标签存档: 英国论文代写



随机漫步理论起源于很久以前。1900年,法国数学家Louis Bachelier在他的著作《投机理论》中首次使用了这个概念。按照Bachelier的说法,安全价格是相互独立的,之前的价格与安全的未来价格没有任何关系。股票价格极度失控;因此,未来远比前一个更难以预测(Jianlong, HafizahJaaman和BanuSamsudin, 2015)。直到20世纪60年代,“有效市场假说”(EMH)在金融界站稳脚跟之后,Bachelier的概念才开始活跃起来。此外,当尤金·f·法马教授发表他的博士论文《股票市场价格的行为》时,这个假说得到了普及。从那时起,这本书中提出的理论的重要性与日俱增。此外,即使在当前的市场情况下,这些理论也为投资决策提供了有益的贡献(Mak, 2006)。


在当代投资环境中,波顿·g·麦基尔(Burton G. Malkiel)在华尔街随机漫步的这本书被广泛地用作在股票市场上做出有效投资决策的有用指南。作者伯顿·g·麦基尔(Burton G. Malkiel)受到了尤金·法玛(Eugene F. Fama)教授的股票市场价格行为的极大影响,而他的继任者则非常重视前任的理论和原则。1973年,伯顿·g·麦基尔(Burton G. Malkiel)写了这本书(Rahardjo, 2014)。而且,即使是现在,这本书的理论和概念对于做出有效的投资决定也是非常有用的,这本书被认为是一个有价值的投资指南。


The idea of random walk theory was originated long before. In the year of 1900, the French mathematician Louis Bachelier first uses this concept in his book The Theory of Speculation. As per Bachelier, the security prices are independent of each other and the previous price has not any relevance upon the future price of the security. The stock prices are immensely uncontrollable; thus, the future is extensively unpredictable than the previous one (Jianlong, HafizahJaaman and BanuSamsudin, 2015). The concept of Bachelier was inactive until the 1960s when the “efficient market hypothesis” (EMH) got a foothold in the financial world. Moreover, the hypothesis got popularity when Professor Eugene F. Fama published his Ph.D. dissertation paper The Behaviour of Stock Market Prices. Since then the importance of the theories presented in this book is increasingly growing. Moreover, even in current market scenarios, the theories provide a useful contribution in making investment decisions (Mak, 2006).


In contemporary investment landscape, the book A Random Walk down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel is widely used as a useful guidance for making an effective investment decision in the stock market. The author, Burton G. Malkiel, was immensely influenced by the book The Behaviour of Stock market Prices by Professor Eugene F. Fama and successor author had given great emphasis to the theories and principals of the predecessor. In the year of 1973, Burton G. Malkiel wrote this book (Rahardjo, 2014). Moreover, even now, the theories and concepts of this book are very useful for making effective investment decisions, and the book is considered as a valuable investment guide.




技术的社会塑造 – 理论


Human race has become dependent on technology in every possible way. It plays a key role in organizing the daily chores of life and completing routine tasks like preparing breakfast with a toaster, completing official files on laptop and even for a peaceful sleep with an air conditioner. This essay would discuss the interrelationship between an organization and technology. It would include an explanation of critical concepts relevant social shaping of technology and technological determinism. This essay is an argument claiming that both technology and society impact each other and the relationship between them is not unidirectional, rather it is a two-way process. It also challenges the age-old concept of technological determinism believing that technology is the driving force behind changes in society (Mackay & Gillespie, 1992). The development of analysis in this study would involve two technological artefacts for the detailed understanding of the theory.

Social Shaping of Technology- The Theory
This theory states that technology is not a neutral phenomenon, rather it is shaped by dominant values of the society defined by social, economic and political forces. Changes in these values lead to various technological reforms, developments and outcomes (Mackay & Gillespie, 1992). Hence, these forces can be shaped with the help of social sciences and their theories and practices. This approach asserts that emergence, development and growth of technology are a social exercise. The crucial factors bringing about technological changes in this process are people and their social arrangements.



