


采集数据的方法被选为采访和调查。数据收集方法取决于测量变量,可用资源和所需来源。在大多数情况下,存在收集变量的自然方式。例如,诸如组织规模等静态变量的相对变量最好通过注册系统收集(Martinsons 2001)。数据将通过在线调查和社交媒体网站访谈收集。开发的面试问卷将进一步基于李克特量表,评分指针为1至5,其中1是最不利的,5是最有利的(取决于受访者的答案)。

为进行此项研究而选择的中国企业是中国四大银行之一,该银行在其领域内具有良好的电子商务功能。将使用半结构化访谈,并最终完成对该组织文件的分析(Tan et al 2002)。选择人力资源部门进行面试。参与者将被自愿选择,让他们知道并承认在研究中的地位和权利,以确保隐私和道德。样本参与者的随机选择将进一步完成,以获得一个由50名员工组成的样本组(Martinsons 2001)。小组将有助于理清研究的清晰度。访谈将进一步记录,然后分析将被转录。为了在采访过程中证实所收集的数据并加强解决方案,还会要求组织中的重要文件,例如电子商务何时被采用,其带来的好处和缺点。这些文件也将作为第二手资料来源。


Method to collect data is selected as Interviewing and surveying. The method of data collection has depended upon the measured variables, the available resources and the source required. In most circumstances, there exists a natural way of collecting variables. For example, relative variables of statics such as size of an organization are best collected often through systems of registration (Martinsons 2001). Data will be gathered through online survey and Interviewing on social media websites. The Interview questionnaire developed will be further based on Likert scale having rating pointers of 1 to 5 wherein 1 is least beneficial and 5 is most beneficial (depending upon the respondents answers).

Research Participants
An organization from China selected for the purpose of this research to be conducted is one of the 4 Chinese Big Banks and this bank has a well implemented e-commerce functionality in its domain. Semi-structured interviews will be used and analysis of the documents for this organization will eventually be done (Tan et al 2002). Human Resource department is selected for the conduction of this interview. The participants will be voluntarily selected by appropriately letting them know and acknowledge the status and their rights in this research in order to ensure privacy and ethicality. Random selection of sample participants will further be done in order to obtain a sample group of 50 employees (Martinsons 2001). The small group will help provide clarity to the research idealized. Interviews will further be recorded and analysis will then be transcribed. For corroborating the collected data during interviews and for enhancing the solution, important documents in organizations will also be asked for such as when the e-commerce was adopted, the benefits it has led to and the drawbacks. These documents will also act as secondary sources of information.
While analysing the transcribed interviews, audio recordings will ensure credibility and flexibility. This research proposal has ensured both.