标签存档: 美国论文怎么写



在新的系列中,对当前的时尚风尚进行了大胆的挑战,时尚精英们将会对设计留下深刻的印象。这种设计可以很容易地与当前的场景相关联,并使消费者与品牌产生共鸣。有一个令人惊讶的方面,结合了新的流行趋势,有联系和当代。它将被精英时尚分析师视为现代时尚。三维表面设计和材料选择是to YLK工作的基本要素。艺术家们经常挑战现有的观念,有趣的是,他们对面料进行了巧妙的处理,使其类似于可以在家里开发的针织设计,并将最新的媒体混合在一起,创造出针织服装图案的印象。



In the new collection, there has been intrepid challenging of the current fashion conformities and the fashion elites will be impressed by the design. This design can be easily related to the current scenario and will enable the consumers to resonate with the brand. There has been an amazing aspect of combining newer fashion trends that are relatable and contemporary. It will be considered modern by the elite fashion analysts. 3D surface design and materials choice are the fundamental elements of the to YLK’s work. The artists have frequently challenged the existing notions and have interestingly manipulated the fabric to resemble the knitting design that can be developed in home and had mixed the latest media to create an impression of the knit wear patterns.

This artist stands out like a breath of fresh air. There is intrigue, relatability, aesthetical beauty and unique perspectives that draw in the audience to the finished works of the artist. This is a newer artist who will arrive to the podium and eventually create ripples in the industry.Primary goal of undertaking this project is to impress people with my artistic skills and present our unique perspective to the audience. The audience should feel connected with the design. They should feel that the particular design could be used by them individually. There should be a successful transcendence between the arts and its real life aesthetic applications. This is probably the most daunting aspect of this challenge. My intent is to extend on the current FMP design to be applied to differential field and understand the possibility.

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史


personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史

音乐在不同的历史编年史上不时地具有革命性的内涵。时代证明,对一些人来说,行进的曲调可以成为其他人的挽歌。一段音乐可能会被一些人认为是忠诚的标志,而另一些人则认为是叛国的标志。例如,对那些在美国成为美利坚合众国之前对南方各州怀有爱国主义情怀的人来说,一次吹几小节“南方各州”的口哨就是一个危险信号。类似地,“帕洛玛布兰卡”(Paloma Blanca)是多年来对非洲裔美国人遭受奴役的痛苦回忆。然而,只是哼唱它给受害者提供了力量,而它却让其他人对他们祖先留下的行为感到羞耻。世界各地都有这样的例子(Allen, 58岁)。夏奇拉的歌曲《Waka Waka Waka》改编自赞比亚的一段军事歌曲,但它对世界各地的足球队和球迷产生了惊人的影响。

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史

Music has had an indelible place in the minds and hearts of men and women of all times and ages. The music may have been the sole means of entertainment, expressing one’s feelings or simply enjoying oneself. Yet the greatest contributions of music have been whenever it has translated the collective feelings of a people and given tongue to the expressions of their innermost feelings which were otherwise subdued. It is the purpose of this essay to explore the several means and ways in which popular music has influenced socio-political movements. It is the main objective of this essay to foster a better understanding of how popular music has added to the perceptions of freedom of mankind in different intervals of time and differing spatial locations. While the physical tongues were silenced, it was the voice of the popular music that made it relevant for those in the seats of power to give ear and react. Many a bard of earlier times has sung his ditty before the authorities and given them a truthful assessment of the strife that had struck the entire land. Thus, there are several instances in history which evidently show that popular music has been instrumental in bringing about momentous changes in the fortunes of nations. The rise of the American blacks from slavery to equality, the women’s vote and the move towards gender equality have all been celebrated in the popular music of the day.

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史
Music has taken on revolutionary connotations from time to time in various annals of history. Times have shown that marching tune for some could become a dirge for others. A piece of music may come to be recognized as a sign of loyalty by some and treason by others. For example just whistling a few bars of the ‘Dixie’ at one time was a red flag for those who were patriotic to the Southern States before the US became the United States of America. Similarly, the ‘Paloma Blanca’ was a painful reminder of the slavery inflicted upon the African origin Americans for years. However, just humming it gave strength to the victims while it left others ashamed of the deeds perpetuated by their ancestors. There are several such instances from all over the world (Allen, 58). The popular ‘Waka Waka’ song of Shakira was based on a Zambian militant anthem and yet it created an amazing impact on the soccer teams and their fans all over the world.





