标签存档: 美国作业代写



It can be concluded that the efforts of Disney for promoting the gay rights of Americans is of huge significance in the political world. Yet, there is no denial in the fact that Disney has obtained success in mastering its understanding about how people establish their learning by consumption of media and how this ends up granting the overwhelming power to corporation for shaping the larger culture, politics and people. Perceiving the benefit as the most powerful conglomerates of media in the global industry, Disney ended up promoting each and every message for serving corporate power with political conformity, cultural homogeneity, free markets, customer agency and hierarchy. The digitally revolving technology has not ended up changing the overall fact that Disney has been still promoting components related to this timeworn image, but there are several evidences that this kind of innocence being pretended ends up camouflaging a powerful force of culture as well as corporate monolith.

The digitally revolving technology has not ended up changing the overall fact that Disney has been still promoting components related to this timeworn image, but there are several evidences that this kind of innocence being pretended ends up camouflaging a powerful force of culture as well as corporate monolith. Due to this particular reason, there must be no heaping of Disney with unstinted appraisal when it has been supporting policies of gay friendliness. As pointed out by Sean Griffin, Disney has been successful in recognizing a lucrative market platform for the products, especially among upper middle class, middle or white gay men that is the subgroup in the homosexual population group earning income that is most disposable.

The Southern Baptists did get it right with the assumption that something had been amiss in the portrayal of Disney as the icon of healthy family entertainment, childhood fun, and pristine innocence. However, it is quite unfortunate that they had been wrong in condemning Disney to refuse the endorsement of homophobic practices in its operations of labor, and appealing to the traditional brand image of the company. The traditional brand image followed that of conservatism considering the family values of White Americans, as per which the unit of heterosexual patriarchal family ends up becoming wrapped within the nostalgic and patriotic aura normally as a bygone era perceiving the small- town ideals of Mid-western Protestants.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!





美国代写论文-星巴克商业道德行为的经营方式 ,星巴克认为遵守商业道德是支持星巴克使命的重要项目,因此,他们通过提供资源帮助合作伙伴进行道德决策来保护声誉和文化。该计划的重点是开发和传播相关材料的意识,包括开展业务的标准。在星巴克,有一种激励员工的方式,就是通过决定口头交流渠道的条款,将每一个类别的担忧或问题报告到项目中。普遍的方式是在整个企业之间的协议之间,因为在关于意愿但道德的完整软件的形状之间传授了非强制性的报告机制,接下来有关美国代写论文-星巴克商业道德行为的经营方式提供给大家阅读。

Contribution of Visible and Invisible Employees to Customer’s Service Experience
The key belief of Starbucks is that the invisible and visible employees have the ability of developing commitments towards excellence, when they have specific direct involvement with the areas of responsibility perceived by the management. The efforts of teams help in maximizing the results, minimizing the costs and allowing the employees to have integrity and authorship within the accomplishments involved. Financial rewards are to be shared in terms of team and individual efforts. The company perceives the strong belief to hire exceptional individual who have the willingness of working for the achievement of excellent outcomes (Jianfei, 2014). As an exchange, the company stays committed for developing good people by the promotion, rewarding, training, cultivation and identification of individuals with the commitment to move the organization forward. For the appropriate treatment of the workforce, Starbucks focuses on offering all part- time and full- time employees the opportunity of receiving additional meaningful advantages, discounted stock or stock options purchase plans, health-care advantages and additional meaningful advantages. The mind-set yet rite concerning managers in conformity with human beings hold major significance (Michelli, 2016). Employees must bear the capability regarding trusting the integrity then reasons on the supervisors. Management authorities bear the specific accountability because of developing protective surroundings, and the place even is growing about unique values.
Expectation of Service Quality
Starbucks holds the belief that the ethical conduct of business is the right way of doing business for the achievement of maximum success. Business compliance and ethics is an important program of supporting the mission of Starbucks. Hence, they protect the reputation and culture by the provision of resources for assisting partners in ethical decision making. The program focuses on the development and distribution of awareness related to the materials that include the standards for conducting business. The program focuses on the following (Ostrom and Morgan, 2008):
Provision of extra channel for employees in voicing the key concerns
Investigation of sensitive problems like potentially conflicting interests
Facilitation of ethical training and legal compliance
At Starbucks, there is stimulation of employees because reporting each and every category over worries or problems into the program by means of deciding on the provisions of verbal exchange channels. The universal fashion is between agreements across the enterprise because of imparting non-compulsory reporting mechanisms among the shape regarding complete software for willingness yet ethics (Peppers and Rogers, 2016).

