标签存档: 硕士毕业论文代写





The industrial revolution started in the 18th century and it started first in the British region. After starting in the British region slowly, it has spread in European countries as well. On the 18th century, all the countries of Europe were focusing on industrial production rather than agricultural production. The electricity, cotton gain and other investors have changed the European society and Great Britain helped all the European countries a lot in this case. Cotton production was increasing on that time and therefore the overall the overall textile industry were growing. This was the main reason behind the industrial revolution.

The industrial revolution in Europe has started in Britain in the 18th century and the revolution spread throughout the world. The overall industry revolution mainly started with the textile industry. The overall industrial revolution in Europe did not happen in a day and it took time to spread. Europe has witnessed many opportunities on that time and this was the main reason behind the industrial revolution on that time. Many creative inventors were there and they played major role behind the success of the textile industry. Apart from this, the productive nature of Europe is the other thing that helped Britain to bring industrial revolution easily in the textile industry. The spinning frames were mainly created on the British island and after it have created on different places. As per Stearns, France was the major competitors of the Great Britain. Both Britain and France were successful on that time (2018, p.89). The supply of the cotton was increasing rapidly because of the rapid production and both Great Britain and France both were getting benefits because of this easily. Therefore, they were focusing more on the clothing production and thus these countries began to switch their investment from agrarian section to the industrial production. According to Inglehart, apart from this, Belgium was focusing on the industrial production because of the rapid production of the cottons and they were importing cottons from Britain for enhancing their textile industry (2018, p.12). In addition, this was one of the main reasons behind the industrial revolution in Belgium.

Spain, Greece and other Balkan countries were focusing on industrial production and they were getting help from the other European countries. Thus, they were improving. Germany has many small states and at the beginning, they were facing difficulties to transfer import cottons from one place to another. Hence, the industrial development of this country is slow compare to the other European countries. However, Netherland has little natural resources and they were facing difficulties to develop heavy industry throughout the country. Henceforth, they were focusing more on the agrarian products compare to the industrial businesses. Nevertheless, still they were getting help from the other European countries and this helped to develop their industrial production rapidly. Great Britain had many opportunities on that time and they helped other European countries. This was the main reason behind the happening of industrial revolution in Europe.










The cracks that are found in concrete are a common occurrence. This is based on lower tensile strength. It is found that the concrete would be impacted by cracks and this would allow the fluids to flow through, making the whole concreate of no use. In the cases where the micro-cracks grow, there will be a lot of issues in the use of the concrete. It is imperative to control the cracks and control the width in order to treat the cracks as soon as they are formed. Based on the costs involved in the maintenance and the repair of the concrete structures, the focus of the development has been about self-healing concrete. The self-healing of the cracks in the concrete leads to lengthier service life of concrete structure. These would make the material more durable and increase the life of the concrete. There is considerable research that is done to achieve this paradigm using different methods.

Autogenous healing

The concrete has the property of “autogenous healing capacity”. The concrete has un-hydrated cement which is present in the matrix. Whenever water interacts with the cement, there is further hydration that occurs. The CaCO3 crystals are formed when the CO2 interacts with the Ca2+. These two methods are used to heal the smaller cracks. To enhance the healing mechanism, the microfibers are added to the mixture. This addition of the microfiber in the concrete causes multiple cracking to occur. This is based on the use of autogenous healing.

Superabsorbent polymers (SAP)

These SAPs are the hydrogels and they are able to consumer larger amount of the fluids. This is used to retain their structure without the process of dissolving. At times when the cracks occur, SAP has been observed that whenever it is exposed to humid environment, it swells. This swelling is defined as the reaction to partly close the cracks and cause prevention from the intrusion of the potentially harmful substances. After swelling process occurs, the SAP particles generally desorb the compounds and provide more fluid for the surrounding matrix for them. This invariably leads to the internal curing. There is further requirement of hydration and the precipitation of the CaCO3. This causes the cracks to close completely. The PH level in the concrete drops from 12.8. It is imperative to investigate the pH sensitive hydrogels. This causes the swelling of the cracks that occur and the fresh water penetrates.

Bacterial spores

The cracks are observed to be healing from the use of the calcium carbonate by utilizing the bacterial micro-organisms. The organisms are observed and entrenched in the concrete matrix. After the immobilization of the diatomaceous, the earth in the microcapsule shows cracks. This would start the precipitation of CaCO3. This causes the crack to occur. This crack happens whenever the bacterial cell is coated with another layer of CaCO3. This results in the crack filling. The CaCO3 precipitation has been observed to be immobilized on diatomaceous earth of the silica gel.











