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论文代写:毕加索作品中的立体主义。立体主义是20世纪早期的一种艺术运动,当时的艺术家通过让空间围绕物体的表征流动,采用了一种更开放的事物可视化形式(the art Story, 2017)。这是一场从文艺复兴时期以来一直占主导地位的艺术视角风格的运动。从不同角度描绘的物体构成了立体主义的主要方面。毕加索是立体主义的共同创造者之一,论文代写将对毕加索作品中的立体主义进行以下分析。

巴勃罗·毕加索1881年出生于西班牙。他作为艺术家在西班牙生活,后来在法国生活,创作了两万多幅油画、素描和雕塑。他的艺术作品包含了广泛的风格,他是为数不多的艺术家之一,设法有一个全面的记录他的艺术作品和发展(PabloPicasso, 2009)。他的艺术生涯开始于他年轻时的现实主义手法和艺术作品的象征主义影响。后来在法国,他把现代主义融入到他的艺术作品中,在一个饥饿的艺术家的岁月里,他发展了单色的阴郁绘画。他的一些作品,如《生活》,描绘了他当时对生活的悲观看法。这个时期被称为蓝色时期,从1901年到1904年(PabloPicasso, 2009)。后来在玫瑰时期(1904-1906),他创作了更加欢快的艺术作品。他在作品中使用了橙色和粉色的色调,《格特鲁德·斯坦因的肖像》就是这一时期的代表作之一。在1907-1909年的后期,毕加索探索了艺术家保罗·塞尚的成就,并通过他了解了对人体的程式化处理。这被称为非洲时期。

非洲的影响是毕加索走向立体主义的原因。在受到对人物的风格化处理的启发后,毕加索创作了《阿维尼翁的少女》。这幅画是关于五个裸体女人的。这些人物以扁平的分裂方式组成,面部看起来像是非洲面具和伊比利亚面具文化的混合。女性的身体以一种扭曲的方式呈现,它的形状也是几何的(Foster et al., 2012)。传统艺术的形式和表现在这里完全被抛弃了。在这幅画中可以看到一种原始主义,视角被换成了二维平面。这被认为是一件非常创新的艺术作品,毕加索自己也觉得这把他从更经典的技术中解放出来,他在法国工作时受到了影响。这些绘画形式后来成为立体派的趋势。

立体派早期的许多艺术作品都探索了类似的风格:尖锐的人物和物体,在一端与背景混合,在另一端显示出投影的表面。立体主义者的工作角度和对象与风格化的人在上下文。现代世界的空间、运动和时间都在变化,其影响在立体主义中被观察到。抽象、简化和风格化的人体表征曾给毕加索带来灵感,也启发了立体派(Cooper, 1971)。

毕加索对立体主义的直接影响来自于1907年他在《阿维尼翁的少女》中的作品。这部作品对人体进行彻底扭曲的风格与经典手法形成了鲜明对比(Chave, 1994)。碎片化、几何平面、柔和的色彩等被认为影响了布拉克等艺术家。布拉克受到毕加索作品的启发,他在20世纪初创作了山水画,直接受到毕加索作品的影响。埃斯塔克的房子以柔和的立方体形式呈现树木和山脉,被法国评论家路易斯·沃克斯塞尔称为“奇异的立方体”。十九世纪的毕加索对立体主义的影响是多方面的。古代和部落艺术形式挑战了文艺复兴艺术的传统(Galenson & Weinberg, 2001)。在立体主义的第二种形式合成立体主义中,色彩变得很重要。没有绘画的物体和有颜色的物体被做成了拼贴画。毕加索给主流绘画手法注入了激进而富有挑战性的思想,开创了立体主义的新趋势。

Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in the year 1881. He lived his life as an artist in Spain and later in France and has created more than 20,000 paintings, drawings and sculptures. His art works encompassed a wide range of styles and he is only one of very few artists that had managed to have a comprehensive record of his art work and developments (PabloPicasso, 2009). He started his art with the realism technique and the symbolist influences of artwork in his young age. Later in France, he incorporated modernism in his art works and in the years of a starving artist, he developed sombre paintings in monochromatic shades. Some of his works like La Vie portray the gloomy outlook he had on life at that time. This time period is called the Blue period, lasting from 1901-1904 (PabloPicasso, 2009). Later in the Rose Period (1904-1906) he developed art works that were more cheerful. He made use of orange and pink hues in his work, and the Portrait of Gertrude Stein is one of the exemplars of this time. In the later years from 1907-1909, Picasso explored the achievements of artist Paul Cezanne and through him came to understand stylized treatments of the human body. This is called the African period.

