


考虑到货币的标准,这些资料于1984年由荷兰Martinus Nijhoff出版社提供。国际年可以被认为是适当的,因为对以前或以前发表的文章的报道没有限制。本文作者是Gordon Tullock。Gordon Tullock以经济学家的身份而闻名,他曾是乔治梅森大学法学院教授经济学和法学。在整个研究领域中,他以将经济学思想应用于政治问题(即公共选择理论)而闻名。虽然他最初的职业生涯重心是做一名外国商人,但他在《官僚政治》(The Politics of of)一书中的理论贡献,促成了图洛克在弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)与詹姆斯m布坎南(James M. Buchanan)的合作。由于这种合作,Tullock在公共利益理论领域做出了重大贡献,他的一些文章将经济理论应用于不同类型的非市场现象,特别关注政治和政府。这说明作者的可信度很高。



Considering the criteria of currency, the information was made available in the year 1984 by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers in Netherlands. The year can be considered appropriate as there was no restriction placed on the coverage of previous or earlier published articles. The author of the article is Gordon Tullock. Gordon Tullock is well known for his credential as an economist and he was a professor at the George Mason University School of Law teach economics and law. He is well known across the research field for his contributions in applying economic thinking to the issues of politics that is the public choice theory. While his original career focus was on being a foreign trader, his theoretical contribution in “The Politics of Bureaucracy” resulted in Tullock’s collaboration at the University of Virginia with James M. Buchanan. As a result of this collaboration, Tullock has made significant contribution in the area of public interest theory, with a number of articles that apply economic theory to different types of non- market phenomena, having specific focus on politics and the government. This depicts the strong credibility of the author.

There is also a high scope of validity in the conclusion drafted, as it has been supported by several facts from different authors, and hence level of biasness in the writing is none too low. Considering the criteria of coverage, the key purpose of the article was on concluding that the choice of public should not be completely ignoring public interest voting or public interest. The coverage of content seems to be appropriate as a number of different facts that related to the key subject area and theoretical application has been considered. The author has provided his own opinions on the public, the perception of public, and the views of several other authors. However, the list of references was not very diversified and depicted more opinions from the author, with facts stated from areas with lack of research. Considering the criteria of accuracy, the author has highlighted his own facts appropriately, supporting various examples and proportional representations. The data can be cross checked through certain sources provided in the notes section of the research. However, the level of accuracy can be considered as low in this case. The credentials of the author are appropriate for further consideration.