
theoretical framework怎么写:语音

theoretical framework怎么写:语音

在对给定的样本语篇进行语段分析时,说话者是中国人,他要么在阅读一篇文章,要么在根据语音笔记说话。在段落分析中,整体发音的频率比以英语为母语的人要高一些。研究表明,在长元音的语境中,由于长元音的发音方式,中国英语使用者CE会随着母语为英语的NE而变化(Qian, 2011)。在发音上,如果用/i:/单词,CE说话者的舌头位置要比母语说话者低。另一方面,/ə/声音的话说,这是观察到CE演讲者可能会有更高的频率,表明说话者的舌头从当他们发音听起来比较不说话。演讲以“好吧,让我们再讨论另一个。”“这里好应该明显/əʊ’keɪ/与“o”明显“噢”。这里的说话者把它读作“oa”。研究表明,在短元音的语境中,CE会发出比母语为英语的人更具特色的短元音(Qian, 2011)。

theoretical framework怎么写:语音
此外,与以英语为母语的人相比,以汉语为母语的人可能更倾向于将短元音发音为长元音。例如,说话者说“benz的意思是愚蠢的”。这里/i:/不是短元音。发音的正确方法是目前我一样短元音/ stju: pɪd /。然而,我是利用作为一个长元音的冰/一个ɪ年代。标准汉语的辅音表将与英语母语的辅音表有所不同(附录1)。关于汉语英语CE与英语母语差异的研究,如英国英语等,大多数研究似乎都表明,由于辅音库的不同,以及可能发生的辅音聚类,CE可能具有自己独特的特点。特别的是,可以看出CE说话者有一些相似的特点,CE系统也受到汉语拼音系统的影响。因此,可能会有一种倾向,过度简单的一些方面的发言,在某些情况下,一些声音可能会取代其他(钱,2011)。

theoretical framework怎么写:语音

In the segmental analysis of the given sample discourse, the speaker is Chinese and is either doing a passage reading or is speaking from speech notes. In a segment analysis of the passage, the overall pronunciation is a little higher in frequency compared to the native speaker. Research studies show that in the context of long vowels, the Chinese English Speaker CE would vary with the Native English Speaker NE, because of the way they pronounce the long vowels (Qian, 2011). In pronunciation, the CE speaker would have a lower position of the tongue compared to the native speaker in the case of /i:/ words. On the other hand, in the case of the /ə/ sound words, it was observed that the CE speaker might actually have a higher frequency, indicating the speaker’s tongue is in from when they pronounce such sounds compared to the NE speaker.The speech starts off with “Okay, let us discuss about another.” Here the Okay should be pronounced as /əʊ’keɪ/ with the ‘o’ pronounced as ‘ow’. The speaker here pronounces it as ‘oa’. In the context of short vowels, research studies show that CE will pronounce short vowels with more distinctive features compared to the native English speaker (Qian, 2011).

theoretical framework怎么写:语音
Furthermore, compared to the native English speaker, the Chinese English speaker might tend to pronounce even the short vowel sounds as long vowel sounds. For instance, the speaker states that “benz means stupid”. Here the /i:/ is not pronounced as the short vowel. The proper way to pronounce is to present the I as the short vowel as in /’stju:pɪd/. However, the I is made use of as a long vowel as in the case of ice /’aɪs/. The consonant inventory of Standard Chinese will differ from that of Native English (Appendix 1). Consider the presentation in Appendix 1 where the difference is highlighted. Most research studies on the subject of differing Chinese English CE and Native English such as British English, seems to indicate that CE might have distinctive features of its own because of the difference in consonant inventory, and the consonant clustering that might happen. In particular, it is seen that CE speakers will share some similar characteristics and the CE system is also seen to be influenced by the Chinese pinyin system.Therefore, there might be a tendency to oversimply some aspects of speech and in some cases some sounds might be substituted for others (Qian, 2011).