这个定义也与这个部署阶段有关(Taylor, 1911)。当我在网上搜索如何部署有组织的计划时,我发现了两种不同的主要理论。一个是经典的组织理论,另一个是新古典主义理论(the Wisest, 2011)。当我进一步深入研究理论时,我发现它们再次被不同参与者的活动所驱动。参与者被列出,结果也相应地呈现出来。创建和呈现概念图的整个过程具有挑战性和趣味性。这些概念通过不同的连接与相关的介词连接,使其变得合理(Anderson et al ., 2004)。就我个人的理解而言,我认为它是一种更容易理解和更容易实现甚至困难的概念的方法。虽然组织是这里的基本概念,但是其他影响和影响组织部分的概念被列出。


The overall concept is to stick to the theme of organizing. To develop the linkages, I have initially referred to the definition to get the keywords. Next to it, I have searched for related theories on the web. Subsequently, I also understood the process and outcomes upon implementation. The linkages are given with the help of relevant prepositions to make it meaningful. The main target for me to create this concept map is the identification of key words that will help me to give better meaning to the overall map. As I searched for the definition for organizing, I chose the keywords that make sense. When I understood the keywords, I was able to link between them. I also understood that organizing leads to planning followed by controlling processes in an organization. In order to start with the organizing process, I found that information gathering is the key. On the other hand, organizing definition is given as defining goals and performing activities. Accordingly, the map is created and linked. Now, when information is available for the organizing process, the next step is to involve theories to deploy in the right manner.


The definition is also linked to this stage of deployment (Taylor, 1911). As I searched on the web for how to deploy the organized plans, I found two different predominant theories. One is the classical organization theory and the other is the neoclassical theory (The Wisest, 2011). As I further went deep into theories, I found that they are again driven by activities enforced on different sets of participants. The participants are listed and the outcomes are accordingly presented. The overall process of creating and presenting concept map is challenging and interesting. The concepts have been connected through different linkages with relevant prepositions to make it sensible (Anderson et al, 2004). With respect to my personal understanding, I have seen that it stands as an easier method to understand and implement even difficult concepts in an easier way. While organizing is the basic concept here, the other concepts that influence and impact the organizing part are listed.

essay 代寫:借貸組織

essay 代寫:借貸組織
Zopa是一個P2P或對等借貸組織,總部設在英國,通過網絡接口連接各個貸款人。 Zopa成立於2005年,最初只有300名成員,但在幾個月的時間裡,公司發展迅速,擁有25000名客戶(Milne et al., 2016)。 2012年,該公司成為在零售金融領域引起關注的網絡公司之一。這一機會使那些希望貸款的人得以與那些希望藉款的人合作。貸款人不僅向特定的個人提供資金,還向由於相同的信用價值而聚集在一起的人提供資金(Casu et al., 2015)。從技術上講,Zopa並不是一個金融機構,它也不能靠自己來放貸。然而,運營這一業務所需的資金相對較少,在2012年的最初一年,該組織只僱傭了27人。該公司維持的平均利率為每年6.6%,公司的貸款在全國最便宜。

essay 代寫:借貸組織

與此同時,回報率的享受風險要低得多(Milne et al., 2016)。到目前為止,人們貸款的最普遍的原因是購買汽車和改善他們的住房。但Zopa的儲戶進一步幫助為一些人生命中最獨特的時刻提供資金,比如婚禮貸款、購買訂婚戒指,甚至購買摩托車。 2010年至2012年期間,該公司被評為最值得信賴的個人貸款提供者,並在2010年的“金錢智慧”獎中為客戶提供最佳服務。借款人的主要優勢在於,他們有能力在較短的時間內以較低的利率借款,並獲得較低的資本數額(Milne等人,2016年)。到2012年初,Zopa不到1%的貸款開始轉化為無法收回的債務,這是英國所有銀行中違約率最低的。 Zopa的首席執行官安德魯斯也認為,該公司通過在貸款中註入社會方面的資金,實現瞭如此低的違約率(Casu et al., 2015)。 Zopa的成員可以在網站上看到其他成員的用戶名。