采集数据的方法被选为采访和调查。数据收集方法取决于测量变量,可用资源和所需来源。在大多数情况下,存在收集变量的自然方式。例如,诸如组织规模等静态变量的相对变量最好通过注册系统收集(Martinsons 2001)。数据将通过在线调查和社交媒体网站访谈收集。开发的面试问卷将进一步基于李克特量表,评分指针为1至5,其中1是最不利的,5是最有利的(取决于受访者的答案)。

为进行此项研究而选择的中国企业是中国四大银行之一,该银行在其领域内具有良好的电子商务功能。将使用半结构化访谈,并最终完成对该组织文件的分析(Tan et al 2002)。选择人力资源部门进行面试。参与者将被自愿选择,让他们知道并承认在研究中的地位和权利,以确保隐私和道德。样本参与者的随机选择将进一步完成,以获得一个由50名员工组成的样本组(Martinsons 2001)。小组将有助于理清研究的清晰度。访谈将进一步记录,然后分析将被转录。为了在采访过程中证实所收集的数据并加强解决方案,还会要求组织中的重要文件,例如电子商务何时被采用,其带来的好处和缺点。这些文件也将作为第二手资料来源。


Method to collect data is selected as Interviewing and surveying. The method of data collection has depended upon the measured variables, the available resources and the source required. In most circumstances, there exists a natural way of collecting variables. For example, relative variables of statics such as size of an organization are best collected often through systems of registration (Martinsons 2001). Data will be gathered through online survey and Interviewing on social media websites. The Interview questionnaire developed will be further based on Likert scale having rating pointers of 1 to 5 wherein 1 is least beneficial and 5 is most beneficial (depending upon the respondents answers).

Research Participants
An organization from China selected for the purpose of this research to be conducted is one of the 4 Chinese Big Banks and this bank has a well implemented e-commerce functionality in its domain. Semi-structured interviews will be used and analysis of the documents for this organization will eventually be done (Tan et al 2002). Human Resource department is selected for the conduction of this interview. The participants will be voluntarily selected by appropriately letting them know and acknowledge the status and their rights in this research in order to ensure privacy and ethicality. Random selection of sample participants will further be done in order to obtain a sample group of 50 employees (Martinsons 2001). The small group will help provide clarity to the research idealized. Interviews will further be recorded and analysis will then be transcribed. For corroborating the collected data during interviews and for enhancing the solution, important documents in organizations will also be asked for such as when the e-commerce was adopted, the benefits it has led to and the drawbacks. These documents will also act as secondary sources of information.
While analysing the transcribed interviews, audio recordings will ensure credibility and flexibility. This research proposal has ensured both.



1943年,弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)被任命为设计一座建筑物,以便为博物馆提供一个展示非客观绘画的地方。这个博物馆是由所罗门·R·古根海姆基金会于1993年建立的(Levine,2006)。本文将分析建筑物的图片。分析工作应结合建筑的技术和文化背景进行。



In the year 1943, Frank Lloyd Wright had been appointed for designing a building in order to provide a place to the museum that displayed paintings that were non objective. This museum had been established by the Foundation of Solomon R. Guggenheim in the year of 1993(Levine, 2006). This paper will be analysing a picture of the building. The analysis shall be done in consideration with the technological and cultural context of the building.
Cultural Context
The reopening of the museum of Solomon R. Guggenheim for the public after restoring and expanding had been done by the year of 1992. This had resulted in making the project the most celebrated as well as crucially acclaimed works of the firm. The associates responsible for restoring and expanding the building for the museum of Solomon R. Guggenheim were identified as being subtly intervention. This had resulted in improving the capabilities of exhibition with respect to the museum without the detraction of the original design developed by Wright (Ballon, 2009). The grid pattern and simple facade of the tower had contributed in highlighting the different spiral design of Wright and has been serving as a backup towards the rise in the landscape of urban region behind the museum. The final project consisted of an area of 4,750 square meters that had been renovated and renewed with respect to the space of gallery. Apart from the areas of the gallery, 130 square metre of area had been kept for the new space of office.

Technological Context
The primary assessment of condition while architect restoration constituted of various perspectives and these perspectives clearly stated the connection present between technology and The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum by Frank Lloyd Wright. The technology of impact echo where waves of sound are sent within concreteness and by rebinding the measure for locating the gap present between the walls, technological context of the museum designed is evident (Levine, 2006). The museum was further helped by the natural surroundings because they not only helped in distracting the crowd towards the museum but also was able to get inspired from the external environment.