从源头上讲,废物分类的理念是将有机和无机废物分别倾倒在不同的垃圾箱里。这使得将可回收垃圾与不可回收垃圾进行分类变得更加容易。房子里有两个独立的垃圾桶。然而,在处理它们的时候,没有采取废物分类。从图6可以明显看出,其中一个盒子里既有有机垃圾,也有无机垃圾,而另一个盒子里似乎只有无机垃圾。传统上,废物分类被认为是一种不便,但Czajkowski, Kadziela和Hanley(2014)表明,一些人实际上从这种策略中获得了效用。从源头进行废物分类,可以很容易地在房屋内实施,从而有助于日后处理废物。

Shift to more efficient appliances

Energy efficient appliances have a higher upfront cost but they have smaller variable costs as they consume less electricity or energy thereby reducing the pressure on electricity bills. The place of audit had relatively older appliances which were low in efficiency; the energy consumption was higher than is necessary. Thus, a shift to more efficient appliances is liable to save both energy and electricity bill.

Shift to smart meters

Smart meters give daily readings so that the user can easily track his or her electricity or water consumption. While the bills give an idea of past consumption and in case of water bills, the relative position with respect to the neighbours, it does not help the users measure their consumption while they consume. The meters at the house are not smart meters, due to which while one can track the usage by subtracting the readings, it is a cumbersome process. Thus, smart meters will help in tracking usage and curb unnecessary consumption.

Immediate repairing of water leakages

A discussion with the tenants revealed that there have been times when leaking taps have been leaking for a couple of days before it was repaired. Furthermore, the plumbing is also quite old in the house which often leads to water leakages. While most of the issues are temporarily fixed, they need permanent solutions. Therefore, immediate and more long-term solutions to such problems will help save water bills which are higher for the house than the neighbours.

Waste segregation at source

The idea of waste segregation at source is to dump organic and non-organic wastes in separate bins. This makes it easier to sort recyclable wastes from non-recyclable ones. The house has two separate waste bins. Yet, waste segregation is not adopted while disposing them. As is apparent from Figure 6, one of the boxes has both organic and non-organic wastes even though the second appears to have only non-organic waste. Waste segregation has traditionally been thought to be an inconvenience but Czajkowski, Kadziela & Hanley (2014) show that several people actually derive utility from this strategy. Waste segregation at source can be easily implemented in the house which would then help in managing waste subsequently.




另一个驱动因素是基于工作的程序和政策。这些结果包括人力资源的政策和程序,以及对组织的感知支持。人力资源政策和程序包括雇用实践,灵活的时间安排,平衡工作生活的政策,绩效管理和安全问题。为了在工作场所创造engagement文化,人力资源系统需要与其他管理实践一起工作,当他们处理员工(Bartlett, 2001)。雇佣的过程包括处理从选择过程到合同最终结束的员工。这是通过最大化人-工作的契合度来实现的,因为这对进一步提高员工的参与度至关重要。

另一个关键因素是培训和发展。这是另一个有影响力的接触先例。该驱动因子与工作需求资源模型中提出的工作资源范围一致。这种模式对于有抱负的员工具有双重意义。培训、学习和发展可以被视为内在的激励因素,通过满足人的基本需求,如自主性需求和能力需求,支持员工的成长,并增强个人的发展计划(Belias & Koustelios, 2014)。它可以进一步被视为一种外在的激励因素,因为它有助于为员工提供所需的工具和资源,使其具备胜任能力和技能。这些对于员工的目标实现和职业发展都是必不可少的。例如,来自团队成员的激励、信息性质的评论和主管的支持行为等工作资源可以帮助员工减少他们工作时的生理和心理性质的成本。这有助于他们顺利地完成工作。这些工作资源进一步激励员工在他们的工作角色中奉献更高的精力。

Another driver is compensation and benefits. This is another indispensable antecedent to engagement of employees. It is inclusive of finance related rewards and rewards of non-financial nature such as providing recognition and other exemplified perks through provision of extra holidays or travel based discounting methods (Barkema et al., 2015). The employee engagement level furthermore is dependent over attractiveness of employees for obtained benefits and compensation. As per the social exchange theory, employees going after reception of rewards and recognition is of the feeling that they should now respond by being engaged completely. Employees have a preference to be rewarded and recognized distinctively for the excellent work they perform particularly when pay has a relationship to performance.

