





Motherhood, womanhood and feminity have had varying connotation for generations of men and women all over the world. Time and space have dictated the extent of ascribed and acceptable codes of conduct regarding feminity for a number of people. The past few decades, however, have seen a tremendous change in the approach of a community and its acceptable norms related to feminity. Going from the tribal roles of women and girls in a society to the modern ones being performed in the metropolitan cities of the world presents a tremendous range that defies conceptualization.
Yet the codes of description of women have undergone a sea change as far as comparisons and potential of a woman’s capabilities are concerned. This can be seen from the portrayal of the mothers. The media has picked up on motherhood and turned it about totally. The conceptualization of mothers as being full time mothers tending to their young ones under the advice of their mother’s and mother’s in law has taken over the newer media oriented projection of being super moms who could handle their homes, children and their high powered jobs.