African influence was what led Picasso to Cubism. After getting inspired by the stylized treatments of the human figure, Picasso created the Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. The painting was about five naked women. The figures were composed in a flat splintered way and the faces appeared like a mix of African masks and Iberian masks culture. The female body is presented in a distorted way, and it was geometric in its shape as well (Foster et al., 2012). Form and representation of traditional art were totally abandoned here. A primitivism is seen in the picture and perspective was traded for a two-dimensional plane. It was considered a very innovative work of art and Picasso himself felt that it liberated him from the more classic techniques that he was influenced into working in France. These forms of paintings later came to set the trend for Cubism.

Much of the early art work of the Cubists explored similar styles of piercing figures and objects that blended with the background at one end and showed a projective surface at the others. Cubists worked with angles and objects with stylized humans in context. Space, movement and time in the modern world were changing and its effects were observed in cubism. Abstract, simplified and stylized representations of the human body that had inspired Pablo Picasso were also an inspiration for the Cubists (Cooper, 1971).

Picasso’s direct influence on Cubism is from his work in the Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon in 1907. The work’s style of radical distortion of humans was a sharp contrast from the classical techniques (Chave, 1994). Fragmented, geometric planes, subdued colors and more were seen to be an influence on artists like Braque. Braque was inspired by Picasso’s work and he created landscape paintings in the beginning of the twentieth century as a direct influence form Picasso’s work. The House at L’Estaque with trees and mountains in subdued forms of cubes was named by French critic Louis Vauxcelles as the “bizarreries cubiques’. A mix of influences was projected on Cubism by Pablo Picasso from the nineteenth century. Archaic and tribal art forms challenged the conventions of renaissance art (Galenson & Weinberg, 2001). In the second form of cubism called synthetic cubism color become important. Non-painted objects and colored objects were made into a collage. Picasso gave radical and challenging ideas to the main stream techniques and created a new trend in cubism.




全球化通过加强思想、金钱和文化的国际流动,增加了人与人之间以及国家之间的互动(Jayasuriya, 2002)。全球化对经济、人民、政治关系、文化和体育都产生了影响。由于全球化机制和时间的推移,体育运动越来越受欢迎,并超越了发源地的国界;NBA球队把目光投向了美国以外的地方,招募像姚明这样的运动员,德国的神枪手德克·诺维茨基(Dirk Nowitski)等人也成为了关注的焦点。


澳大利亚和其他先进国家一样,已经开始扩大其城市体育和文化基础设施的规模,以便从城市景观和国际和当地旅游业中获得经济效益和创造就业机会(Pascoe, 2006)。以内墨尔本为例,在20世纪80年代之前,由于面对亚洲和其他大陆新兴产业的竞争,旧制造业逐渐衰落,它面临着停滞和经济危机。相反,悉尼作为门户城市正在上升,而人口向昆士兰漂移(Scibilia和Hutchins, 2011)。因此,全球化带来的好处在体育领域是一个可喜的变化,就业岗位也因此事件被托管,旅游见证了上升运动和新经济政策是承认墨尔本扮演的角色是一个城市文化和体育全球化。

Globalisation resulted in increased interaction among people as well as nations by means of enhanced international flow of ideas, money and culture (Jayasuriya, 2002). Globalisation has had its effect on economy, people, political relations, culture and sports. As a result of globalisation mechanisms and the passage of time, the popularity of sports increased and sports moved beyond borders where they originated in; NBA teams looked beyond the US to recruit athletes like Yao Ming, sharpshooters like Dirk Nowitski from Germany came into the limelight among others.