Another driver is work based procedures and policies. These result in encompassing policies and procedures of HR as well as the perceived support for organizations. Policies of HR and procedures are inclusive of practices of hiring, flexible timing, policies to balance work life, management of performance and issues of safety. For creating an engagement culture in the workplace, systems of HR require working together with other practices of management when they deal with the employees (Bartlett, 2001). The process of hiring is inclusive of dealing with employees initiating from the process of selection to the final end of the contract. This is done through maximizing the fit of person-job as it is crucial for furthering engagement of employees.

Another essential driver is training and development. This is another influential engagement antecedent. Such a driver has consistency with the job resources scope as it has been proposed in the model of Job demand resources. This model bears double significance for employees who are ambitious. Training, learning as well as development can be seen as intrinsic motivators which support growth of employees and enhance development plans of individuals through fulfilment of basic human requirements such as autonomy needs and competence needs (Belias & Koustelios, 2014). It can further be regarded as a motivator of extrinsic nature as it helps in providing employees with required tools and resources as competencies and skills get applied over job. These are imperative for goal achievement of employees as well as opportunities for career growth. For example, resources of job such as motivation from team members, comments of informative nature and supportive acts from supervisor might help employees to decrease their costs of physiological and psychological nature when they work. This helps in completing their job in a smooth manner. These resources of job furthermore result in motivating the employees to dedicate higher energy within their work job roles.




关于企业家的领导角色和管理者角色的研究表明,他们的工作虽然看起来相似,但也有一些不同(Kempster & Cope, 2010)。经理们渴望成为领导者,并专注于发展他们在工作场所的领导技能,但他们的重点确实是日常活动。他们努力发展他们的领导技能或他们对变化的关注将受到日常管理活动的驱动。研究表明,在采用领导角色时,企业家在组织和推动变革方面比在管理职能中表现出更多的主动性(Kempster & Cope, 2010)。专注于领导技能的企业家也寻求更广泛的经验,因此在他们的战略方法中更有洞察力和信息。与管理者相比,企业家的定义似乎突出了这种不同。企业家被定义为在商业市场中不断努力创造具有独特价值的新事物的人。基于新兴机会的创新被企业家所抓住(Dover & Dierk, 2016,第7页)。因此,在企业家的概念理解中,一些动态的东西是被期望的,因为他们通过利用机会不断帮助他们的组织发展。

企业家在管理能力上将发挥更务实的作用。重点是功能,而不是企业家的角色。经理计划、组织、协调和控制,并在此过程中为公司手头的情况带来秩序和结构(Gosling & Mintzberg, 2003)。创业型公司确实需要良好的管理,为已创建的东西带来秩序和结构(Zahra, 2005)。然而,企业家单独接受经理的角色不会帮助企业从舒适的战略位置移动到更高的达到战略。事实上,如果工作场所的管理侧重于复杂性和降低风险,企业家就会寻求承担一些风险。更好的效率、增长和创新会带来一定的风险,有时脱离组织内定义的规定流程和规则是必要的(Holt et al., 2007)。领导者有能力做到这一点,相比之下,管理者往往致力于维持现状,因此也会建议和激励他们的员工这样做。管理者关注的是协作。他们利用谈判、惩罚甚至一定程度的胁迫来控制与他们一起工作的员工和其他下属。研究者Dover和Dierk(2016)甚至认为,这使得管理工作抗拒变革。然而,无论是企业组织还是企业家都不会抵制变革。


Research conducted on the subject of what an entrepreneur’s leadership role and manager role was revealed that their work, although appearing to be similar, had some dissimilarity (Kempster & Cope, 2010). Managers aspire to be leaders and do focus on developing their leadership skills in the workplace, but their focus is indeed on the day to day activities. Their efforts to develop their leadership skills or their focus on change will be driven by day to day management activities. The research revealed that in the adoption of leadership roles, more initiative were shown by entrepreneurs to organize and drive change than they would show within a managerial function (Kempster & Cope, 2010). Entrepreneurs focusing on their leadership skills seek a wider range of experience as well and hence are more insightful and informative in their approach to strategy. The very definition of an entrepreneur seems to highlight this dissimilarity compared against the manager. The entrepreneur is defined as one that constantly strives to create something new with unique values in the business market place. Innovation based on emerging opportunities is seized by the entrepreneur (Dover & Dierk, 2016, p. 7). Hence in the very conceptual understanding of the entrepreneur, something dynamic is expected, as they constantly help their organization evolve by making use of opportunities.