essay 代寫:借貸組織

Zopa is a P2P or peer to peer lending organization based in UK with individual lenders connected through an interface over the web. Zopa was launched in the year 2005, and started only with 300 members but in some months itself, the company grew so much that it had 25000 customers (Milne et al., 2016). In the year 2012, the company became one of the web based firms grabbing attention across retail finance world. Such an opportunity allowed those who wished to lend, to collaborate, with those who wished borrowing. Money was proffered by lenders not only to a particular individual but to people grouped collectively due to the same credit worthiness (Casu et al., 2015). Zopa technically was not a financial institution and it could not lend money by its own self. However, the capital needs for running this business were small, relatively and the organization employed only 27 individuals at the 2012 initial year. The average rate of interest maintained by the company was at 6.6 percent each year with loans from the company being cheapest across the nation.

essay 代寫:借貸組織
Returns were enjoyed at the same time at a much lower risk (Milne et al., 2016). Till now, the most general reasons why people took loans was to purchase automobiles and for improvements of their homes. But the savers at Zopa further helped in funding for most unique moments in some person’s life such as wedding loans, buying rings for engagement and even for motor cycle purchase. The company throughout 2010-2012 was voted as the most trusted individual provider for loan and best service giver for customers across 2010 in the Awards of Moneywise. The key advantage for borrowers was the fact that they had the ability of borrowing at a cheaper rate over a shorter time period and for smaller capital amounts (Milne et al., 2016). By the initial years of 2012, less than 1 percent loans of Zopa started to turn into debts of uncollectible nature which was the rate of default with lowest readings across any lender in UK. It was also believed by Andrews, the CEO of Zopa that the company has managed to achieve such lower rates of default through social aspect injection within lending (Casu et al., 2015). Members of Zopa had the ability of seeing other member’s usernames over the site whenever they borrowed or they lent.



麦当劳的形象和声誉在玻利维亚并没有取得成效。这一结果可以假定有许多原因。可能是玻利维亚人不认为这些食物是健康的,是在短时间内做出的。大部分人口是土著居民,他们觉得花在麦当劳产品上的钱不值得(Paliwoda, 2013)。人们之所以拒绝这种食物,不是因为它的味道,而是因为它主要是基于短期食品的经济因素和质量。麦克唐纳在玻利维亚的失败突出了新的市场战略的重要性,该战略应符合玻利维亚人民的当地需要。


专注于初始阶段的全球方法应该被客户市场方法所取代(Sarangi, 2009)。应该实施一种战略,考虑到潜在客户的选择、偏好、文化和信仰,从而能够对他们进行适当的定位。一个公司的声誉和品牌不应该被认为是公司成长的驱动因素。在全球范围内扩张的同时,一种适合于一个国家的战略可能不适合另一个国家。不同类型的数据研究和获取应基于人口统计学、立法、选择和文化多样性(Winer and Dhar, 2014)。基于所有这些参数,应该考虑一种符合公司要求的策略。


McDonald’s image and reputation were not fruitful in Bolivia. Many reasons can be assumed for this outcome. It may be that Bolivians do not consider the foods to be healthy, made in short time. The majority of the population is an indigenous population who does not find it worth to spend money on the McDonald’s products (Paliwoda, 2013). The rejection of the food was not due to taste but it was primarily based on the economic factors and quality of foods prepared in short time. Macdonald’s failure in Bolivia highlighted the importance of new marketing strategy, which should be implemented suiting the local needs of the Bolivian people.

The global approach, which was focused on the initial stage, should be replaced with the customer market approach (Sarangi, 2009). A strategy that can allow for proper targeting of the potential customers, considering their choices, preferences, culture and belief, should be implemented. Reputations and branding of a firm should not be regarded as the driving factor for the growth of a company. While expanding on the global level, a strategy which works for one country might be unsuitable for the other. Different types of research and acquisition of data should be carried out based on demography, legislations, choices and cultural diversity (Winer and Dhar, 2014). Based on all these parameters, a strategy should be considered to meet company requirements.



