


各种人员Karagozoglu和Lindell等,1998;骑士,2000;米切尔,史密斯,莫尔斯,Seawright Peredo和麦肯齐,2002年得出结论,创业的态度发挥了重要作用,面对这些挑战,困难是由于经验有限,有限的财政资源。有一个沉重的影响降低全球沟通的成本和增加了全球化的功能。根据Kuczer(2002),互联网扮演着非常重要的作用,因为它给风险企业家进入新市场,进行新的研究和改善国际推广。人们很容易与那些参与国际化的网络使用网络模型。



Various researchers like Karagozoglu and Lindell, 1998; Knight, 2000; Mitchell, Smith, Morse, Seawright, Peredo and McKenzie, 2002 concluded that the attitude of an entrepreneurial plays a significant role in facing these challenges, which are difficult due to limited experience and limited financial resources. There is a heavy impact of lowering the cost of world-wide communication and increased functionality on the globalisation. According to Kuczer (2002), the internet plays a very important role as it gives exposure to entrepreneurs to access new markets, perform new research and improve international promotion. One can easily communicate with those who are involved in the network by using the network model of internationalisation.

One can have fast and perfect communication through instant messaging, emails, video conferencing and web sites. But, there are some drawbacks also in using internet. The coverage is still not the 100% in developed countries and it is significantly lesser in developing countries. Moreover, Kuczera (2002) also supported that the technical and financial cost of developing a commercial website is very high for many companies. These drawbacks are likely to be reduced as the technology is continuing to diffuse globally. For the economic development of a country, successful entrepreneurship is very important. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that people need to identify the qualities in human to make a successful entrepreneur, the economic and social conditions required for the emergence of a successful entrepreneurship.