标签存档: 密歇根州立大学论文代写






Chandler mentions that with the forming of the business enterprise modern in nature which produces many units from many locations there was change in the way market controls the economic activities and allocates the resources. It goes on to say the invisible hand of the market got replaced by the management hand which was visible. This means that the administrative coordination took over the market. This was due to fact that there administrative coordination of the salaried employees which led to the higher production at lesser costs and thus increasing the profit of the firm. It says that due to administrative coordination there was advantage to the firm who internalized the activities of many business units into single unit and thus there were synergies which led to saving of costs and higher productivity. There was a managerial hierarchy which was created due to this administrative coordination (Chandler, 1993).

Administrative coordination started making sense to the firm where their economic activities reached to such level where administrative coordination was more beneficial for them in terms of profits. It brought in new technology and also led to expansion of the markets. The hierarchy formed in the management was their main source of growth and power. Salaried employees careers took off and they became more professional. These professionals were the ones who controlled these hierarchies. Also training became more systematic and also formal in nature. There was separation of the group which managed the firm and people who owned the firm. Management started focusing on policies which will help the firm in the long run rather than the having high current profits. Lastly as the firms grew and started dominating the main sectors, they started altering the basic structure as well as the economy (Chandler, 1993).




■皮肤较薄、色泽暗淡、缺乏光泽度。洗脸后肌肤易感到紧绷、刺痛。 ◆ 肌肤呈干性、易敏感发炎、紧绷缺乏弹性,容易老化而产生细纹及黑斑。 ◆ 角质触感粗糙、干涩。容易长鳞屑、脱皮,上妆时容易浮粉。
1. 避免过度清洁,着重肌肤保养,加强滋润与水份之补充。
2. 选择含有滋润及营养性的保养品,补充肌肤油分。
4. 避免紫外线照射,加强防护美白,白天外出一定需要防晒,以避免黑斑及细纹产生。
■ 混合性肌肤美容保养重点:
由于环境及生理因素,而导致皮脂分泌不平衡,混合两种以上之肤质在同一张脸上。属于不稳定的肤质,是现代人常有的肌肤型。 ◆ T字部位毛孔明显、 皮脂分泌旺盛,易长粉刺、、面疱青春痘。 ◆ 脸颊、嘴唇及眼睛四周,却油脂水份缺乏,因干燥而产生细纹。
加强保养清爽保养→ 全脸使用油性肌肤的清爽保养方式,两颊干燥处再加强滋润。
滋润保养→ 全脸使用干性肌肤的滋润保养方式,避开油性部位。