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



代写作文-麦当劳在玻利维亚的市场情况分析,在玻利维亚,麦当劳的形象和声誉都不怎么好。造成这一结果的原因有很多。玻利维亚人可能不认为这些食品是健康的,而且制作时间很短。大部分人口是土著居民,他们认为在麦当劳的产品上花钱是不值得的(Paliwoda, 2013)。拒绝的食物不是由于味道,但它主要是基于经济因素和质量的食品在短时间内准备。麦克唐纳在玻利维亚的失败突出了新营销战略的重要性,应根据当地玻利维亚人民的需要来实施。全球方法,这是集中在初始阶段,应取代客户市场方法(Sarangi, 2009)。接下来代写作文-麦当劳在玻利维亚的市场情况分析如下:

McDonald’s image and reputation were not fruitful in Bolivia. Many reasons can be assumed for this outcome. It may be that Bolivians do not consider the foods to be healthy, made in short time. The majority of the population is an indigenous population who does not find it worth to spend money on the McDonald’s products (Paliwoda, 2013). The rejection of the food was not due to taste but it was primarily based on the economic factors and quality of foods prepared in short time. Macdonald’s failure in Bolivia highlighted the importance of new marketing strategy, which should be implemented suiting the local needs of the Bolivian people. The global approach, which was focused on the initial stage, should be replaced with the customer market approach (Sarangi, 2009).

Implementing and coordinating the global marketing program
As per the failure of the company in the Bolivian territories to expansion is seen, the business challenges must be properly minimized for following the marketing mix of global marketing program. The management of McDonald should hire some researchers who will be responsible for conducting appropriate research based on the demographic and geographic factors by which they can conduct the marketing mix theory and gain a handsome amount of profit (Loth, 2006).
By using the marketing mix properly, the virtue of specialization in product management could be enhanced by the company to analyse the cost benefit elasticity to change the perception value of products and services by providing a marketing program to ensure and encourage market response (Mayrhofer, 2012). In this situation, the company has to offer a great range of privileges to the consumer end so that the consumers can make McDonald’s products as their “First and the last Choice.”

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The people in power and the elitist try to control the people by using a number of techniques. They berate, bribe, intimidate or attack the people who question the authority. In Cudahy, candidates who dared to participate in the elections were languished by the officials. One of the candidates had a Molotov cocktail that was flung inside candidates premises. There were cases where bribe was a normal function and there were also rigged elections (Thompson 222).
Drugs were used to control the people and there was the use of armed bodyguards. These were the governmental authorities who used their power to create a system where the people were controlled. For example, Mayor David Silva, Councilman Osvaldo Conde and Angel Perales were convicted of acting bribes for setting up of a marijuana dispensary store (Van 34).
These show that the governmental authorities used a number of techniques to control the people. These in turn cause the common people in the communities to become victims of the processes. These were some of the techniques that were used by the authorities to control the people. The ways in which the people overcome these techniques are explained in the following.
Even the most controlling and fearful government will be left with a backlash. This has been observed from historic events such as the French revolution. These have changed after the inception of democratic governance. The people have two ways to addressing the issues. It is developing antagonism, protests and stealthily attacking the people or developing a proper system where the people gain authority to control over the events. This is done after crafting a career and studying (Bartlett 69).
After the revelations and scandals, Cudahy voters elected council members who were more dynamic and young (Gerber 2). According to the current data, four of the five officials are now in their late 20s. The council members are all educated and have a college degree. The Bell charter should not have a mechanism of enforcement established within it. However, it is power of City Council for enforcing all ordinances of Bell and the code of Bell.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


本篇美国代写-上市公司杠杆效应分析的研究方法,分析了公司治理与财务杠杆之间的关系。财务杠杆是影响企业财务杠杆效应的重要因素。在我国,由于公司治理问题和证券交易所的不良声誉,财务杠杆效应越来越受到关注。为了了解财务杠杆对中国上市公司的影响,我们收集了50多家上市公司近5年来在金融、科技、互联网、医疗和农业科技等各个领域的数据。为了了解效果,使用了GARCH模型。使用EVIEWS统计软件分析GARH模型(Chorro et al., 2014)。最佳选择的GARCH模型将是GJR GARCH模型,因为它提供了最精确和适当的所需结果。

