


万维网是人类最不可思议的发明。互联网的力量是正确的一次演讲中强调由南非总统塔博·姆贝基,今天,国家应该抓住这一技术,让自己看到的真实照片他们国家的政治、经济和文化条件,也用它来群在世界范围内,向他们的国家的关注和成就全球平台。(Crystal vii)虽然互联网上有其他几种语言的内容,但本质上是一个以英语为主的平台。互联网对英语本身产生了多方面的影响。互联网是一个开放的平台,即使是对这门语言知之甚少的人,也可以通过博客、网站或社交媒体对可用的内容进行贡献,从而贬低这门语言本身。来自各个年龄层、文化和教育背景的人们都平等地使用互联网服务。

互联网上提供的内容可能并不总是正确的,语言本身的正确性也不能得到保证。互联网被英语主导已不是一个隐藏的事实。计算机的构造始于英语的定位、使用的词汇、编写的代码、ACII文本的使用,所有的一切都是用英语广泛编写的。英语使用如此优越的原因主要是历史原因,其次是统计原因。历史上,自从互联网在美国发展以来,美国这个讲英语的国家一直是互联网的最大使用者。由于英语的使用确保了全世界将使用互联网服务作为全球语言的使用,从而接触到更多的读者(Gupta, 1997)。然而,从语言学的角度来看,互联网可能会造成掺假的威胁。然而,它很大程度上依赖于用户充分利用互联网上现有的大量知识。


The vast collection of World Wide Web is the most incredible invention of the human race. The power of internet is rightly emphasized in a speech made by the South African president, Thabo Mbeki, that today the nations should grab the this technology and empower themselves to see the real picture of their country’s political, economic and cultural conditions and also use it to be herd worldwide, to present their nation’s concern and achievements on a global platform. (Crystal vii)Even though there are contents available on the internet in several other languages but it is essentially an English dominated platform. The internet has multifaceted impact on the English language itself. Internet is an open platform where people even with bare minimum knowledge of the language can contribute to the contents available, though blog, websites or social media, thereby, degrading the language itself. People from all the age groups, cultural, and educational backgrounds equally avail the services of internet.

The contents available on the internet might not always be right and the correctness of language itself is not guaranteed.It is not a hidden fact that internet is dominated by English language. The very constructions of computers begin with English orientation, the vocabulary used, the codes written, use of ACII texts, everything is extensively written in English. The reason for this supremacy of usage of English is mainly historical and then statistical. Historical, since the internet was developed in USA, an English speaking nation and till date USA is the top user of the internet. Statistical since the usage of English ensured the entire world would use the services of internet as the usage of global language to reach a larger number of readers (Gupta, 1997).Nevertheless, when it comes to learning the language from linguistics point of view, the internet might pose a threat of adulteration. However it is largely dependent on the user to make the best out of the vast knowledge present on the internet.