


The driverless car technology is significantly perceived as the future innovation that will reduce the most and will help in overcoming the various externalities. The driverless cars are mainly based on the sensor technologies. According to Thierer & Hagemann (2014), the driverless cars based on the sensor technology will perform all the safety driving functions and monitor the road way conditions (Anderson et al., 2014). The driverless cars will require the fusion of the different sensors for providing the avant-garde technology of the fully autonomous cars. The fusion between the laser sensors and the camera can help in creating an important technology for the obstacle detection. The study found that triangulation is able to create effective images for the object detection. The time of flight measurement is more complex and the range of distance is very less. However, the range of cameras in triangulation provides accurate images for object detection. Laser technology as well as the radar sensors is very significantly important for detection and ranging on long distance in the time of flight measurement. However, the triangulation requires cameras for processing 3D images.

In this study, the sensor technology has been reviewed for the future driverless cars. The paper discussed the wide array of literature for supporting various evidences. Paper provides the clear classification of the autonomous or the driver-les cars. The evidences displayed that these cars are mainly based on the sensor technology that will help in detection of the objects on the road, detecting obstacles, collision mitigation and automatic parking. Driverless cars working through sensors can help in improving land use and will increase mobility and accessibility. Paper discussed the calculation of the distance for the object detection, in terms of time of flight and triangulation. The three main sensor techniques discussed in the study includes laser sensor (based on the Light Detection and Ranging and Laser Scanner), Radar sensor (previously used in aviation and defence) and Vision based sensor (Cameras). The study concludes that all the sensors have some advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the sensor fusion will help in improving the overall technique of producing the full-fledged driverless cars. The further study and experiments are required for finding the benefits of the fusion of sensor technology.

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