This chapter details out the research methodology, model and collection of data for the leverage effect analysis and relation between corporate governance & financial leverage for all 50 Chinese listed companies. Financial leverage is critical factor for financial leverage effect on the companies. In China, the financial leverage effect is becoming concern due to corporate governance issues and bad reputation among stock exchange. To understand the financial leverage effect on Chinese listed companies, more than 50 listed company’s data is gathered for last 5 years in various sectors like finance, technology, internet, health and aggrotech. In order to understand the effect, there is GARCH model used. GARH Model is analysed using EVIEWS Statistical software (Chorro et al., 2014). The best selected GARCH model will be GJR GARCH model as this provides most precise and appropriate required results.

Consider all observations for all 50 Chinese listed companies
Fit all required models as discussed above
The appropriate model will be verified as per the given data sets and objective of the model
For each model, the analysis will be done for VaR 95% and VaR 99%
The model will not be re-estimated after each new observation based on the above VaR value
Remove earlier observations and do next few more observations to test
Repeat this process until the end of period
The dependency of the number of models and the VaR estimates are normally dependent on each series individually. For most of all stocks of 50 Chinese listed companies the most selected model will be GJR GARCH. The required statistical analysis, graphs, charts and tables will be produced as per need to the objective of the study and the discussion will be done based on the output or results in the next chapter.
Ethical Consideration
In order to make sure that this research without any issues, the researcher has maintained some ethical considerations as given below:
The researchers directly used the data from the given open source for all 50 Chinese listed companies
The data gathered from the yahoo finance database was not reproduced or sold to any third party except use in this research study
The researchers identified the right model as appropriate with help of existing researches
The researcher provided the references wherever the content was referred or used in this research

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


美国论文代写-组织变革的阻力分析。组织变革的成功与否,完全取决于员工接受变革的方式。Kubler Ross认为,人类经历悲伤、愤怒、否定、抑郁、接受和讨价还价的过程分为五个阶段。这些主要是人们将损失或变化应用于组织变化的管理后所面临的(Piper and szaboo – jones, 2015)。这种模式主要用于指导沟通,从而支持整个变革时期。沟通应该根据所发生的变化和所交付的变化进行调整。

When it comes to the success of the organisational change, it entirely depends on the manner in which change is accepted by the employees. It was argued by Kubler Ross that humans are subject to 5 stages where they experience grief, anger, denial, depression, acceptance and bargaining. These are mainly faced when people undergo a loss or change after applying it to the management of organisational change (Piper and Szabo-Jones, 2015). This model is utilised mainly for guiding communication and thereby supporting the entire period of change. Communication is expected to be tailored with respect to the change which takes place and the change which is delivered. Employees should be provided with information in order to handle their denial. After the information has sunk in totally, then people are likely to experience depression, bargaining and even anger. After accepting the situation, it is required by the employees to put their commitment into vision (Stickler, 2011). There are several others who take an individualistic approach for studying the resistance to change and arguing the reactions of individuals which are likely to vary greatly and are highly complex. One of the major advocates of this kind of thinking is ShaulOreg who outlined that resistance to change is based entirely on personality and also with the context of change. A scale called “Resistance to change scale” was developed which was considered to be a stable trait of personality. A suitable and positive relation was witnessed between the individuals. It was observed by Oreg that the context variables play a significant role. In management, trust is likely to have a strong impact on cognitive, behavioural and effective resistance. These findings provide an emphasis on the importance of the skills related to management which is present in the entire period of change. It was found out by Oreg that a certain amount of information can be provided to the employees beyond the employees themselves feeling overwhelmed. The role played by the management has been put forth where the communication strategy takes an edge over the other aspects. It can be put forth that the emergent theory and the advocates of OD makes effective decisions about these issues. An elaborate knowledge about the structures, personnel, strategy and the culture of the chosen organisation is required (Anderson, 2016). In order to reduce the resistance among the employees or the worker’s literature of organisational change, the involvement of the employees in the empowerment or change makes suitable changes in itself (Cumming and Ng, 2015). It can be outlined that the involvement of the employees is not at all sufficient with the managers who play critical roles in rewarding or encouraging the various innovation. It needs to be stated that the participation of the employees along with various phases or stages of changes is essential. A more emergent view with handling the employees was put forth by Kotter and Schlesinger. It was stated by them that the reasons and the content of change are likely to vary between the various organisations and the response is likely to be determined by these circumstances and the content. The various methods which are involved in addressing the resistance include education, participation, facilitation, negotiation and coercion etc. Every group of employees will cover the entire range of the various types of personality that implies the different ranges of the strategies that are essential in nature (Zimmermann, 2011).