In this paper my goal is to discuss the different scenarios which led to the popularity of superhero movies and how people accepted this new and unique style of movies and discuss how these movies have left an everlasting imprint on the American film industry. Superhero movies were introduced around during the 30s where we saw the first flicks of a guy fighting villains in order to establish peace in the society. However, soon after the release of the first superhero film we saw an increase in the number of these films produced during that time. An interesting thing to note is that, in this course of time many comics made it to the big screen and different characters were casted in the movies based on the comics. These movies were greatly appreciated and readily accepted by comic enthusiasts and other fans and became trending. Batman, Superman and Spiderman are all just examples of this massive change in the film industry. However, their journey was not over yet and we could see different sequels of these movies. Besides, all this fame and popularity these movies have other relation with the American film industry and they owe a fair deal to the industry. These movies have bought huge amounts of revenues in the Box Office and the number of viewers can be seen multiplying.

If we look at the history of superhero movies, we can see that these movies have a long story, probably as old as the early as the 40s. The movies were basically derived from their comic book versions and they were quiet appreciated by the people. Superhero movies were a great source of enjoyment and leisure for people at that time.



现场是安德森Cooper 360展示室设置。安德森·库珀和两位律师约翰·兰德奎斯特(Frederick Schwartz)和弗雷德·普里兹克(Fred Pritzker)将为新一届更严格的法律争辩和反对。这项法律将在自愿误杀中提供处罚 – 当有人明知地装运掺假产品和非自愿误杀时 – 当产品受到温度侵害时,病原体会增长到感染水平,或者产品在超市的熟食店的切片机上受到污染

Anderson Cooper:我们可以假定每个人都知道美国花生公司(PCA)的爆发和违反食品安全,导致人们死亡和中毒。但是对于那些不了解的人来说,我们有Fred Pritzker,他曾与联邦机构合作,并亲自代表一名9岁的雪莉·阿尔默(Shirley Almer)的家属,他死于掺假。那么弗雷德呢,这个案子发生了什么事情,那里从哪里去呢?

Fred Pritzker:2008年和2009年这是一个特别敏感的案例。疫情导致大约350家食品加工公司关闭,这些公司从PCA授权中提取了该产品。近714人感染和受影响,9人死亡,包括我的客户Shirley Almer。从这种情况来看,我们能够提出第三方审核工作,以获得FDA的认证,病原体的任何积极结果都必须强制向FDA报告,并提高掺假产品的溯源性。

Anderson Cooper:那么在这种情况下做了什么,我的意思是在PCA案中工作时你能发现什么联系。

弗雷德·普利兹克(Fred Pritzker):当我们正在调查这件事时,还有更多有关的关切。爱荷华州的蛋类设施受到严格审查,因为那里有类似的沙门氏菌疫情。


The scene is the Anderson Cooper 360 show room setting. Here Anderson Cooper and two lawyers John W. Lundquist and Fred Pritzker will be arguing for and against the case for a newer stricter law. This law will provide for penalty in voluntary manslaughter-when someone knowingly ships adulterated product and involuntary manslaughter-when product gets temperature abused so a pathogen grows to infective levels or a product get contaminated on the slicing machine in the deli of a supermarket

Anderson Cooper: We can assume that everyone is aware of the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) outbreaks and breach of food safety that led to people dying and getting poisoned. But for those watching who are not aware of it, we have here Fred Pritzker who worked the case with the Federal Agencies and also personally represented the family of a 9 year old Shirley Almer who died of the adulteration. So Fred, what was it that happened with the case, where did it go from there?

Fred Pritzker: Well this was a particularly sensitive case during 2008 and 2009. The outbreak resulted in the closure of around 350 of the food processing companies who brought the paste from PCA authorization. Nearly 714 people were infected and affected and 9 deaths including that of my client Shirley Almer. From the case, we were able to propose for third party audit work to be certified by the FDA, any positive result of pathogens must be mandatorily reported to the FDA and to improve the traceability of an adulterated product to its source.

Anderson Cooper: So what was done after this case, I mean were there any linkages that you were able to uncover when working in the PCA case.

Fred Pritzker: There were many more related concerns that came up to our notice when we were investigating the case. An Iowa based egg facility came under scrutiny as there was a similar Salmonella outbreak there.