The entrepreneur in the managerial capacity will play a much more pragmatic role. The focus is on functionality, as compared against the role of the entrepreneur. The manager plans, organizes, coordinates and controls and in doing so bring order and structure to the situation at hand in the company (Gosling & Mintzberg, 2003). Entrepreneurial companies do need good management for bringing order and structure to what has been created (Zahra, 2005). However, the entrepreneur accepting the role of the manager alone would not help the business move from its comfortable strategic position to higher reaching strategies. In fact, where the management of the workplace focuses on complexity and risk reduction, the entrepreneur would seek to take some risk. Better efficiency, growth and innovation would come with some amount of risk and sometimes it is necessary to get out of the prescribed processes and rules defined within the organization (Holt et al., 2007). Leaders would be capable of doing this compared to managers who often work on maintaining the status-quo and hence would also advice and motivate their workforce to do the same. The manager focuses on collaborations. They make use of negotiations, punishment and even a certain amount of coercion could be identified in how they seek to control the employees working with them and other subordinates. Researchers Dover and Dierk (2016) even argue that this makes management work resist change. However, neither an entrepreneurial organization nor an entrepreneur will resist change.

There could be no change or no development possible when one adheres to the status quo and this is a critical reason why the entrepreneur has to be a leader more than a manager. The leadership function can hence be given a broader role compared to management which is connected to the conditioning and success of existing elements. Given this background context, this work makes the argument that for an entrepreneurial venture, it is better for the entrepreneur to be a leader than a manager.





该剧在对流行的后殖民主义观念的同化方面表现出现代主义的元素,其中包括对传统叙事手法的背离。詹姆斯·艾奇逊(James Acheson)等评论家评论了该剧的情节结构。他批判地指出,观众一定会注意到情节的划分:它被分成两幕,由两个主要的主角扮演。这个角色发现他们自己与彼此的命运相抗争,必须与一个荒谬世界的可能性进行斗争(Akhter, 2016)。尤金·韦伯(Eugene Webb)也评论说,贝克特已经成功地将这部戏剧变成了一种文化符号,尤其是他对时间的巧妙管理。贝克特在剧中分解时间元素的方式确实值得称道。此外,对一个不存在的角色“戈多”的永恒等待在不同的视角层面上具有象征意义。值得注意的是,剧作家有策略地让弗拉基米尔和爱斯特拉根在一系列活动中消磨时间:交换帽子,玩游戏,考虑自杀(Beckett, 2012)。它反映和讽刺了人类所专注的病态和徒劳的承诺。此外,在剧中,相对重要的事情都被处理得很琐碎。悲剧和喜剧之间界限的消解,使悲喜剧元素融入了戏剧。最重要的是,等待元素推动游戏向前发展。


It has been observed that Godot stands symbolically of the essential driving force in Estragon and Vladimir, who is seen in an act of endless waiting. Beckett advocated the opinion that it represents the ultimate aim, quest, and search of man. It is a futile search that never ends. Both the characters have invested their absolute trust in Godot, thereby, manifesting the haunting insecurities of a human mind. Beckett has unravelled the inherent fears and uncertainties haunting the post-Darwinian society. The plot structure of the play, as it has been already pointed out, does not have any dynamism in terms of development. It has no situation development, conflict or conclusion. Nevertheless, the plot development successfully triggers a feeling of discomfort among his audiences as they’re presented with the brutal existential truth (Beckett, 2012). It must also be noted that timelessness is yet another essential quality of the modern drama.

The play manifested the elements of modernism in term of assimilation of the popular post-colonial conception which involves the deviation from the traditional narrative technique. Critics like James Acheson observes has commented on the physical structuring of the play. He has critically pointed out that the audiences are bound to notice the plot division: it is split into two acts which are acted by the two major protagonists. The character finds themselves pitted against the fate of one another and must struggle against the odds of an absurd world (Akhter, 2016). It has also been commented by Eugene Webb that Beckett has been successful in turning this play into a cultural icon particularly for his skilful management of time. The way in which Beckett has broken down the element of time in the play is indeed commendable. Besides, the eternal waiting for an absent character named ‘Godot’ assumes symbolic significance at different perspective levels. It is to be noted that the playwright had strategically engaged the character, Vladimir and Estragon in a series of activities order to pass their time: swapping their hats, playing games, and contemplating suicide (Beckett, 2012). It mirrors and satirises the morbid and the futile engagements that human beings are preoccupied with. Besides, the matters of relative importance are treated with triviality in the play. This dissolution of the borders between the tragedy and comedy renders the tragicomic element to the play. Most importantly, the element of waiting propels the play forward.

