

英国航空公司(BA)是全球经营超过183个目的地的顶级航空公司之一。英国航空公司成立于1974年3月31日,是世界上最古老的航空公司之一。拥有273个机队,是英国最大的航空公司。就航空公司而言,它是英国第二大航空公司,仅次于易捷航空(easyJet)。2016年英国航空公司的总收入为114.43亿英镑,是英国盈利最好的公司之一(BritishAirways, 2017)。Michael E. Porter确定并分类了一个行业的五种竞争力,这些竞争力可以帮助一个行业确定其弱点或优势以及改进的领域。这些力被称为波特的5力模型(Investopedia, 2017)。接下来有关亚特兰大论文代写-航空公司的波特五力模型分析如下:

1. Competition in the industry: In the long haul, most of the airlines have similar prize structure for economy and premium class. There is an intense competition in domestic market because of cost leadership and services at a lower prize (Statista, 2017). (Appendices 1)
2. Potential of new entrants into the industry: With the expansion of many Asian countries in the Aviation industry, there is a huge competition not only in the internal market but also in domestic market. Emirates and Air Asia etc. are potential service provider due to their high demand in international market.
3. Power of suppliers: BA is highly dependent on other companies for obtaining Boeing, Airbuses, Fuel and Catering. As these are the essential and elementary need in the aviation industry, hence they always have a cost advantage and a high bargaining power.
4. Power of customers: More than 50% of total revenue earned by BA is within the domestic market. EasyJet and Ryan airways give a tough competition in these domestic markets because of cost advantages. In the international market, BA has a better cost advantage being an international player.
5. Threat of substitute products: For the short haul, there is huge competition from Bus services, rented cars or even Railways. For travelling overseas, there is no mean of travel, hence investment in international flights is always a good choice. As there is a tough competition from Euro Rails, hence BA needs to cut down its cost in domestic market and improve its services.

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