消费者,从而让他们决定购买。


科技创新正在通过大学的STEM政策规划进行规划(Beverly, 2017)。更多的熟练工人和更多的创新技术将有利于该行业。艺术与科学相结合的方法正在计划中


讨论时尚的社交媒体技术是存在的,但我们仍然观察到,媒体并没有以一种流行的病毒式传播的方式来写时尚。这一周以一场轰动开始,大多数主要报头和新闻媒体在前两天进行了报道,所有主要报纸的首页都占据了头条。但之后一切又恢复了正常。如果时尚只是新闻雷达上的一个光点”(Darby-Perrin, 2016, para.).

Political, Legal and Economic Analysis

Australia spends a large amount on fashion (approximately AUD 28 billion). However, much of the spending is one high value imported designer fashion (15.2 billion AUD) (Beverly, 2017). A majority of textiles worth 6.1 billion is actually exported to other countries, and in turn fashion brands from France and Italy are being imported. Local fashion brands need more recognition.

Current policy debates on how to improve the fashion retail situation, focus on STEM curriculum, referring to Science, technology, engineering and maths (Beverly, 2017). Investments in STEM would play a pivotal role in innovation in fashion retail, however technology innovation is just one way to improve the performance of local fashion retail.

Social Analysis

Australia is a labour-intensive country and there are skilled labourers who are eager to work in the fashion business. Some of the best fashion schools are present in the country, such as Whitehouse Institute of Design, RMIT University’s Associate Degree in Fashion, Australian Institute of Creative Design and more and hence there is much opportunity for inducting innovating brand repositioning within the fashion market (Fowler, 2017).

Australia is a fashion-conscious country, but they also balance sustainability standards with fashion and hence the company that chooses to retail fashion has to understand this balance.

Australian fashion industry is growing by 10 percent over the years and this indicates that people are willing to spend on fashion, so now Myers has to figure out a way to understand how Sass & Bide can be re-introduced to the consumers so that they decide to buy it.

Technological Analysis

Technology innovation is being planned through STEM policy planning for Universities (Beverly, 2017). More skilled workers and more innovative technologies will be good for the industry. An Art meets science approach is being planned

Most The 2018 ecommerce scenario of Australia shows that Australians spend as much as 21.3 billion on online goods and online buying now overtakes traditional retail by around 16.2 points. Of the different products sold from homewares, to fashion apparel, to media, liquor and more, fashion apparel takes second position at 27.2 percent (Australia Post, 2018). Therefore, a very technology savvy community is the backbone of fashion ecommerce.

Social media technologies for discussing fashion exist, but still it is observed that the media does not write about fashion in a popular viral manner. “The week began with a bang, most major mastheads and news outlets covered the first two days and headlines occupied the homepages of all the major newspapers. But then everything went back to business as usual. It was if fashion was but a blip on the news radar” (Darby-Perrin, 2016, para. 2).
