


本单元中突出的第二种方法是基于任务的语言学习方法。基于任务的学习方法是指学习者将注意力集中在必须完成的任务上。每节课结束时,学生都要完成一系列的任务或活动,通过完成这些任务,学生将能够确保他们熟练掌握所学的内容。这些任务或活动可能是学生自己做的,也可能是学生和其他同学或小组一起做的。任务型教学是交际教学中常用的一种教学方法。它基于这样一个前提,即学生在将自己与现实生活中的任务联系起来时,学习效果最好,比如如何批判性地阅读一篇文章,或者如何在分析的单元中使用一些概念词,如领导力相关词(Williams, 2010)。
以任务为基础的学习的好处是,它给学生提供了一个机会来实践类似于他们在现实生活中会发现的真实的任务,如填写表格、写电子邮件、给雇主写信、留下缺勤信和写备忘录等。基于任务的学习是一种非常全面的学习方式,因为学生将能够学习课程,然后将课程的关键见解应用到任务中,从而以听觉和经验的形式应用学习。在对这些活动进行形成性评价时,教师将能够以更直接的方式了解学生的专门知识。例如,临界阅读练习在本单元第28页的“Yellow Corporation的转机”中给出(Williams, 2010)。


The second approach or methodology that stands out in the unit is the task based language learning approach. Task based learning approach is one in which the learner will focus on the task they have to complete. A series of tasks or activities are identified for the student at the end of each lesson and the students by completing these tasks will be able to ensure that they have proficiency in what has been taught. The tasks or activities might be individual ones that the student will do on their own, or it might be activities that the student will work in conjunction with another like a peer or a group etc. Task-based teaching is an approach that is often used within communicative teaching. It is based on the premise that students learn best when they associate themselves with tasks in real life, such as how to critically read a text or how to use some concept words like leadership associated words in the unit being analysed (Williams, 2010).
The pros of the task based learning is that it gives students a chance to practice tasks similar to the ones that they would find authentic in real life, such as filling out forms, writing an email, writing a letter to employer, leaving of absence letters and writing memos etc. The task based learning is a very holistic way to learn, as the student will be able to learn the lesson, then apply key insights of the lesson to tasks and hence apply learning in the form of aural and experiential as well. In formative assessments on such activities, the teacher would be able to understand student expertise in a much more direct way. Consider for instance, the critical reading exercise is presented in the “Turnaround at Yellow Corporation” in page 28 of the unit (Williams, 2010).