Lin & Lixin(2006)提出了一个有趣的观点:政治代表性较低的女性比具有较高政治代表性的女性更容易被剥夺土地权利。诚然,土地政策虽然需要发展,但也受到中国历史传统的不断贯彻。妇女在农业方面的作用和她拥有土地的权利也被认为与她的政治表现有关。这表明作者对两性平等概念的依赖。如果一个国家想要代表平等,并且在实施时可以重新看到社会结构取代传统的古代价值观,那么有利于妇女的法律就变得必要了。



Lin & Lixin (2006) offered an interesting perspective that women with low political representation were more likely to be deprived of their land rights than women with high political representation. This admittedly indicates that land policies, even though it requires development, are influenced by China’s continuous implementation of its historical traditions. Women’s role in farming and her rights of owning land is also seen to be related to her political representation. This indicates the authors’ reliance of the concept of equality among the two genders. Favouring laws for women become necessary if a nation wants to represent equality and when implemented can bring out a renewed vision of the social structure replacing traditional ancient values.

What conclusions could have been derived if the authors were to consider men as the sole authority of a family, and that land ownership to men is assumed to be the land ownership to women? However, the research does not mention clearly the status of unmarried women and their rights on ancestral land ownership. Women are no doubt an important part of society, but their land rights fulfilment differ vastly in many countries across the world, most of which is because of the country’s traditional culture which dictates the position and conduct of women. The authors are right in concluding that Chinese culture of women’s land ownership is embedded in its traditional, ancient, social and religious beliefs.


personal statement 怎么写:SWOT分析的作用

personal statement 怎么写:SWOT分析的作用

环境审计是必要的,因为它提供了有关本组织当前业务环境的必要知识。此外,如果不了解本组织的情况,就不可能为本组织制定任何战略(Cadle et al., 2014)。制定好的定位策略为灵,环境审计的公司,尤其是SWOT分析提供了必要的知识的内部优势和劣势,以及外部机会和威胁companSWOT是获得知识的重要管理工具,支持一个特定的公司的内部优势和劣势,和外部的机会和威胁。

personal statement 怎么写:SWOT分析的作用

SWOT代表了力量、弱点、机会和威胁,在本文中,对Breitling watch进行了SWOT分析。品牌作为航空品质手表制造商,拥有强大的品牌与业界的联系。该公司赞助了最大的民用特技飞行表演队,为提高品牌形象和品牌定位提供了支持。本特利独家收藏的Breitling非常受欢迎,并且对公司有很大的优势。有效的印刷和电子媒体广告。极受欢迎,同时也是时尚的顶级品牌。

personal statement 怎么写:SWOT分析的作用

The environmental audit is essential as it provides the required knowledge about the current business atmosphere for the organization. Moreover, without the proper knowledge about the condition of the organization, it cannot be possible to devise any strategy for the organization (Cadle et al., 2014). To formulate good positioning strategy for Breitling, the environmental audit of the company, especially the SWOT analysis provides requisite knowledge about the internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats the companSWOT is an important management tool that supports in gaining the knowledge about a particular company’s internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats.

personal statement 怎么写:SWOT分析的作用
SWOT stands for strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat and in this essay SWOT analysis has been performed for Breitling watch. The immense reputation of the brand as aviation quality watch maker with powerful brand association with the industry.The company sponsors the largest team of the civilian aerobatic show, Breitling Jet Team that support in improving brand image and brand positioning.Bentley exclusive collection by Breitling is immensely popular and has great advantages for the company.Effective print and electronic media advertisement. Extremely popular as well as fashionable top of the mind timepiece brand.



这座房子基本上是一个两层的木框架结构。木框架结构方便,用于在走廊内为书籍和其他材料建造空间。走廊的走廊空间,当从走廊入口进入主街区时,就像走廊一样,不会最大限度地利用空间,所以在建造木架子时,建筑师实际上对空间安排有了更好的意义。总建筑面积仅为75.30平方米,总用地面积约66.42平方米,建筑面积2 37.65m(富士山建筑师工作室:附近的房子,2010)。作为私人住宅的主要用途建造,这个房子的空间安排与极简主义设计理念同步。



The house is basically a two storey wood frame structure. The wood frame structure is convenient as it has been used to build holding space in the corridors for books and other materials. The corridor space that leads from the entrance to the main block inside when used as just as a corridor would not be making the maximum use of space, so in constructing the wooden shelves the architects actually give a better meaning to the space arrangement. The total floor area is only 75.30 m2, the total site area is around 66.42 m2 and the building area is 37.65m 2 (Mount Fuji architects studio: near house, 2010). Constructed for the main purpose of use as a private residence this house space arrangement is in sync with the minimalist design philosophy.