It is ideally regarded that Australia is united and characterised by sport. The nation is referred to as ‘paradise of sport’ with sporting events such as AFL gaining popularity. As the air time of sports available on television has increased sufficiently, the teams for Australian sports gradually find it difficult to motivate the fans to attend live matches hence creating social obligation on the sporting bodies to use sport for encouraging the fans to be active in leading a healthy and sport inspired lifestyle. Melbourne in the year 2006 hosted a number of international cultural and sporting events such as the Commonwealth Games, Australian Open, formula One Grand Prix among others (Maltese and Veran, 2013). Events such as the Commonwealth Games are an economic strategy which benefits tourism that promoted Melbourne as being an events city. Sydney had been highly successful in hosting the Olympics in the year 2000 using its tradition and cultural infrastructure for mass spectatorship and thus driving the development of the economy. The physical based impacts of such policies are visible mostly in the downtown regions that have undergone notable transformation with the development of arts, cultural and sporting institutions. Ever since the early 1980s, the MCG was totally rebuilt to be a 100,000 seater day and night sporting venue; a 52,000 seater multi – purpose stadium having both indoor and outdoor facilities and other facilities such as the National Tennis Centre, the Sports and Aquatic Centre and so on (Brach, 2012).

Australia like other forward nations have set about to expand its profile of urban sporting and cultural infrastructure in order to reap economic benefits and generate employment opportunities that would result from both urban spectacle and international and local tourism (Pascoe, 2006). Citing the example of inner Melbourne, prior to the 1980s, it was facing stagnation and economic crisis with the fading off of old manufacturing industries as a result of competition faced from new industries in Asia and other continents. Sydney on the contrary was on the rise as the gateway city while the population drifted towards Queensland (Scibilia and Hutchins, 2011). Thus, the benefits that globalisation brought in the realm of sports were a welcome change, jobs were created as a result of events being hosted, tourism witnessed a rise and new economic policies were put to motion that acknowledged the role that Melbourne played as being a cultural and sporting city post globalisation.



美国论文代写:药物成瘾之间的联系。这篇文章提供了关于各种药物成瘾之间的联系的信息,这些药物是相互关联的。它是一种状态,导致慢性强迫性,并影响使用者的大脑。表观遗传、遗传、药物诱发因素和环境对成瘾有反应(Levran et al. 2015)。美沙酮是一种类似于海洛因的药物,主要用于治疗吸毒者,大多数吸毒者由于存在焦虑和口干舌燥而面临着克服海洛因成瘾的挑战。接下来美国论文代写专家将为同学们讲解下药物成瘾之间的联系。

美沙酮被认为是成瘾药物,但它被认为是治疗上瘾者的药物,因为患者在医疗监督下服用它是安全的(Volkow 2014)。口服给药可以克服感染的风险,这种风险有时会导致艾滋病毒的传播。海洛因的感染/成瘾程度非常高,以致成瘾者把大部分时间都花在安排吸食毒品上,如果没有安排,就可能发生犯罪和非法活动等问题。相反,美沙酮使用者将不会面临这个问题(Dolan 2010)。此外,它还被列入世界卫生组织的有用药物清单。治疗海洛因成瘾者需要一个由医生、护士、咨询师和其他专业人员组成的团队。


干预:调查发现,大多数受访者有成瘾严重程度,并接受美沙酮维持治疗。他们每天使用多次海洛因,所以50%的受访者被确定为成瘾者。在这类用户中,与注意力、焦虑和氧化有关的问题很常见。需要对患者进行仔细诊断并鼓励他们放弃药物使用(Sullivan et al. 2015)。有必要让他们意识到药物的后果会导致他们的生命结束,以及它将如何影响其他家庭成员的生活。

比较:唯一的解决办法是在康复中心提供治疗,辅以美沙酮治疗。与此同时,患者应该意识到治疗所需的时间(Sullivan et al. 2015)。首先要讲的是治疗程序,治疗阿片类药物依赖的建议,以及治疗的风险和可能的副作用。在当前治疗没有任何失败的情况下,还需要确定治疗期和可能的治疗方法(Riva et al. 2012)。除此之外,还需要确保患者必须消耗全部的剂量,不能错过任何一剂,并在服用任何药物前咨询医生。

Methadone is considered ad the addictive drug, but it is considered for the treatment of the addicts as it safe for the patient to take it with in medical supervision (Volkow 2014). It is possible to give orally to the user that overcomes the risk of Infection, which sometimes leads to HIV transmission. The infection/addiction of heroin is so high that the addicted persons spend most of the time for arrangement of this drug in the absence of arrangement the issues such as crime and illegal activities may take place. On contrary, methadone user will not face this problem (Dolan 2010). Besides, it is included in the World Health Organization list of useful medicines. The treatment of the heroin addicts requires a team of physician, nurses, counselors and other professionals.

