标签存档: 美国论文代写





Humanism is a revival of classical art. Learning and literature, given birth in 19th century. Humanism is known to embody a universal view in relation to human beings. It focuses on educationwhich enable individual to achieve excellence and perfection by studying and analyzing models of past and their virtue and greatness. Such study focuses on personal efforts, active life, both in physical and intellectual terms. These efforts direct human beings towards shared good among masses as well as attaining the ideal view of individual. Humanism promotes individual traits and individual success. Humanists do not only encourage and support individual activity, effort and achievement, rather they reward perfection and idealism with morality and honor (Cohen, 2000).
Regardless of their focus on individualism and personal achievement, humanists have dimensions for collective honor and morality. It focuses much on citizen’s participation. Participation of a citizen was considered obligatory in various fields of life, such as politics, economic life, and socialism. The connection between humanism and arts can be best understood by looking into the subjects that were famous and selected from classical art and, history and myth.
The ancient Greek classical ideal gave birth to democratic approach of modern society. The structure of democracy prevailing in today’s society emerged from Athens. Athens formed the the group of ten political demes. Demes are the small local areas residing inside a city. From these ten tribes fifty men were selected. Out of these fifty members only one man was allowed to participate politically. After they completed their specified era next fifty were selected. And the process continues. This system gave birth to the democratic system in contrast with dictatorship and lineage based system of governance. The backing behind this new democratic approach is the classical ideal which allowed self-governance and importance of individuals in the society.



所谓“职业移民”就是美国政府,根据美国的法律,允许任何美国劳工市场上短缺的合格人才,通过技术或特殊人才的资格,申请美国的合法永久居住权。职业移民一直是留学生首选的方式,下面跟随高阶 美国论文代写网的小编来具体了解一下吧。









1、专业领域的杰出人才 EB-1A

EB-1A申请中的职业人才应为在其专业领域具有特殊才能和具有很高成就的杰出人才。这些专业领域包括艺术、科学、教育、商业、体育。要满足EB-1A的要求, 申请人只需提交足够的证明材料以证明申请人在其所在领域内所获得的杰出成就,希望未来继续朝此专业贡献于美国。 这一类申请无排期、不需要申请劳工证, 也不需要雇主的支持,更不需要投资。高阶 美国论文代写网的小编认为 EB-1A要求最少,但其实也最难完成,必须是专业领域的顶尖人才。

2 、杰出教授/研究人员EB-1B

EB-1B 申请中的职业人才是指在国际上享有声誉的在某特定的科学或学术领域的杰出教授和研究人员。 EB-1B申请需要雇主的支持,提供永久性工作承诺(JOB OFFER)。通常,这个工作承诺都是由大学或者其他类似的学院或科学研究机构提供,当然也可以由私人雇主提供。EB-1B的申请不需要劳工证,但是在进行这项申请时,未来雇主(如大学或其它研究机构)必须提供具体的工作职位,并在I-140申请中作为申请人。




这一优先类别的申请人一般包括两种情况: (1).申请人拥有硕士及以上学位,或者申请人拥有学士学位以及至少5年的相关工作经验; (2).申请人在艺术、科学或商业领域拥有特殊技能。特殊技能是指与领域内的其他人相比,申请人拥有更出色的专长。EB-2类的名额为每年约40,000个名额(占职业移民名额总数的28.6%),以及本年度第一优先类别的剩余名额。 EB-2申请需要工作职位承诺(JOB OFFER)和劳工证(PERM),但NIW例外。


职业移民的第三优先类别包括熟练工人、学士学位持有人以及其它工人。 第三优先类别的名额也为每年约40,000个(占职业移民名额总数的28.6%),以及本年度第一和第二优先类别的剩余名额。 但是,非熟练工人的名额数不得超过10,000个。 所有第三类别的I-140申请都需要由雇主提交; EB-3也需要申请劳工证。



