

芝加哥论文代写-POV技术。传统的POV (point of view)利用人的术语,可以通过使用代词来定义。我、我、我和我自己都是通过POV技术讲述的第一人称故事,目的是向观众讲述个人故事(盛田2003)。那么,当POV技术与西洋镜等真人秀节目融合时,会发生什么呢?这些真人秀节目是照本宣科的,还是为观众提供了真实的叙事视角?本文介绍了在真人秀电视和虚拟场景中使用的POV技术的概念,以创建一个真实的环境,从而阐明它们是否真正从个人角度描述了现实(Bruzzi 2006)。

POV shot is often used to act and suspend a scene. This helps the angles of a camera to align with point-of-view of a character to lead the audience to feel that they are essential component of the story. Most reality TV shows and films use this special filming processes of a subjective scene, often use the explanatory scene insertion at the start or end of the show. This makes the story appear completely natural (Bullert 1997). However by inserting a premise of a film within TV reality shows, their shots of POC do not need such explanations associated with it. Generally, filming is accompanied with more focus on technical perspectives such as mount camera on tripod stands in order to give stability to the image captured and depending upon the intention of the director, the capture of imagery in the view finder is commonly briefed own to consist only minimum data (Francke 1996). Apart from this, such POV film aspects, inclusive of unstable quality of image, shaking shots or the camera person breathing sound or hand view, often become the benefit that are most essential to make a reality TV show realistic to viewers.
From this perspective, the POV shot has the ability of using not only subjective but also objective angles. In order to understand their significance, it is essential to consider what is meant by subjective and objective angles (Greven 2014). The objective angle is the most general view seen in a reality TV. This is the external observing person’s point of view. Such an angle allows the audience to obtain a view point to be within the scene as though they were a component of the act and are removed safely. This makes the external observed to be viewed as invisible.
The illusion created is that, audience feel they are pondering over the lives of the characters while the characters cannot view them. This illusion is sustained as far as actors do not look directly at the lens of the camera and speak with it. If actors do this, then audience is no more an external observer viewing the scene from some distance. They are within the scene themselves and are its essential components (Hartley 1996). However, this is not to illustrate there are certain producers of directors that have not done this in order to gain an effect on the viewers.
The subjective view on the other hand, is the view which audience get as if they were looking by the subject’s eyes. This tool helps in giving the audience an illusion that they are characters within the scene and are not simply looking from an external perspective. Being a component of subjective perspective implies the audience do not have the ability of knowing or seeing everything that is occurring within the scene which can lead towards creating mysteries, threats and stress for the viewers (Lebow 2006).
POV shot or point of view shot is used when camera has been positioned in a way that audience can exactly look what the character within the film would see from their perspective. The shot may, however show certain part of the subject or the camera may be placed so that the view of the audience is that they are standing side by side with the subject.
Therefore, it can be said that point of view shot is used to create a sense of reality for the audience especially when used within reality TV shows disregarding whether they are real scenes or not (Roscoe et al 2001).
The reality genre popularity depends upon the video domestication and related technologies that help in capturing unexpected and henceforth provide content with a specific flavor of what is here in the present. Jones, (2003) looked at establishing an interview conducted quantitatively and qualitatively of the fans from Big Broth for determining the way in which these fans negotiated perception of realness within the reality TV programs using POV shots. It was found by here that while narratives of these reality TV shows are famous, the viewers do understand the entire experience artificiality but they incorporate it to their processes to derive pleasure from this genre of media (Nabi et al 2003). From this perspective, it can be said that the use of POV shots only makes the audience feel that the experience is real and whether it is truly or not is a fact that they compromise with.

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