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Proposed Work Plan

On the other hand, another United States sharing economy giant, Airbnb, over the eight years of operation has surpassed its peers in the hotel or hospitality service industry and has become a household name in the Silicon Valley (Williams, 2009). As of now, the company had 10 million guests, as well as 550,000 listed properties worldwide and had received 7776.4 million dollar investment.
Nearly one-fifth of Americans partake in sharing economic activities as the concept is a convenience, as well as cost saving. Not only are the Americans, people across the globe are participating in sharing economy. To the market experts, the success story of the sharing economy will not end here, and they suggested that sharing economy is globally expanding to touch companies, consumers, employees and employers across the world. The sharing economy looks to stay in coming years, and experts predict that sharing giants like Uber or Airbnb will be in business operation even in 2050 (Winer and Dhar, 2014). The sharing economy has the potential to long-run economic value for the companies operating as sharing economy. Apart from the success in the present era, future success prospect is strong for sharing economy. Uber or Airbnb works on sharing economy model by providing cost effective and time efficient services.

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