  • 宗教工作人员, 包括为宗教组织工作,具有职业素养和才能的牧师,宗教工作人员或在宗教组织中参加一项宗教使命的人士;
  • 美国政府的特殊海外工作人员;
  • 前巴拿马运河公司的工作人员;
  • 国际组织的退休工作人员;
  • 国际组织工作人员的家属;
  • 美国军队成员。


    EB-5投资移民的名额占全部名额的7.1%。EB-5申请人需要提交I-526申请。为了满足这一类别的申请要求,申请人根据投资地区的不同要投资$500,000 或 $1,000,000, 并为美国公民、绿卡持有人及其它合法居留人士提供至少10个工作机会(投资人及其家庭成员除外)。





In this report, analysis will be done on the case study of Domino’s Pizza. The crisis it faced was related to the communication strategies. The situation of crisis occurred there had been posting of videos related to adulterated food by two rogue employees. The video had been posted on YouTube in the year 2009. In this report, reflection will be provided on the options available to handle the key issues followed by certain recommendations.

Options to handle the Crisis
The crisis of communication strategies within the case study resulted in providing immediate responses from public and media. YouTube has been identified as a major platform of publicity. As in this case, the video uploaded had been a major risk factor for Domino’s. There are certain options available that can be chosen before and after the occurrence of event. Once the event had taken place, a number of responses were obtained that resulted in media catastrophes. In such a situation, the below mentioned behaviours must have been avoided (Argenti, 2012):
A heavy silence depicting embarrassment
Sudden declaration of statement as to nothing happened and that everything is under control
Complete denial of the event
Blank replies or refusal that result in a social combat
Unable to provide details regarding the event
Apart from internet, intranet sources can also be used. Intranet sources have restricted accessibility, basically to employees; however, considering the case, it will involve suppliers as well as accessibility to regular customers as well. This has been identified as an effective mode for communicating with employees as well as stakeholders (Sturges, 2014). Also, it is more effective and valuable if it is utilized in combination with mass systems of notification formulated for reaching the employees as well as other main stakeholders.
The crisis response has to be appropriate as well. This refers to the tasks and responses of management after the crisis occurs. Public relations play a crucial role in response of crisis as it helps in developing the messages that are to be replied to a vast area of public.





The companies are chosen in accordance with the fact that some have higher stock prices and some have lower than that. And, that the effect of lower and higher stock prices have been quite evident through the tables illustrated above. With the lower stock prices, the impact is lower and less considerable in accordance with the offered exchange rate. This is due to the fact that the exchange rate is already independent of the stock prices. And that the exchange is not dependent on the stock prices when it can be of any rate which is further decided by the monetary policies and hence it depends on the fiscal and monetary policies (Richards, 2009). But the prices of the stock are decided by the stock market. When the company is well developed, the stock prices do rise up and that is why, the influence of exchange rate is favorable. This makes sure that the prices of the stock can produce a significant impact on the foreign currency and that can prove to be profitable within the currency on domestic basis in the domestic currency as well.
Correlation between the Stock Price and Exchange Rates
Hypothetical methodologies on this issue uncover distinctive results and achieve diverse clarifications that connect between the two variables. As expressed in Stavarek, there is a theoretical consensus neither on the presence of relationship between the prices of stocks and exchange rates nor on the relationship direction. Numerous studies have been completed to give the experimental proof on the relationship between exchange rates and prices of stock. On the other hand, the observational results are to some degree mixed as to the directions or interactions of causality between the two variables. The aftereffects of existing assemblage of writing on the subject could be sorted into 4 principle branches. The vast majority of the writing discovered a uni-directional causality from trade rates to stock costs or from stock costs to rates of exchange. Other experimental studies demonstrated bi-directional causality, or neglected to discover any relationship between the exchange rates and prices of stocks.



