


在举办大型活动时,在根据活动的需要设计新技术的同时,也会有大量发展和推进新技术的机会。然而,没有人否认这有巨大的影响。众所周知,关键在于刺激新技术的引进,同时必须确保对整个经济产生重大的积极影响。这可以通过加快城市创新改造来实现。然而,这类创新的局限往往超出了事件发生的地点(Jago et al., 2010)。作为一个重要的例子,南非投资提高了街道照明的效率,随后改进了2010年世界杯期间的交通管理系统。此外,菲律宾市还在体育场各处设置了泛光灯,以提高能源效率。另一方面,Cape的西部地区确保了屋顶安装太阳能热水器,同时利用泉水发电。然而,建立基础设施以了解国家在今后几年的期望和需要具有重大意义。其主要含义是关于全国范围内更广泛的发展目标。利用这种潜力来感知重大事件以激发创新具有潜在意义。


当任何活动在全球范围内进行时,为设计和技术的进步提供一个重要的平台是至关重要的。实际上,促进创新的整个过程最终会在整个经济环境中加速(Jago et al., 2010)。正如最近发现的那样,大型事件以提供解释终身创新的重要案例而闻名,甚至在事件结束后也会扩展。此外,在考虑规划和执行所涉及的步骤时,小组应调查他们在主要活动方面可能面临的各种风险。可以确定与声誉、中断、业务、管理和减轻当局、债务和财务有关的相同的责任。在风险管理中涉及的主要方法可能从引入严格的安全规程到保险保护下的第三方风险(Jago et al., 2010)。此外,伙伴关系办法对于在东道国政府的财政支助下提供一些范围来抵消风险具有重要意义。


When mega- events are hosted, there is a presentation of opportunities significantly to develop and advance new technology while designing them according to the needs of the event. However, there is no denial in the fact that this has a huge impact. The key is known to spur in introducing new technology while a major positive impact has to be ensured throughout the economy. This can be done by speeding up innovation and transformation of urban area. However, the limits of such innovations tend to spread way beyond the sites of event (Jago et al., 2010). As significant example, South Africa invested to enhance the efficiency of street lighting followed by improving the traffic management system for the World Cup that took place in 2010. Also, the city Philippi established floodlights across the stadium for efficiency of energy. On the other hand, the Western area of Cape ensured the attachment of solar water heater across roof tops along with hydropower being generated out of spring water. However, there is huge significance of establishing infrastructure in order to perceive the expectations and needs of the country in the years to come. The main implication is regarding the broader goals of development across the nation. There is an underlying significance to harness the potential in order to perceive the mega- events to spur innovation.

When any event is conducted at global level, it is crucial to provide an important platform for advancing in design and technology. In effect, the overall procedure for fostering innovation ends up speeding up in the entire economic setting (Jago et al., 2010). As identified since recent times, mega-events are known for providing important cases for the explanation of lifelong innovations while extending even after the event ends. Further ahead, when considering the steps involved in planning and implementing, the team should be investigating various risks that they might face with respect to main activities. There can be identification of the same as the ones related to reputation, interruptions, operations, management and mitigation authorities, liabilities and finance. The main approaches involved in the management of risk may be ranging from the introduction of strict protocols of safety in order to risk to the third party under the protection of insurance (Jago et al., 2010). Further ahead, partnership approaches are significant for the provision of some scope to offset risks while being under the financial support of host governments.