


正如新闻媒体报道的那样,8万美元的工资只是一个平均水平,许多刚起步的球员的工资会更低,从4.5万美元到8万美元不等(Revay, 2012)。这实际上是一个平均水平,使得许多体育运动员的收入低于加拿大公民的平均工资。事实上,人们可能得到的基本工资是CFL可能不披露收入信息的原因之一。这些信息的透明度并不高,上面的信息实际上是从CFL球员2011 – 2013年的议价报告中收集的(Revay, 2012)。由于他们的基本工资被认为低于平均水平,体育运动员实际上将不得不从事第二职业,以满足工资的差异。有些人从事体育教练、经理等工作。
这可能会导致球员将体育运动视为业余消遣,而不是职业生涯。20世纪30年代,类似的经济问题影响运动员工资的情况被认为导致了足球被认为是一种消遣的情况。70年后的今天,类似的情况也出现了,CFL的球员可能把体育视为一种消遣,而不是当前和未来的职业。他们从事工作来养活自己,并围绕着退休计划工作。这可能意味着体育运动员不能像他所希望的那样专注于比赛,这对体育产业来说可能不是一个好的状态(Revay, 2012)。此外,体育运动员可能没有一个完整的赛季工作。CFL赛季只有六个月。萨斯喀彻温省一名不愿透露姓名的球员说,他所有的队友都有某种兼职工作,以帮助他们满足工资差距。


As news media reports indicate that the $80,000 salary is just an average and many players who start out would be making even less, anywhere from $45,000 and $80,000 a year (Revay, 2012). This is an average that actually leaves many sports players to be earning less than the average salary for a Canadian citizen. In fact, this basic salary that the people might get is one reason why CFL might not disclose the information on the amount made. There is not much transparency on the information and the information presented above is in fact collected from the Bargaining report that has been collected for CFL players from 2011 to 2013 (Revay, 2012). Since their basic salaries are seen to be lesser than the average, the sports players will in fact have to take up second jobs in order to meet the difference in salaries. Some take up jobs in the form of sports coaches, managers etc.
This could lead to a situation where players might accept the sports as a part time pastime rather than view it as a career. Similar situations of economic issues affecting salaries of sports players as in the 1930’s was seen to lead to a situation where football was considered a pastime. Now after 70 years a similar situation has arisen where CFL players might view sports as a pastime rather than as a career for the present and future. They take up jobs to support themselves and work around planning for a retirement. This might mean the sports player might not be able to give that level of focus to the game as he desires which might not be a good state for the sports industry to be in (Revay, 2012). Also the sports player might not be having a complete on season job. The CFL season is only present for six months. A player of the Saskatchewan Roughrider (who remains anonymous) supposedly said that all of his teammates had some kind of part time job in order to help them meet the salary difference.