在s – o – r模型中,有机体体现了情感和感知的中介状态。它可以调解刺激与反应之间的关系。Mehrabian和Russell(1974)将中介国家分为以下三个维度:快乐、觉醒和支配。快乐-不愉快的维度被用来描述享受和满足的感觉。不觉醒衡量的是个体受到刺激和活动的程度。支配性代表了一个人受到限制或自由的程度。虽然这三个维度在相关研究中经常被使用,但很少有实证结果支持支配-顺从维度的有效性。罗素和普拉特(1980)删除了主导因素,因为它不能代表个体对所有情况的情绪反应。罗素(1980)进一步认为,支配地位几乎没有什么适用的价值,而不是纯粹的预测。在实践中,Donovan和Rossiter(1982)揭示了买家的反应是在两个主要的方面——在零售商店里对mehrabian – mussell模型进行实证测试后的觉醒和愉悦。因此,最近对“PAD模式”应用二维方案的研究,而非最初的三维理论:快感和激励。因此,本文不考虑主导类别。s – o – r模型响应的最后一部分是中介状态的结果。Mehrabian和Russell(1974)将行为反应分为接近或回避行为。方法指的是想要停留并进一步探索存储环境,从而增加重复购物频率和货币支出。相反,一个有回避行为的人要么避免与环境互动,要么表现消极。

应用s – o – r模型和PAD分类,Donovan和Rossiter(1982)提供了第一次零售氛围的实证检验,表明大气线索,作为“刺激”,对购物者的规避行为有显著的影响,被概念化为“反应”。类似地,Arora(1982)用LISERL分析方法评估了s – o – r模型,并证实了该框架的有效性和可靠性,以及这三个组件的因果关系。


In the S-O-R model, organism embodies the affective and perceived intermediary states and. It serves to mediating the relationship between stimuli and response. Mehrabian and Russell (1974) classified the intermediary states into the following three dimensions: pleasure, arousal and dominance. Pleasure-displeasure dimension is being used to describe the feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction. Arousal-nonarousal measures the extent to which individual is stimulated and active. Dominance-submissiveness represents the degree to a person feels restricted or free. Although theses three dimensions are frequently used in relevant researches, there is little empirical findings supporting the effectiveness of dominance-submissiveness dimension. Russell and Pratt (1980) deleted the dominance factor since it failed to represent individual’s emotional response to all situations. Russell (1980) further argued that dominance provided little applicable value is not purely predictive. In practice, Donovan and Rossiter (1982) revealed that buyer’s response are in terms of two major aspects—arousal and pleasure—after empirically testing the Mehrabian-Mussell model in retail stores. Therefore, more recent researches of the PAD schema applied two-dimensional scheme instead of the original tridimensional theory: pleasure and arousal. Accordingly, the dominance category was not considered in this article. The last part of the S-O-R model—Response—is the outcomes of the intermediary states. Mehrabian and Russell (1974) dichotomised the behavioral responses into approach or avoidance behaviors. Approach refers to the desire to stay and further explore the store environment, which in turns increase repeat-shopping frequency and money expenditures. On the contrary, a person with avoidance behavior tend to either avoid interacting with environment nor perform negatively.

Applying both the S-O-R model and PAD classifications, Donovan and Rossiter (1982) provided the first empirical test of retail atmosphere, suggesting that atmospheric cues, as the ‘stimuli’, have a significant impact on shoppers’ approach-avoidance behavior which is conceptualized as ‘response’. Similarly, Arora (1982) assessed the S-O-R model with the method of LISERL analysis, and substantiated the validity and reliability of this framework as well as causality of these three components.



