Therefore, it could be effectively concluded that Samuel Beckett has been a successful modern dramatist who had successfully incorporated all the elements of the contemporary drama. He brought forward his iconoclastic ideas through the medium of the plays.




经济因素对时尚零售业有着深刻的影响。经济波动将影响销售和利润。从衰退中,世界有很多复苏。中国市场的波动影响了经济的波动。俄罗斯等主要经济体和印度废除纸币运动的影响影响了增长。全世界都在寻求这种局面。该行业希望,从2019年开始,经济将再次上升为积极的消费品(Scott, 2015)。消费者的购买力提高了,这是个好消息。时尚业被视为经济的一部分,也是世界上最大的雇主之一。该行业的竞争水平已经影响到单个品牌。他们的销售和投资者信心已经深深影响了业务。社会文化因素:近十年来发生了重大的社会变化。这影响了对时尚产品的需求。千禧一代是基于时尚营销的目标。这种偏好与上一代不同。社会文化水平的一些变化影响到产品的价格、质量和生态问题。全球人口的人口统计学方面已经发生了很大的变化。快时尚的到来为顾客创造了物美价廉的产品。高端时尚不是高端消费者的高端品牌。这方面的结果是,它消费了快时尚的途径。目前,人们对广告和营销活动的反馈有所改变。在这些方面,时尚零售环境的变化被认为带来了更多的挑战。



Economic Factors: Economic factors have deep impacts of fashion retail industry. Economic volatility will impact sales and profits. From recession, there is a lot of recovery in the world. volatility in the Chinese market has impacted economic fluctuations. Key economies such as Russia and the implication of demonetization in India have impacted the growth. This situation has been sought for the world. The industry is hopeful that the economy will rise again to positive consumer good from 2019 (Scott, 2015). Consumers’ buying power has increased and it is good news. The fashion industry is seen to be a part of the economy and it is one of the biggest employers in the world. Levels of competition in the industry have impacted individual brands. Their sales and investor confidence have been deeply impacted the business. Socio-Cultural Factors: Major social changes have occurred in last ten years. This impacted the demand for fashion products. Millennial generation is the target which is based on fashion marketers. The preference is different from the previous generation. A number of changes of socio-cultural level impact the price, quality and ecological concerns of products. The demographic aspect of the global population has changed a lot. The arrival of the fast fashion has created an affordable and good quality for customers. The high-class fashion is not about premium brands of upper end consumers. The result of this aspect is that it consumes fast fashion avenues. Currently, changes are made on the feedback from people for the advertising and marketing campaigns. In these aspects, changes in fashion retail environment are seen to have grown more challenges.

TechnologicalFactors: Large part of the 21st century has been focused on the development of computers, Internet and Social media. This has increased the importance of digital marketing. Globalization, IT and mobile devices are utilized forcreating meaningful impact of sales, consumer choices and also for the marketing. The millennial generation like to shop online and increasing number of people like to detail about the personalized experience. These are seen to be the pasttimesin terms of shopping or consumer service. Technology has disrupted many things which has improved the production and the supply chain. This has increased overseas expansion. The ecommerce has changed ways in which people shop.

Environmental and legal factors are gaining more importance in the fashion retail. The fashion brands are careful about their carbon footprint and how they market themselves for environment friendly brands. These people are worried about the packaging of raw materials and operations. Fashion brands such as H&M have focused on sustainable factors. These are combined with the legality of the process. In the contemporary time, the rise of the regulatory framework has increased. The rise of the ethics and compliance is considered to be important factors which big brands are working towards in this direction. The fashion industry companies are large employers. There is increase in the scrutiny of these laws. These environmental laws are seen to have grown tough for these common laws.