History of bridges can be traced back from the prehistoric time. In the beginning of the project bamboo and wood were used and iron was used. Some ancient bridges are made up of crude stepping stones. Conversely modern bridges are more safe and stable as they are usually developed with steels and reinforce concrete. After getting the basic understanding about the material and knowledge of bridges the next step was to look into the paintings. Traditional Chinese paintings and contemporary western paintings were observed for the theme as a next step. Some research was also conducted on famous bridges of the world. Traditional arts like poems and paintings were used to develop the theme so it can be aligned with the cultural aspects. Next attraction for the theme was about the idea of a romantic bridge. People kiss on the top of the bridge and make it a symbol of their love, these stories pass on and people make these bridges as love bridges. two love movies about the bridges were found that are Waterloo Bridge(1940) and The Bridges of Madison County(1995).The former which recounts the story of a dancer and an army captain and they meet by chance on the Waterloo Bridge during the time of war. Honestly, it broke my heart just a bit to see the innocent ballerina transform into a women torn by guilt and the realities of the war. The word bridge means dangerous or death according to a famous Chinese virtual legend. They claim that after people dead, people need to go through a virtual bridge. Good guy will go to the paradise and will survive. Bad guys will go to the hell because they are unable to cross the bridge. The meaning of bridge is different in many aspects; sometimes it is connecting people, sometimes it makes love connections and for some people it will be present on the doomsday. Nowadays people intend to drop into the river to put an end to their’ lives although it’s quite unwise and irrational and it is not difficult to find out people walking on the edge of the bridge for giving their live.

英国林肯大学论文代写 :设计哲学

英国林肯大学论文代写 :设计哲学

此外,这种特别皱的质量也称为物质铸造阴影,而阴影是属于光的。作为结论,可以说光是制造材料的责任,材料的目的是集中在投射阴影上。他将影子紧紧为了唤起敬畏和神秘的沉默[保罗,K.,农药,M.,2006,Louis Kahn是在哪里出生的?(爱沙尼亚语)。该ekspress。]。正如卡恩所说,黑暗导致了不可见的不确定性,与潜在的危险有关,它也激发了更深的神秘。建筑师的责任是唤起阴影、光线等元素的静默、戏剧或秘密,创造艺术的庇护所或阴影的宝库。因此,通过开口的串行行走,在沙克反映黑暗寂静的修道院院在门廊。黑暗的阴影洞和线条,从精确的方式定义的模具,提供了一个准确的纹理在巨大的墙壁上。灰色的水泥墙和白色的石头似乎呈现出一个三维度的单调的画布,与阴影一起演奏。阴影似乎正在变成一个重要的元素,揭示这个具体的形式和安排有关的整体体积卡恩[刘易斯,J. 1996。来源:路易斯·卡恩的游记。剑桥和伦敦:麻省理工学院出版社。尽管Kahn成功地在巴基斯坦和印度等暴露在极端阳光下的地区展示了一些建筑。没有的建筑被设计为从太阳保护用户,而是为阴影[ voolen,E.,2006相关的神圣的保护,犹太文化和艺术。Prestel。138页。爱沙尼亚出生的建筑师卡恩(1901 – 1974),1906随家人移居费城。他是一个非人工遮荫像brise soleils信徒。根据卡恩的说法,印度管理学院是建立在外部属于光,人们在内部工作和生活的方式。为避免被保护免受太阳,Kahn提出的理念来打造深拱保护酷影的发明。

英国林肯大学论文代写 :设计哲学

In addition, this particularly crumpled mass also known as the material casting shadow, and shadow is a belonging of light. As a point of conclusion, it can be stated that light is responsible for making material and the purpose of material is to be focused on casting a shadow. He linked the mystery of shadow closely in order to evoke awe and silence[ Paulus, K., Pesti, M., 2006, Where was Louis Kahn born?, (in Estonian). Eesti Ekspress.]. As per Kahn, as darkness results in evoking the uncertainty of no visibility, related to potential danger, it also results in inspiring deeper mystery. It is the responsibility of the architect for evoking silence, drama or secrecy with the elements of shadow and light, for the creation of a Sanctuary of Art or a treasury of shadows. Thus, walking by the serial of openings, over the portico at the institute of Salk that reflects the silence of darkness as a cloister. Dark shadow holes and lines, from the molds defined in a precise manner, offering an accurate texture over the huge walls. The grey concrete walls and the white stone seems to be presenting a monotone canvas of three dimension for playing with the shadows. Shade seems to be turning into an important element for revealing this specific form and arrangement related to the monolithic volumes of Kahn[ Lewis, J. 1996. Drawn From The Source: The Travel Sketches of Louis I. Kahn. Cambridge and London: MIT Press.]. Even although Kahn had been successful in presenting a number of building within regions that are in exposure to extreme levels of sunlight, like Pakistan and India. None of the buildings had been designed for the protection of users from the sun, but instead for the protection of sanctity related to the shadow[ Voolen, E., 2006, Jewish art and culture. Prestel. p. 138. The Estonian-born architect Kahn (1901–1974), who immigrated with his family to Philadelphia in 1906]. He was a non- believer of artificial shade like the brise soleils. According to Kahn, the Indian Institute of Management is built in a manner that the outside belongs to light, and people working and living in the inside. For avoiding being protected from the sun, Kahn made an invention of the idea to build deep intrados protecting the cool shadow.