所有员工/志愿者须安装在门的生物机器马克出席(Gary Fitsimmons,2012,页96)。


Reporting of Accidents and incidents
All the employees/ volunteers must be thorough with the incident reporting cards so that they are able to report the accident/ incident to the concerned department at the earliest.
Staff members/ volunteers are not allowed to disclose any clause mentioned in the employment contract to fellow employees.
Staff members/ volunteers are strictly prohibited to reveal any details of the event to any guest (like the name of chief guest, total number of guest, name of security head, etc).
How to deal with media
Any staff member/ volunteer other than the official media director are strictly prohibited to entertain the media or respond to any of their questions.
Dress Code
Employees/ volunteers are required to enter the venue in proper uniform – white shirt, black trousers, black socks and formal black shoes for men; and white shirt, black skirt, black leggings and formal black shoes for women.
Any other footwear except for black formal shoes (both for male and female employees/ volunteers) is strictly prohibited.
Do not wear synthetic clothing (or any other article that might catch fire easily)
Use and abuse of Alcohol, cigarettes or drugs
Use or possession of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited in the premise.
Smoking is prohibited in the premise.
All staff members/ volunteers are required to politely ask the guest to put off their cigarettes or leave the premise (in case the guest decides not to put off the cigarette)
All the staff members/ volunteers are required to ensure that at every corner of the premise a ‘No smoking’ poster is hung.
Attendance and punctuality
All the employees/ volunteers are required to reach the premise on or before 8 am. They would be made the payment for their shift at the end of the day, i.e., from 8pm to 9pm (for volunteers).
All the employees/ volunteers are required to mark their attendance in the biometric machine installed at the gate (Gary Fitsimmons, 2012, pp 96).
Use of phones
Use of phones by the employees in the main performance hall is strictly prohibited.
Staff members/ volunteers are required to request the guests to switch off their phones or put them on silent mode.



客户行为领域绝对是巨大的,它突出了客户在制造和销售产品或服务方面的几乎每一项活动的核心意义。每一个消费者都是一个与他/她独特的需求以及购买决策和倾向,这往往是由生活方式等的影响(Brassington和佩蒂特2000)。福克斯(1993)指出,一种行为方法学,取决于观察结果作为人类数据处理最终结果的推测模式,应该辅以一种潜在的进化解释(福克斯,1993)。他提出,进化是一种因果机制,它负责选择或由于某种后果选择。在经历早期和比较行为的影响(操作成型),自然和社会变化的影响,应该被认为是牢记最终目标澄清并预见到买方行为的变化(穆林,et al.,2014)。


The field of customer behaviour is definitely colossal, and highlights the significance of the customers at the core of almost every activity associated with making and marketing a product or service. Every consumer is one of a kind with his/her distinctive needs as well as purchasing decisions and propensities, which are often influenced by lifestyle etc. (Brassington and Pettit 2000). Fox (1993) notes that a behavioural methodology, which depends on observed results as a mode of speculating final after-effect of human data handling ought to be supplemented by a underlying evolutionary explanation (Fox, 1993). He proposes that evolution is a causal mechanism which is accountable for selection or a choice by due to certain consequence. The experience of after-effects of earlier and comparative conduct (operant molding), natural impacts, and social changes ought to subsequently be considered keeping in mind the end goal to clarify and foresee changes in buyer behaviour (Mullin, et al.,2014).
Solomon et al., 1996 state that consumer rationality is mediated by dynamics such as personal paradigms and perceptual distortion, risk tolerance, and power relations which in turn are subject to cultural and intellectual prejudices such as gender, age, and ethnicity (Solomon et al., 1996). This adds to the idea of promoting as a regulating order with components of workmanship as opposed to science in its practice. Seemingly as examination “clarifies” the intricacy of the elements of customer conduct, it will grow the meaning of what constitutes a level-headed buyer. This behavioural part permits advertisers to distinguish imminent clients’ requirements and needs, and impact the trade, recognition, and fulfilment elements of the acquiring. Identity qualities sway shopper conduct in light of the fact that they shape the path in which customers react to messages at a given time (Ko et al., 2011). This reaction changes minute by moment based upon the novel qualities of the target shopper and their continuous background. The online environment introduces an incomprehensible open door for organizations to connect with buyers on an individual, modified level. Singular contrasts are a critical part of this association as they give knowledge into how individuals with differing levels of involvement with the online environment react to intelligent influence methods (Williams & Paul, 2014).



