


女奴隶事件是作者的自传。在书中,她描述了她一生中必须面对的可怕的情况。作者说,她不想透露自己的痛苦,但她认为她苦难的描述将有助于在废奴运动。故事的核心人物,琳达,实际上是作者自己作为奴隶出售时,被残忍对待,并被忽视。她被折磨多年,被迫进入性关系。后一部分描写了她与奴隶制的斗争。她正受到压力和折磨。后来她和另一个角色坠入了爱情关系,生了两个孩子。当她的孩子受到虐待时,她逃离了那个地方。她隐藏自己在一个小地方的日子[布拉克斯顿,乔安妮,’ Harriet Jacobs事件:重新定义的奴隶叙事体裁,马萨诸塞州评论27(夏季1986)。
]。她的孩子被卖给了他们父亲的代表。然而,他又娶了另一个人,离开了她。她现在有一个担心,她的孩子将再次出售。经过许多斗争,她逃到了北方。她带着爱伦和她的另一个孩子本尼和她的姑姑。她开始在纽约当护士。与此同时,买了她一次,殴打她试图找到她。为了远离他,她再次去了波士顿,在那里她遇见了她的儿子。在波士顿,她继续活在未来的岁月里。她的孩子被送去上学[盖茨,Henry Louis,经典奴隶故事(2002))


Incident of the Slave girl is the autobiography of the author. In the book, she has described the awful situations which she had to face throughout her life. The author says that she did not want to disclose her sufferings but she believes that the descriptions of her sufferings will help in the antislavery movement. The central character of the story, Linda who is actually the author herself when sold as a slave is treated with cruelty and with full of neglect. She is tortured for years and is forced to go into the sexual relationship. The later part depicts her struggle against the slavery. She is being pressurized and tortured. Later she falls into a love relationship with another character and has two children. When her children are ill-treated, she escapes from the place. She hides herself in a tiny place for days[Braxton, Joanne, ‘Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents: the Redefinition of the Slave Narrative Genre, Massachusetts Review 27 (Summer 1986).

]. Her children are sold to a representative of their fathers. However, he again marries another person and leaves her. She now has a worry that her children will again be sold. After a lot of struggle she escapes to the north. She takes Ellen with her and leaves her another child Benny with her aunt. She starts working as a nurse in New York. Meanwhile, the person who bought her once and assaulted her tries to find her out. In order to stay away from him, she again goes off to Boston where she meets her son. In Boston she continues to live for the coming years. Her children are sent to school[Gates, Henry Louis, The Classic Slave Narratives (2002)
]. His previous Master, Dr. Flint dies, but his daughter now claims for Linda. One of the law passed by congress, leads Linda again in the fear of being kidnapped or enslaved. The daughter of Linda’s master comes to Boston to capture her for which she hides once again. She is again forced to be bought and sold for which she refuses. Forcefully, she is sold again, but this time to Mr. Bruce who cares for her and treats her as his employee.