Focusing on being replaced with US for being the second largest economy across the globe by the year 2020, China has been providing a lucrative background context to the investors for putting their resources and investing within a universal scenario. This is in the case where there is high level of unpredictability within the economic market of a number of nations such as the US and Europe. As it is one of the largest nations with a huge geographical and political platform to almost 1.3 billion populations by offering some of the most appropriate avenues at a price that is highly competitive. This is in the case of infrastructure, resources or labor. Therefore, it becomes highly critical and highly important for the companies from the global industry to reconsider their operations and policies for entering the market of China in a successful manner.
However, in contradiction to this statement, the economic market of China has not been representing a picture or view of unity as it is still highly complex, and in nature it is non-hierarchical with respect to the facts of provincial economy more in its position than a centralized and uniform forum. In addition to this, the policies formulated and regulated by the government have the tendency of wearing an increased monopolistic and nationalistic tone of voice. However, the fact cannot be denied that as China has been included in the WTO since the year 2001, there has been a certain level of relaxation within the policies of trade and has been allowing larger degree of flexibility that has allowed the global players for roping within their capital for a partnership with long term profitability.
Certain pitfalls have been identified in consideration with the failed marketing strategy of the companies trying to enter the market of China. One of the major pitfalls is related to the low level of cost for global sourcing. This is an issue that drives a large number of companies for establishing lower level of costs involved in operations of manufacturing. However, if the development of strategy is done on the basis of cost only, companies end up facing a risk related to a strong upswing in the currency of China that is Yuan.



培训和发展可以被定义为一个过程,获得或转让正确的知识形式的技能或能力,也需要进行各种职能的组织。培训和发展不仅对员工很重要,而且对雇主来说非常重要和重要。事实上,培训的好处是更广泛的就培训员工(赛义德,& Shabir,2013)。执行和Excel的压力日益增加,以配合这方面的培训和发展已经包含了大量的各种学习功能,它还包括培训的任务和知识的发展。这一结果在改善客户服务,也有助于员工有助于员工个人发展、团队和公司的有效性(赛义德,& Shabir,2013)。
组织中的培训和开发单元的设置有助于提升公司的目标和目标。公司面临的主要挑战是确定市场需求和公司在市场中的地位,然后据此确定职位所需的人才。随着有效的招聘过程中,公司还需要确定正确的培训和发展,获取知识和技能的完美融合的能力(赛义德,& Shabir,2013)。


Many survey and studies have shown that in order to sustain in the market the company will need to inculcate many skills apart from regular ones which are critical thinking or problem solving skills, effective communication abilities, collaboration skills which help in interacting with multiple kind of people and in the end innovation and talent to create new things (Khan et al, 2011). Now, the question is how the business can achieve all these skills. The company can take inspiration from the companies like Deloitte LLP which has not only taken some great actions in the direction of training but they are also quite proactive in their approach especially in the case of investing in employee training programs. Many companies do think that investing in any of training can a costly affair but very few like Deloitte understands that why it is extremely important to invest in employee training and development(Khan et al, 2011).
Training and development can be defined as a process of obtaining or transferring the right knowledge in form of skill or capability which is also needed to carry out various functions in the organisation. Training and development is not only important for employee but it is also very crucial and important for employers. In fact the benefit of training is much broader then just training the employees (Saeed, &Shabir, 2013). The pressure to perform and excel is increasing day by day and to match this training and development have encompassed a large variety of learning functions and it also includes training for the tasks and knowledge development. This results in improved services for customers and also helps in the development of the employees which helps in overall development of the individual employee, a team and firm’s effectiveness (Saeed, &Shabir, 2013).
The training and development cell in an organisation is set in a way that it helps in promoting the set goals and objectives of the company. The main challenge for the company is to identify the requirement of the market and the position of the company in the market and then accordingly determine the talent required for position. Along with effective recruitment process, company also need to determine right training and development skills for acquiring the perfect blend of knowledge and skills (Saeed, &Shabir, 2013).