Population: A study conducted on 1138 respondent’s shows that the adults between the ages of 18 to 60 years were diagnosed for the identification of the symptoms and the effect of heroin majority of the respondents was feeling addicted with the use of heroin.

Intervention: It is identified that majority of the respondents were having the addiction severity and having the treatment of the methadone maintenance. They were having multiple daily use of heroin so the 50% of the respondents were identified as the addicted. The issues related to the concentration, anxiety and oxidation were common in such users. The patients were needed to diagnose carefully and motivate to leave the use of drugs (Sullivan et al. 2015). It is needed to aware them toward the consequences of the drug that will lead to end their life and how it will affect the life of the other family members.

Comparison: The only solution to the problem is to provide treatment in the rehabilitation center with the help of methadone treatment. Along with this, the patients should be aware if the possible time to be taken for the purpose of the treatment (Sullivan et al. 2015). The first thing is to tell about the procedure of treatment, the recommendation to treat opioid dependency and the risks along with the possible side effects of the treatment. It is also needed to identify the treatment period and the possible treatment methods in the absence of any failure in the current treatment (Riva et al. 2012). In addition to this, it is needed to ensure that the patient must consume entire dosage and never miss a single dose and consult with the doctor before taking any drug.




旅游业的经济影响,以及相关的影响往往被强调为旅游业的主要支持在现代世界。然而,旅游可以被认为是一种文化工具,人们与旅游联系在一起。全球化的世界创造了跨文化的理解,旅游为人们与不同文化的互动提供了一种有趣的方式。“文化旅游作为一种旅游的次级系统发挥重要作用在弥合文化边界通过tourists-host互动”(雷&特纳,2012,p . 6),雷和特纳(2012)认为,人们能够欣赏文化差异时扮演的角色依次主机和来宾。通过旅游融入文化成分,使人们更好地理解包容性和跨文化差异。

旅游业中越来越多的不满是,旅游目的地的当地社区遭受了很多环境影响和其他影响(Ahdekivi, 2016)。旅游带来的经济效益一般会给社会带来收益。旅游业的政府和企业家最终将受益更多,而环境影响和其他可持续性相关问题的成本导致当地社区(Dixon et al., 2013)。然而,这个缺点现在已经纠正了,因为研究人员指出,政府、企业机构和其他与旅游业有关的企业正在努力减少可持续性问题,并回馈当地社区(Godfrey, 1998;小说,1997)。

此外,旅游业在现代世界的另一个缺点是注意到的方式,一些目的地成为依赖旅游业单独为其经济手段(Lawson等,1998;Pizam, 1978)。这种对旅游业的依赖将这些座位置于危险之中。当全球出现一些问题时,这些目的地的经济手段就会被切断,从而给社区带来问题。然而,这个问题可以通过在当地创造更可持续的旅游产品来解决。这些空间既可以鼓励内部游客,也可以鼓励内部游客,这样就可以解决这些弊端。

The economic impact of tourism, and related effects are often highlighted as the major pro of tourism in the modern world. However, tourism can be considered as a cultural tool where people are connected together with tourism. Globalized world has created intercultural understanding and tourism provides a fun way for people to interact with different cultures. “Cultural tourism as one of the sub systems of tourism does play a major role in bridging cultural boundaries through tourists-host interactions” (Reisinger & Turner, 2012, p. 6). Reisinger and Turner (2012) argued that people are able to appreciate cultural differences when they play roles of hosts and guests in turn. Cultural constituents infused through tourism makes people understand inclusivity and intercultural differences in a much better manner.

A growing discontent in tourism is that much of the environmental effect and other impacts are suffered by local communities present in the tourism destination (Ahdekivi, 2016). Economic benefits because of tourism might accrues generally to the society. The governments and the entrepreneurs of the tourism industry will end up benefitting more while the costs of environmental impact and other sustainability related issues result for local communities (Dixon et al., 2013). However, this disadvantage is now corrected, as researchers indicated that the governments, corporate institutionsand other enterprises connected with the tourismindustry are working towards reducing sustainability concerns and giving back to local communities (Godfrey, 1998; Dymond, 1997).

