


即使在卡尔贝克尔(Carl Becker)宣称要理解美国革命(American revolution)的时代,美国也是来自不同地区的人的折衷组合,自治的问题应该用“谁将在国内统治?”(伍德,4)这是革命的主要论调和问题。大多数进步的现代历史学家都回到这个基本问题上来,来衡量美国革命及其对人民的影响。人们寻求独立,希望成为一个脱离英国殖民统治的自由国家。这是美国人民在这一地区的热情。木头,他开始美国革命的分析说明为什么人们以为这是保守的,而不是造成任何真正的对社会的影响(木材,3)。美国革命并不是一个完整的社会革命的法国革命在1793年或1917年的俄国革命。

美国革命与法国革命不同,它没有引起农民起义。公众没有像法国大革命那样做出姿态或采取严厉行动。社会的阶级秩序没有发生大的变化。美国革命并没有在社会上引起完全或彻底的动乱。旧的等级制度和官僚制度甚至在革命之后仍然在这些制度中存在。社会中没有真正的社会阶级形成。关于这场革命的真正影响是什么,人们进行了广泛的辩论。历史学家往往选择将法国大革命和农民起义与美国大革命进行比较。革命的根源、文化差异和主要目标有很大的不同。但人们经常暗指阶级冲突、内部暴力和一些独立的言论类似于法国大革命(Wood, 4)。


America was an eclectic mix of people from various regions even during those times Carl Becker had stated that to understand American revolution, the question of home rule should be replaced with the term “Who was to rule at home?” (Wood, 4) This was the main rhetoric and the questions of the revolution. Most of the progressive modern historians come back to this fundamental question to weigh in on the American Revolution and the impact it had caused on the people. People sought to have independence and wanted to become a free nation from the British Colonial rule. This was the fervor among the American people in this area. In the works of Wood, he starts the analysis of the American Revolution by stating why the people assumed it to be conservative and not causing any real impact on the society (Wood, 3). American Revolution is not a complete social revolution in the case of French revolution in 1793 or the Russian revolution in 1917.

In the case of American Revolution unlike the French revolution, it did not cause peasant uprising. There was no gesture or severe actions undertaken by the public like they did in the case of French revolution. There was no burning nor any big changes in the class order of the society. The American Revolution did not cause a total or complete upheaval in the society. The older conventional systems of hierarchy and bureaucracy were still essayed in the systems even after the revolution. There was no real social class formation in the societies. It has been widely debated as to what was the real impact of the revolution. More often than not, historians choose to compare French revolution and the uprising of the peasants with that of the American Revolution. The roots of the revolution, cultural differences and the primary objectives were quite different. But people often allude that the class conflict, internal violence and some of the rhetoric of independence was similar to that of the French revolution (Wood, 4).