


Now from these two ethical theories, it will be possible to analyze the situation for the company SkinSPa and marketing decision recommendations could be made. Considering the first theory of utilitarianism, it could be argued that in the case of marketing for the urban wealthy women of aged 38-58, they can afford the money really and would also be satisfied with the anti-aging creams as it would have some benefit for them. The company benefits, because it is able to sell more products. The company would have found a niche segment where they can continue selling products for a long time. However, in the case of the consumer segment of teenage girls, the marketing claims benefit only the firm and not the girls. The teenage girls really don’t need the cream. Clinical statements show teenage skin does not need it. So who really benefits from the venture is the question. It is only SkinSPa that would benefit. So under the utilitarian theory, there is no maximization of benefits to all stakeholders. Only a subsection of stakeholders are benefitted here.

Secondly consider the application of the Kantian ethical theory. Here the theory states that the rules or duty has to be followed irrespective of consequences. Now applying this in the case of marketing decisions, it can be said that the marketing decision has to be as truthful as possible. It should not make false claims just so to increase its profits. While making claims on the products being targeted for the teenagers, the products themselves cannot result in an anti-aging situation for the teenagers as their skin is already good. The second ethical theory of Kantian is better to be utilized in this case. The second ethical theory is better, because using this theory will help to reconcile the difference of ethical interests in both parties. The ethical interests of consumers as stakeholders and the society is that the products have to be safe for use, and the information shared for the products must be accurate etc. These would be handled by the agents performing their duty and what is right instead of worrying about the consequences. Similarly, the marketing for the firm should just do what is right and must not resort to false advertising. This might increase product sales in the short term, but in the long term could have adverse consequences, so it is better for the marketing decision making to be developed based on Kantian ethics.

There are different stakeholders involved in the company and it is the duty of the working of the company to ensure that all stakeholders are to be satisfied. While it is true that the primary nature of a firm is to make a profit, the profit should not be at the expense of falsifying marketing information or by other unethical marketing practices. Long term relationships between firm and customer are created only when there is ethical decision making. To whatever extent possible, the decision making should be such that all stakeholders are benefitted, and not just a subset of the stakeholders. Only with such an attempt at decision making, there will be convergence in interests.

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