In addition, another drawback of tourism in the modern world is noted in the way, some destination sites become dependent on tourism alone for their economic means (Lawson et al., 1998; Pizam, 1978). This form of dependence on tourism alone puts these sits at risk. When there are some issues globally, the economic means of these destinations are cut off leading to issues for the community. This issue however can be addressed locally by creating more sustainable tourism production. Both internal and internalization tourists can be encouraged in these spaces and this way the drawback can be handled.




决策过程需要做出一个决定。要求明确决策的性质,确保实施的可行性。为此,必须收集相关信息。从初始阶段开始,公司就可以定义特定的解决方案。然而,业务分析师需要确定替代解决方案,批判性地分析每种情况的积极和消极方面,并从分析中选择最佳决策,并采取行动实施替代方案(Gandomi & Haider, 2015)。这些公司需要重新审视这一决定及其后果。最终,所做的决定是基于个人可用的数据。


Business analysis refers to the method that is used by the companies for identification of the business needs and creation of the solution to meet these requirements. The business analysis technique is used for creation of a plan that is put into action. The skilled business analyst uses these tools to be able to create a business structure that is broken into manageable pieces (Krutz & Vines, 2010). This is done to determine the best possible method for the creation of solution. In this process, it is imperative to have a knowledge management tool that would derive the needs of the business (Provost & Fawcett, 2013). This is done to determine the labour and the resources in the given situation. In the current times, the role of the big data and the analytics are becoming very close intertwined and they must find ways to work together for the promised results of the big data. From a conventional point of view, the data management and the analytics have been a part of the organizations. The breaking down of the different organizational boundaries is used for the creation of better integration. The main key is to integrate the big data with the conventional business analysis to create an ecosystem. This is used by the business to generate and create newer insights for the execution of what is already known. It is important to have a proficiency in the data mining and the visualization tools that are used as a tool for the objective to reach project success. From this, it can be alluded that the data is needed for the creation of cohesive workflow structure. The issues of big data start to play a role in this schema. These factors have been analysed to address the gaps in the process.

The decision-making process entails the need to make one decision. The requirement is to define the nature of decision and ensure the feasibility of implementation. For this, the gathering of relevant information is mandatory. From the initial stages, the companies can define a particular solution. However, the business analyst needs to identify the alternative solution, critically analyse the positive and the negative of each of the situation, and choose the best decision that can be made from this analysis and take action and implement the alternative (Gandomi & Haider, 2015). The companies need to review the decision and the consequences of the decision. Ultimately, the decision that is taken is based on the data that is available for the person.







第三阶段是实施阶段。这个阶段是公司实际执行流程的阶段。然后,公司需要评估有形收益和它将满足的无形资产。最后,实现这些变化需要一个动态的操作过程(Baum, 2016)。企业的品牌形象和内在意识是无法衡量的。管理者需要实时了解如何创建一个对所有利益相关者都有利的原则。通过这些过程,公司可以制定出一个能使所有利益相关者受益的工作原则。


The company that wants to become green can apply the Triple Bottom Line theory. The triple bottom line is focused on three elements. It is people, profit and planet. These three factors must be addressed by the companies. The triple bottom line is difficult to measure in the companies to comprehend about the impact of the measures.

As an inception step, the company must create an ideology that is focused on being green and reducing the waste. Initially, the stakeholders must be advised about the need for going green by the company. An audit of the current operational process needs to be created.

From this, the second stage is the planning stage. This entails the creation of the green plan that addresses all the business needs of the company. The company can create a plan with these three elements in focus. These three elements cover meeting the financial bottom line, guest experience along with the related people and finally the planet. From this, a feasible sustainable plan is drawn.

The third stage is the implementation stage. This stage is when the processes are actually implemented by the company. The company then needs to take stock of the tangible gains and the intangibles that it would meet. Finally, a dynamic operational process that is needed to implement the changes is needed (Baum, 2016). The brand image and the intrinsic ideology of companies cannot be measured easily. The managers need to gain real time awareness about the creation of a principle that is beneficial for all the stakeholders. These are the processes by which the company can develop a working principle that would benefit all the stakeholders.