硕士论文代写:谷歌员工的价值体现。在谷歌上市的2004年,谷歌创始人致函投资者,提及谷歌的运作方式。在那封信中,谷歌的联合创始人谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)添加了一段非常重要的内容。声明称,谷歌的员工更愿意自称为谷歌人,这对公司来说意味着一切。公司以吸引和影响优秀技术人员和商界人士的技能为核心进行组织。谷歌感到很幸运,能招募到几位有创意、有纪律、有责任心的明星。接下来硕士论文代写专家将为同学们讲解下谷歌员工的价值体现。

谷歌与许多大型跨国巨头相比是一个相对年轻的公司(Halzack, 2013)。它在1998年开始了它的旅程,从那时起,它已经为其他人树立了榜样,他们采用的新鲜的管理实践是优越的,在留住更好的人才方面非常有效(Nel et al., 2011)。谷歌的非凡成功为其他人树立了榜样,并展示了一个组织如何通过培养和庆祝其员工的成功来实现在全球平台上的全面成功(Nightingale, 2008)。根据德勤人力资源和劳动力分析主管劳伦斯·柯林斯(Laurence Collins)的说法,谷歌提供的办公环境、成长机会、工作、奖励制度和灵活性都是由员工提出的(Friedman, 2014)。

在谷歌(Halzack, 2013)中,工作概况本身就是一个激励因素。每年,谷歌有超过200万份申请,约5000个职位空缺。谷歌的“人力运营”负责人Lazslo Bock在接受《福布斯》采访时表示,他甚至从申请者那里收到过威胁、贿赂和讨好。他表示谷歌将最优秀的人才纳入董事会,因此公司多年来一直关注招聘(Wauters, 2010)。

在谷歌,算法被用来预测候选人是否最适合某一特定的工作,特别是智商水平较高的候选人通常会被选中(Friedman, 2014)。最重要的是,个人接受信息和学习的能力更为重要(Halzack, 2013)。起初,谷歌喜欢在面试中使用脑筋急转弯和谜语,这已经不是面试过程的一部分了。因此,人们会问传统的面试问题,因为人们认为,一旦确定了趋势,更重要的是要努力去解决它。该公司有事实和数据,使这些决定更有信心和准确性(Nel et al., 2011)。

In the year 2004 when Google became public, a letter was send by the Google founders’ of the company to its investors mentioning the modus operandi of Google. In that letter, a very significant paragraph was added by Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google. It states that employees of Google who prefer to call themselves as Googlers mean everything to the company. The company has organized itself around the skill of attracting and influencing the talent of outstanding technologists and people in business. Google feels lucky to have recruited several creative, disciplined and conscientious stars. The company has high hope to recruit many such talents in future. Google will always recompense and delight them well (Friedman, 2014).

Google is a relatively young company in comparison to many big multinational giants (Halzack, 2013). It started its journey in the year 1998 and since then, it has set examples to others that the fresh management practices that they have adopted are superior and very much effective in retaining better talents (Nel et al., 2011). The exceptional success of Google sets example for others and shows how an organization by nurturing and celebrating the success of its employees can achieve overall success on a global platform (Nightingale, 2008). According to the director of Human Resource and Workforce Analytics, Laurence Collins of Deloitte, the office environment, the growth opportunity, the work, the reward system and the flexibility that Google offers are all proposed by its employees (Friedman, 2014).

The jobs profile its self act as a motivator in Google (Halzack, 2013). Every year, more than 2 million applications are submitted at Google for approximately 5000 vacancies. The head of “People Operations” in Google, Lazslo Bock, stated in an interview with Forbes that he even receives threat, bribe and pleases from the applicants. He stated that Google takes into board the finest talents therefore the company eyes a recruit for years (Wauters, 2010).

At Google, algorithms are used to predict whether a candidate will best suit for a particular job or not especially candidates with higher level of intelligent quotient are often selected (Friedman, 2014). Above all, an individual’s ability to take in information and learn is more important (Halzack, 2013). Initially, Google used to prefer brainteasers and riddles in their interviews which is no longer a part of the interview process. Therefore, traditional interview questions are asked as it is believed that once a trend has been identified, it is more important to work upon it. The company has facts and figures which have given such decisions more confidence and accuracy (Nel et al., 2011).






Berger argues that when people see things, they are affected by what they already know and what they believe. However, it does not mean that they do not infer more from an image that helps them either reinforce that belief or question it. In becoming such a cyclical process, what they see and what they know are never settled and one fuels the other. Berger argues for this using an example of fire, and what it would have meant to the men of the Middle Ages. Since people of those times understood hell in association with fire, they might have looked at fire differently than what people do in contemporary times. However, the view point on fire based on their belief in hell was not a one-sided knowledge acquisition. It also happens the other way around. As Berger argues, they would have seen the fire and observed how it consumes and reduces things to ash and based on their knowledge, the men could have associated it with hell.