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!

代写论文-NCR公司面临竞争情况 下的财务状况分析


National cash Register or NCR Corporation is an American electronics and computer software and hardware company. The company deals in manufacturing ATM machines, point-of-sales terminals, self-service kiosks, barcode scanners, check processing systems and business consumable. IT maintenance support services are also offered by the NCR Corporation. With its extraordinary performance, the company had expanded very fast and made immense growth. However, NCR is facing stiff competition in the market with the companies like IBM and DBD. Financial statements of these 3 companies show that competition is hampering the financial state of NCR.
This report explains the current financial condition of the NCR Corporation and its competitive state with IBM and DBD. The report analyzes the financial statements of the three companies and present a ratio analysis and detailed presentation of their financial condition along with the recommendations to solve the financial issue.

Started in 1884, NCR Corporation is based in Dayton, Ohio, which was acquired in 1991 by AT&T. The company sold its Dayton, Ohio properties in 2009 and moved to Atlanta. NCR’s original name has been maintained even after the merger with AT&T and it is one of the largest computer software, hardware, electronics and IT support service companies in America.
With the above calculations and comparisons of Net Profit Ratio and return on Asset ratio, we can clearly see that NCR is not in a very good financial state, but still better than the DNB. However, IBM is the leader among 3 with the highest and outstanding ratios and profit margins. In spite of a good competitor, DNB lost with NCR and IBM.

As per the financial analysis of NCR and its comparative analysis with its competitor companies, it is clear that NCR is doing good business and keeping its aim of serving its customers with good interest. With more than 30,200 employees, the company is expanding yearly and gaining good profits every year as compared to its competitor DNB.
However, with few suggestions, the company can improve its market performance. The company must set achievable goals with some changes in its operational policy. Additionally, the employee processes should be improved to increase the efficiency of the company.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




Although the four theories of financial institutions have their own individual significance and each theory clearly has a significant role to play. Each theory has been setup with a framework in mind and a need of the community in general. However, because of the diverse nature of financial institutions, each institution aligns its needs and objectives to one particular theory since each theory stands individually and all theories are mutually exclusive. After reading all the theories, one’s bound to be in a dilemma about which theory to apply for an individual institution since each theory is a standalone and caters to various aspects of a financial institution. After carefully analysing the theories, one is also forced to align the vision and mission of its financial institution as per the theory so that the messaging of the firm as a whole and the entire value proposition of the financial institution boils down to a single aim in terms of its performance, strategy, approach and commitment (Corbett & Spender, 2009).
As per the case of Macquarie Group, after carefully analysing the firm’s corporate social responsibility activities and its efforts in the field of innovation and thoughtful leadership, one cannot help but believe that the firm is totally committed to addressing community needs. Their ultimate motivation is to realize opportunities which are beneficial to their clients, their shareholders and also the people in general. For the Macquarie Group, the motivation behind undertaking CSR program is to address community needs. With this motivation behind every CSR effort, the Macquarie Group has undertaken various initiatives with a philanthropic approach. They are highly committed to the three pillars of success at their bank. Their primary aim is to help non-profit organizations and address the community needs at large. The performance and integral results of the Macquarie group are beyond doubt and non-questionable. They have been able to gain the highest level of trust and commitment from their clients, their stakeholders, their colleagues and the community at large (Boulstridge & Carrigan, 2000). The purpose of any strategy they implement at their firm is to realize a good opportunity which is beneficial to one and all and ultimately they provide the best services to their clients, the community in general, the stakeholders in particular and the society at large. The firm is totally committed to its endeavours. Also the firm believes in working with integrity. They have always taken decisions that they have been proud of. Also, they have the courage and integrity to own up their mistakes. Whenever something wrong has happened, they have the ability to walk the extra mile to make things work between the client and the business such that the business remains profitable and the client is also fully satisfied.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The ODIHR/OSCE monitors the process of election in Ukraine in an appropriate manner and ensures that the protection of the human rights, the rule of law, democratic values and fundamental freedom. The process of election should be done in an appropriate manner; otherwise, it will lead to the destruction of people’s life, and irretrievable losses to political and social lives of the country.