Companies such as Hilton and Hyatt have embraced a green approach. It has become a ubiquitous trend to adhere to these changes. However, some of the companies consider this to be a mere jargon to improve the trade of the company. This attitude of considering it a CSR rather than real business strategy causes the company to face a lot of issues. The companies need to have an actionable plan that meets their tangible and the intrinsic factors that are needed for the survival. The Triple Bottom Line theory can be used to create an actionable plan to improve the processes. Initial analysis of the company and creating a plan that would be beneficial for all the stakeholders have been proposed in this analysis.



留学生论文代写:保护主义理论。保护主义是各国采取的一种方式,以增加某些土著工业的竞争力,如果实行自由贸易,这些工业就会被消灭。印度表示,上述税收”,增加进口的商品进入印度造成并威胁要对国内产业造成严重伤害/主题商品的生产者,和任何延迟申请提供保障的责任会导致损伤难以修复”(税收商,2015)。保护主义在国际贸易领域并不少见。从像印度这样的发展中国家到像美国这样的发达国家(Tumlir, 1985),所有国家都倾向于保护主义。一些保护主义政策,如增加关税提高了外国公司相对于国内公司的成本,并通常影响系统的整体福利(Sykes, 1999)。接下来留学生论文代写专家将为同学们分析讨论下保护主义理论。

保护主义在国际贸易领域并不少见。从像印度这样的发展中国家到像美国这样的发达国家(Tumlir, 1985),所有国家都倾向于保护主义。一些保护主义政策,如增加关税提高了外国公司相对于国内公司的成本,并通常影响系统的整体福利(Sykes, 1999)。这些政策的主要目的是使外国产品的价格高到使国内市场偏爱本国产品而不喜欢外国产品。这样的政策通常会带来无谓的损失,阻碍整个社会和国家的福利。


学术界的共识是,此类贸易限制和保护主义对经济不利。因此,它们是中国限制进口的更受欢迎的方式。印度用来“鼓励”国内企业的从价税就属于第一类,这些企业大多是小企业。研究表明,这样的税收对印度等发展中经济体没有好处,因为印度需要更高程度的自由贸易来鼓励外国玩家进入市场(Caliendo, Feenstra, Romalis & Taylor, 2015)。这种强加行为严重破坏了伙伴国之间的贸易和政治关系。

Protectionism is not uncommon in the arena of international trade. Right from the developing countries like India to the developed countries like the US (Tumlir, 1985), all countries have favoured protectionism. Some protectionist policies like increase in tariffs raise the cost of foreign firms with respect to the domestic firms and generally affect the overall welfare of the system (Sykes, 1999). These policies are essentially aimed at making the foreign products so costly that the domestic market prefers the domestic goods against the foreign goods. Such policies usually have a deadweight loss associated with them which hampers the welfare of the society and country as a whole.

Furthermore, these policies do not encourage improvement of the domestic firms. When measures such as increased dedicated tariffs and taxes are implemented in the system, the domestic firms get an easy access to the market. There is no competition from better products produced in foreign countries which makes it unimportant for the domestic firms to develop their skill or technology. As a result, while they would have stronger revenue, they do not invest much in improving themselves or making themselves more competitive. Essentially, the domestic markets generally stagnate in the presence of such policies. On the other hand, regulations which strive to make the domestic market more competitive, encourage innovation and improve access to credit do not grant the domestic firms with more access to the market, but definitely equip them to handle competition in a more effective and long-term way.

There has been an academic consensus that such trade restrictions and protectionisms are not good for the economy. Thus, they are the more popular ways of restricting imports in the country. The kind of measure used by India- an ad valorem tax- to “encourage” the domestic firms, most of which are small enterprises, falls under the first category. Researches show that such taxes are not beneficial for developing economies like India where a higher degree of free trade is required to encourage foreign players to enter the market (Caliendo, Feenstra, Romalis & Taylor, 2015). Such impositions seriously undermine the trade and political relations between the partner countries.