Cochlear has established its position as the leader in the market segment of implantable hearing aids and has put all its efforts in place to cement its position at the top of the charts, in the years ahead. Having earned the reputation of delivering some of the most dependable and reliable implantable solutions to hearing impediments, the management at Cochlear has worked on the credibility of its products and offered more advanced products without compromising on the safety of the consumers. The strategy of creating awareness about its products has also helped Cochlear place itself in the market. Cochlear is also not looking to rest on its laurels, reputation and credibility and is placing a lot of its effort in research and development of new products and redesigning its older line of products to make them advanced and better. The company is also focusing on building up its infrastructure and propping up its production and departments like marketing, sales and research. But one of the biggest assets of Cochlear is the usability of its products and their multiple customizations. Having secured a position in the global market, Cochlear is able to customize its products based on the needs of the people. Some have partial deafness in one ear while others’ may need a more complete solution to their hearing problems. All these needs are addressed through customization (The business side of a successful hearing healthcare practice, 1999).

Cochlear Limited has focused all its efforts in producing top of the line hearing aids and implants and so has concentrated its activities on creating its capacities for a building an integrated system for designing its hearing implants.
particularly due to the growing needs for better medical facilities in the region. The door opened for Cochlear to enter into the South Asian region through one of the fastest growing countries in the world, India, one of the most prominent markets in the Asian region. The Indian President, then, had shown a keen interest in Cochlear implants (Lutz, 2007). Due to its sizeable presence in India and the support it has received even from local administration, Cochlear can make an entry into the neighboring country of Pakistan.

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日益激烈的竞争:诸如Dunkin Donuts、Costa coffee、Pete ‘ s coffee等其他咖啡店的出现,以及麦当劳和汉堡王等现有快餐巨头,都可能对星巴克未来的销售产生不利影响(Chang & Carroll,2014)。
消费者偏好的变化:各种研究都指出了经常饮用咖啡的不良影响。哈佛大学公共健康学院的Rob van Dam教授说,咖啡可能不会提供任何真正的健康益处。另一方面,咖啡中的咖啡因会对人体造成严重的损害(Dam,2014)。这些研究对消费者的行为有影响,他们中的一些人可能会转而使用像茶这样的替代品,比如绿茶或绿茶等完全健康的饮料。星巴克应该考虑扩大他们的菜单,并为未来添加一些健康的选择。


Expansion outside the USA, particularly developing nations: With the saturation of the markets in the developed world, particularly in USA and the EU, more and more organizations are setting shop in the developing economies such as China India Brazil Thailand etc. These countries boast of a huge middle class with a good amount of money at their disposal. Economic and political power is definitely swinging the way of these developing nations (Kharas, 2010). Starbucks should aim at exploiting these markets to the fullest extent. While it recently opened it 1000 nd store in China (Starbucks Corporation, 2014) it seems to slow into entering other economies which may have huge potential, especially with the sales in the USA starting to fall off now.
Operating outside the stores: Starbucks have started retailing their products as packaged goods to various grocery stores both domestically as well as internationally (Grant, 2013). Starbucks must continue and expand on these packaged goods and utilize its excellent brand equity to the fullest.
Increasing Competition: The emergence of various other coffee stores such as Dunkin Donuts, Costa Coffee, Pete’s Coffee, and existing fast food biggies such as McDonalds and Burger King can have an adverse impact on the future sales of Starbucks (Chang & Carroll, 2014).
Saturation of Existing markets: With USA and Europe being the two largest markets of Starbucks, and with both saturating, Starbucks may soon face problems. The key indicators of market saturation for Starbucks are evidenced by a slower growth in sales as well as a trimmed profitability (UW Business School, 2003).
Changes in Consumer preferences: Various studies have pointed out the ill effects of consuming coffee on a regular basis. Dr. Rob van Dam Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health says that coffee may not offer any real health benefits. On the other hand, the caffeine present in coffee can cause serious damages to the body (Dam, 2014). These studies have an impact on consumer behaviour and some of them may switch to substitutes like Tea which has lesser bad effects or completely healthy drinks such as Green Tea or Green Coffee. Starbucks should look at expanding their menu and incorporating some healthy options for the future.