A similar understanding can be associated with this painting. When a person views ‘Doubting Thomas’, since they know the biblical occurrence they already know what the painting is about. Saint Thomas and his doubting nature are well understood by the Christian communities, and most people would have heard or would be able to appreciate the background context for this painting. The person will hence see what they already know in this painting. However, by seeing the painting, the person will be able to add more to their existing knowledge. Understanding what happened biblically in text is different from viewing it. The image is gory to a certain extent as Thomas is observed to poke inside the bruise made in Jesus during his slaying on the cross. His eyes are incredulous and the expressions of the others around Jesus and Saint Thomas appear to be horrific. Viewing this picture in contemporary times with no understanding of the background context makes it more appropriate for something horrific and not divine. However, one would not see this picture usually from such contemporary perspective because Berger argues “We never look at just one thing; we are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves. Our vision is continually active, continually moving, continually holding things in a circle and around itself, constituting what is present to us”. The image is presented in a certain way and hence the audience will see it in that way.




领导者引导、激励和激励,但不控制。研究人员亚伯拉罕·扎勒兹尼克(Abraham Zaleznik)写了领导者和管理者的区别。在他的文章中,他介绍了一个组织将如何需要有效的管理者和领导者,但他们对组织的贡献是相当不同的(Zaleznik, 2004)。领导人促进改变。他们根据行业变化提出了新的工作方法。他们理解人们的信仰和文化,并呈现出激励他们的工作哲学。领导者会鼓励员工的不同优势,培养独特的人才,与寻求在工作环境中获得更好的稳定性的管理者相比。通过包容、一致性和一致性来保持工作的稳定性将是管理者关注的焦点。经理处理纠纷解决等过程,以促进稳定和建立规则,行使工作权力。因此,管理和领导是不同的元素,有一些重叠的方面和手段,但目的是不同的(Zaleznik, 2004)。

类似地,Bennis(1989)等研究人员认为,领导者是原创的,激发信任和人力资源的长期方向,而管理者管理和依赖于控制方面,通常管理者专注于短期计划。Chapman(1989)认为,领导者会通过承担可计算的风险和设定长期目标来推进公司的运营。相比较而言,管理者试图通过稳定他们当前的业务,并尽量减少风险和冲突来保护他们。这些目标更短期,但在战略上是一致的。与挑战现状的领导者相比,管理者进一步接受现状(Bennis & Goldsmith, 1997)。

The manager as an individual will focus on aspects of controlling and administering rules and protocols for the efficient working of the organization. While management aspects and leadership aspects do overlap, there are some differences in how their respective duties are disseminated. For instance, management skills as can be expected from a manager will be used to plan activities for projects and build and guide people towards accomplishment of missions and goals of the organization. On the other hand, the leadership focus is more about influencing people and guiding them by motivation or inspiration. Some amount of management control is relinquished in leadership. The leader guides, motivates and inspires but does not control. Researcher Abraham Zaleznik writes about the difference of leaders and managers. In his article, he presents how an organization will need effective managers and leaders but then their contribution to the organization is quite different (Zaleznik, 2004). Leaders promote change. They present newer approaches to work based on industry changes. They understand the belief and culture of people and present philosophy of work that motivates them. The leader would encourage the different strengths of employees and nourish unique talent as compared against the manager that seeks to achieve better stability in the work environment. Stability through inclusion, uniformity and consistency in work would be the focus of the manager. The manager handles such processes like dispute resolution in order to promote stability and establish rules exercising work authority. Management and leadership hence are different elements with some overlapping aspects and means, but the ends are different (Zaleznik, 2004).

Similarly, researchers like Bennis (1989) argue that a leader is original and inspires trust and long-term directions for human resources while the manager administers and relies on control aspects and usually the manager is focused on short range plans. Chapman (1989) argues that a leader will advance their company operations by taking calculated risks and setting long term goals. Comparatively, the manager seeks to protect their current operations by stabilizing them and minimize risks and conflicts as well. The goals are more short term but aligned strategically. The manager furthermore accepts the status-quo as compared to the leader who challenges the status-quo (Bennis & Goldsmith, 1997).