美国代写:芝士披萨公司奖励因素。个人就业是为了提高自己的技能、知识和事业。在芝士披萨公司这样的组织中,在加薪或奖金的同时,创建一个有效的奖励系统,通过表扬和认可来认可员工的出色表现,成就从长远来看是有益的。它需要创造这样一个环境,为成就者鼓掌(Edmonds, 2017)。成就的水平可能会有所不同,或者可能与工作的不同方面有关,但认识到每一个努力都会激励员工提高个人水平,从而在组织层面上做出更多贡献。接下来美国代写专家将为同学们分析下芝士披萨公司奖励因素。


创建员工调查以识别员工超出预期的情况——芝士披萨公司的最高管理人员需要与员工沟通,分享他们或同事超出预期的情况,并展示值得认可的品质。这种调查在内部网络上共享时验证了信息(Zhang and Vogel, 2013)。由于公司的目标是在两个不同的国家有十个新的网点,这将首先有助于采取员工在场的帮助,以确定成就者或那些一贯达到或超过预期的员工。显然,这些资料将得到适当的验证,以消除虚假的报告。

奖励类型的确定-芝士披萨必须有奖励的类别,如奖金或加薪,成就证书,晋升,宴会或派对标记员工的成就(张和Vogel, 2013)。有荣誉的员工可以得到赞扬他们成就的卡片或信件。如员工在规定的时间内守时或不休假等小成绩将得到认可,并在年度会议上得到认可。表现出色的员工将得到加薪或奖金的奖励。持续的高水平表现将表明晋升短期成绩将获得证书。这将跨层次进行,以便不同职位的员工知道他们的努力工作不是浪费,将努力提高他们目前的表现水平。

创建让员工充实的项目——芝士披萨公司的这类项目将包括员工可以享受的课程,如瑜伽指导、辅助艺术课等(Salah, 2016年)。定期与当地企业合作开展此类活动将是有益的。通过不断更新员工的资源,可以提高员工的绩效。定期提供培训计划是提高员工绩效的有效方法(Azzone和巴勒莫,2011)。这样的会议使员工有可能发现自己的缺点,并使hep得到改善。如果培训课程是交互式的,那么公司就可以为员工提供改进的渠道,也可以为员工提供一个整理他们的问题的平台。

Creation of a list of those expectations related to employee performance – performance expectation will be related to daily performance for the front line staff, client contact maintenance by marketing team, obtaining training and certification across levels, contribution towards organisational development by the mid management, contribution of new ideas by the strategic team, completion of required paperwork by administrative and human resource departments among others (Lardner, 2015). Expectation from each individual is different; while the front line staff need to be fast on their feet, the backend employees are expected to be calm and composed. Cheesy Pizza would have to review the performance expectation of the employees and enlist the goals during the annual evaluation of employees. Such evaluation have to be based on criteria such as seniority, tenure with the organisation, experience of the employee among others.

Creation of employee survey for identification of instances where expectation of performance is exceeded by employee – the top management at Cheesy Pizza Company would need to communicate with the employees to share instances when they or a co-worker exceeds expectation and demonstrate recognition worthy qualities. Such survey when shared on intranet validates the information (Zhang and Vogel, 2013). As the company aims to have ten new outlets in two different nations, it would initially be helpful to take the help of the employees present on location to identify the achievers or those employees who consistently meet or exceed the expectations. It is obvious that such information would be duly validated to do away with fraudulent reports.

Determination of type of reward – Cheesy Pizza would have to have categories of rewards such as bonus or pay rise, achievement certificate, promotion, banquet or parties for marking employee achievement (Zhang and Vogel, 2013). Honoured employees could be given cards or letters applauding their achievement. Minor achievements such as punctuality or no leaves within a stipulated time would be recognised and the employee being acknowledged during the annual meetings. Performance achievements would be rewarded by a pay rise or bonus. Consistent high level performance would indicate promotion short term achievements would be acknowledged with certificates. This would be done across levels so that employees of different positions know that their hard work is not waste and would work towards improving their current level of performance.

Creation of program for employee enrichment – such programs at Cheesy Pizza Company would include sessions that employees could enjoy such as yoga instruction, complementary art class and so on (Salah, 2016). It would be beneficial to work with the local businesses for such activities at regular intervals. The performance of employees can be enhanced by constantly updating their resources. Providing training programs at regular intervals is an effective way to improve performance of the employees (Azzone and Palermo, 2011). Such sessions make it possible for the employees to identify their shortcomings and get hep to improve. Training sessions when made interactive make it possible for the company to provide avenues for the employees to improve and also give a platform to the employees to sort their queries.