The minimalist design philosophy advocates for getting as much use as possible given less. This is a philosophy that has been applied on business products, art, clothing and architecture. Minimalism is construed to be understood as increased functionalism when it comes to architecture. Ellen (2003) states that most modern architects need to focus on the functional aspects of these designs as well as the artistic aspects that are required. Compact usable designs in architecture that results in less impact on the environment are preferred. In using environment friendly wooden constructions that are used in their bare minimalist form, the work of this near house is actually an excellent example of the minimalist culture. The house is called near house because it is something similar to a house, excepting that the elements of construction are really toned down than they would be in a normal house. However this does not mean a tradeoff has been achieved with respect to the usefulness.








The ancient Egyptians believed that the kings who ruled them and the spiritual men who were in the kingdom were people of God and they were sent on the earth to take care of the people on earth. They believed that they are the connecting link between heaven and earth and continue their journey even after their death. The Egyptians on the death of such people buried them covered with mounds and special chemicals so as to preserve their bodies.

The Ancient Egyptians started building big structures over such burial places which later came to be known as Pyramids. The first pyramid was made as early as in 2780 BC and is believed to be made on the burial place of king Djoser. This pyramid was a step pyramid and was not a smooth pyramid as most of those which exist in Egypt. The first smooth Pyramid was made for king Snefru between 2680 and 2560 BC. The most famous of the Pyramids, The Pyramid of Giza was built by King Khufu who was the son of king Snefru.

The building of big Pyramids is believed to have stopped in the Sixth Dynasty in around 2150 BC. After this only small pyramids we constructed by the ancient Egyptians. The big pyramids are part of the Seven Wonders of the World and the largest of them is believed to be as high as 455.5ft at the time of construction. The pyramids show how knowledgeable the ancient Egyptians were. Their construction knowledge, mathematical knowledge and astronomical knowledge is symbolized by the Pyramids.



这本书选择评审是由作者Dave Kerpen和写的是关于社会媒体和营销在这些网络。这本书的名称是“可爱的社交媒体”。这本书的主要思想围绕着关键评估使用的广告说服听众。建议广告比口碑更强大。社交媒体的世界已经开发了新的沟通渠道,信息可以通过旅行显然比以前更快。作者解释了关于这一媒介的使用说服客户和客户怎么能使用这种媒介所吸引。之间的战斗品牌出现在市场,这给了客户轻松地开关品牌的机会。随着这个客户有权要求新东西之后一段时间。公司感到这种压力和聪明的姑娘正在使用什么是适合自己的品牌,他们的客户。作者需要读者进了山谷的劝说和客户的行为和趋势是如何变化的。这本书是知识在某种意义上,它讨论了市场的现状以及如何从亚洲东部和南部的新兴品牌。作者给出了几个建议欧洲品牌,这样他们就可以利用这些策略获得竞争优势。


The book selected for the review is written by the author Dave Kerpen and is about the social media and the marketing conducted at these networks. The name of the book is “Likeable social media”. The main idea of the book revolves around the critical evaluation of the use of advertisements for persuading the audience. It is suggested that advertisement is more powerful than word of mouth. The world of social media has developed new channels of communication through which the message can travel clearly and faster than before. The author explains about the use of this medium for persuading the customers and how can the customers be attracted by the use of this medium. The battle among the brands is present in the market and this has given the opportunity to the customers to easily switch the brands. Along with this the customers have the authority to demand something new after some time. Companies are feeling this pressure and the smart ones are using what is right for their brands and their customers. The author takes the reader into the valley of persuasion and how the behaviours and trends of the customers are changing. This book is knowledgeable in a sense that it discusses the current situation of the market and how brands from the East and South Asia are emerging. The author gives several suggestions to the European brands so they can gain a competitive advantage by using these tactics.