


作为一个显著的例子,南非,这常常面临批评标准的健康,最终利用2010年世界杯为提高医疗保健的服务,根据国家的卫生部门。同时,巴西一直使用奥运会和世界杯的事件作为建造一些公共和私人医院的机会。大多数主要城市已开始建立新的、或更新当前医院(家用亚麻平布et al . 2010年)。只对奥运会的事件,国家将建立一个医疗诊所在奥运村和将打开三个新医院的国家- – -艺术在里约热内卢。有巨大意义的利用潜力被巨大事件刺激创新。

事件在全球范围内将提供一个重要平台边缘切割技术和设计,这进一步导致加速过程引入重大创新在整个经济。最近几年以来,巨大事件提供例子关于终身创新超越的关键事件。底层的考虑是对国家的发展目标在更广泛的层面和基础设施建设的贡献。为未来建立方面利用遗留的资产必须包括从最初的开始。设定的时间内按照承包商交付项目的基础设施需要允许初始测试,残酷的新技术,以及修改对后续创新(家用亚麻平布et al . 2010年)。


As a significant example, South Africa, which often faces criticism for the standard of health, ended up leveraging the FIFA World Cup of 2010 for improving the services of healthcare, as per the health department of the nation. Also, Brazil has been using the events of Olympics and World Cup as the opportunity of building various private and public hospitals all across the nation. Majority of the major cities have started to build new, or renovate current hospitals (Jago et al. 2010). Only for the event of Olympic Games, the country will build a Medical Clinic in the Olympic Village and will open three new hospitals of state- of- the- art in Rio. There is huge significance of harnessing the potential perceived by mega- events for spurring innovation.

An event at global scale will provide a significant platform for technology and design that is edge cutting, which further results in speeding up the process to introduce significant innovation all across the economy. Since recent years, Mega- events have been providing examples about life long innovations that extend beyond the key events. The underlying consideration is with respect to the development goals of the nation at the wider level and the contribution of infrastructure to them. Establishing aspects for the future utilization of assets of legacy has to be included from the initial start. The time frame set in accordance with the contractors in delivering projects of infrastructure needs to allow initial testing, rigorousness of new technologies, along with modifications with respect to subsequent innovations (Jago et al. 2010).