代写:数据收集和抽样方法。用于研究的数据收集通常通过primary和secondary数据收集方法进行。该方法下的数据收集技术也各不相同。主要数据收集方法用于直接从被调查现象的参与者或参与者收集数据(Walsham, 1995)。这些都是研究人员进行的直接调查(Saunders, 2011)。主要采用访谈法、问卷调查法、观察法等方法收集资料。接下来代写专家将为同学们分析下数据收集和抽样方法。

主要数据收集方法的优点是它有助于收集始终处于当前状态的数据。数据的可靠性和饱和度可以由研究者根据研究需要确定。与原始数据收集相比,二手数据收集方法更快,但可能不太可靠(Stewart & Kamins, 1993)。二手资料收集采用现有的研究研究资料。数据可能是当前的,也可能不是,研究人员将无法引入数据饱和所需的点。所给的研究工作似乎更像是一种探索性研究,其意义是从现象中的实际行动者那里寻求的。因此,对于这项研究工作,主要数据收集是必要的,研究人员确实已经找到了主要数据收集方法。研究者使用了人种学的方法。民族志收集数据的方法旨在研究人们在自己的环境。这里采用了参与式观察、面对面访谈等更便于数据收集的方法。民族志研究的优点在于,它可以收集有关正在调查的问题的各种和大量的数据样本。这项研究的缺点是研究人员必须非常投入研究工作。研究人员将沉浸在工作中,这增加了工作可靠性问题和研究人员偏见等的机会(Tsoukas, 2005)。


The primary data collection method has the advantage that it helps collect data that is always current. The data’s reliability and saturation can be determined by the researcher based on the research needs. Compared to primary data collection, the secondary data collection method is the one that is quicker but could be less reliable (Stewart & Kamins, 1993). Secondary data collection is done with exiting research study data. The data may or may not be current and the researcher will not be able to introduce the needed points for data saturation. The given research work appears to be more of an explorative study where meaning is sought from the actual actors in the phenomenon. Hence, a primary data collection is necessary for this research work and it is identified that the researchers have indeed sought a primary data collection method. The researcher has made use of the ethnographic method. The ethnography method of data collection aims to study the people in their own environment. Methods like participant observation, face to face interviews and more facilitate data collection here. The pros of ethnography research are that it is possible to collect diverse and large data samples on the issue being investigated. The cons of this research are that the researcher would have to be very involved in the research work. The researcher would be immersed in the work and this increases the chances of reliability issues for the work and researcher bias etc. (Tsoukas, 2005).

The sampling method is not specified in the work. Although the sampling method is not specified, it appears to be convenience sampling. The researchers have monitored some of the main websites that were presenting cop watching details and then tracked them through their social networking posts. The researchers have then made use of a responsive-interviewing method for collecting their opinions for the research. The need for selecting the right candidate for data collection has made the researcher employ a form of convenience sampling. Sampling method however has not been explicitly stated in the work.





The utilitarian ethical theory presents the argument that decision making in an ethical situation must be done based on the prediction of the consequence of action. The utilitarian would hence evaluate the ethical situation and would select that solution which results in benefits as consequence to the majority of the people. There were different stakeholders identified earlier. By carrying out the action of unlocking the phone the FBI will benefit because they will be able to use the data extracted from phone in order to find the terrorists. The people who were directly and indirectly affected by the terrorist incident would be able to get some closure on the incident if the data was extracted from the phone. The public at large would be feeling insecure because of the terrorist incident. If the phone was unlocked and some data was obtained from the phone leading to an arrest, then the public could feel more secure. Consumers of Apple could worry about the security issue, but then consumers would want the terrorists apprehended. Furthermore, all smartphone users would be a stakeholder, as whatever decision Apple took, the chances are most of the industry would start following it. Smartphone users can be divided as to the benefits of having the phone unlocked. Some would worry about privacy concerns. A majority of the users would want the terrorist found even if it means a trade-off to privacy. Now it can be identified that if the phone was unlocked in spite of some divided opinion, it maximizes the benefits to most stakeholders. As per the utilitarian theory, the choice of unlocking will yield the greatest benefit to most people.