There are many Canadians who are obliged to experience the brunt of discrimination and exclusion by white society. The race is the central aspect to the students for many black students. Racism has imposed a significant impact on many students and people in the society. The government of Canada has implemented rules and regulations for the rights and freedoms of black people. A multiculturalists approach has the tendency of undermining some of the ethnic minorities of providing congruent and homogenous cultural identity. The main issue with the homogenously multicultural culture in Canada is that it fails to account for the historical exclusion of the black people. The practice was prevalent, especially in the Canadian classrooms. The history shows that school had a significant impact on the experiences and attitudes of the black community concerning today education. However, the government has done a good job in suppressing its history of racial discrimination in its education system. The black students and educators feel that they have trapped in the system. The conceptualization as the post-racial utopia can be determined as an important example of “Microaggressions”. The government should focus on providing equal status to the black people in the country. The government organizations and other people should also fight against racism in the country. The violent racism expression imposes a significant impact on the attitude and behavior of many students and people. People are exposed consistently to microaggression as it further serves continuing social inequalities. The people exposed to microaggression are more exposed to daily nonverbal and verbal assaults. Therefore, the victims of microaggressive acts are compelled to mitigate the thinking of the society as well as the act of different individuals. All individual should have equal rights within a country.

The organizations also foster democratic governance by supporting government in executing democratic practices with the focus on the legal frameworks of the political parties and participation of women in the public affairs. Every year OSCE/ODIHR organizes and coordinates the operation of thousands of observes to monitors whether the elections in the region are conducted as per the OSCE commitments, standards for democratic elections, national legislation and other international obligations. The organization also helps the states of the country to improve the election framework. The guideline and instructions provided by the organization are to be followed by the government. The organization also guides the organizations and government bodies within the country.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The Corporate Social responsibility is a way of business approach with a prime objective of welfare to the social and ecological aspects of the society. It is the act that an organization performs as a pay back or gratitude towards the society for the benefits and growth that it has attained in the business. CSR approach varies from organisation to organisation as every organisation has its own set of plans with regards to the problems it wants to address. There are organisations who participates in animal and wildlife conservation as there CSR activities, while some organisations contribute towards the awareness regarding any disease or education, lifestyle etc. Hence, it can be said that CSR activities are a vast area of study (Times, 2017).
The five pillars or commitments of BA:
To create sustainable and responsible communities: “Flying start” is a charitable partnership between BA and Comic Relief UK. Together, they work for the upliftment and development of underprivileged children.
To promote wellbeing and inclusion: BA provides health care services and programmes for its employees. The Early Active Rehabilitation (EAR) programme scheme, or the Access to an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) monitors counsels and supports the employee 24×7 in all 365 days.
To conduct business responsibly: BA encourages ethical culture in the work place. For example: BA ensures equal employment opportunities to individuals irrespective of their colour, race, religion and gender. Ba also ensures that the employees are ethical at work and they respond as per the code of conduct of the company. BA supports and provides maternity benefits its women employee. Timely salary and bonus etc. are among the best practices of BA.
To reduce British Airways’ environmental impact: With the use of minimum thrust for taking -off, the BA has reduced the NO2 from their entire active airlines. For dealing with lower NO2 emission, the flap from the angles of each of the aircraft has been reduced. By 2015, BA has reduced the average flight noise from each aircraft by 15%.
To reduce waste and improve recycling: By 2010, BA achieved its “zero waste on the landfill” and help in cleanliness airiness in airways industry. BA has installed phase 3 and 4 combustors in their all airplanes and is planning to install phase 5 in the near future. BA always invest in the new kind of Aircrafts as they use less fuel and help in power conservation (BritishAirways, 2017).

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