


尽管在经济体制、政治倾向和发展水平方面存在差异,但大多数国家正在走向私有化。这包括下放政府资产和财产,涉及政府对私营部门的某些责任和服务。所有国家都有国有组织:发达国家和发展中国家、社会主义国家和市场国家。他们生产各种各样的产品和服务,如通讯、电力、化肥、钢铁、石油化工和汽车(Ison, 2007)。这些组织的表现在各国之间和国家内部各不相同。然而,国有企业的业绩表现不佳,尤其是在发展中国家。国有企业在工业化过程中没有得到支持和贡献。

英国政府为了提高效率和市场竞争而走向私有化。因此,国有企业绩效不佳是政府走向私有化的主要原因。公共企业的所有权是通过清算结束的,其中包括关闭组织,或暂停其所有或部分业务,使用管理合同进行管理私有化,或将资产出售给私人部门(Krugman, Obstfeld, & Melitz, 2017)。主要目标是确定和评价私有化方案的失败和成功。


Most countries are moving towards privatization in spite of their differences in economic systems, political tendencies and levels of development. This involves decentralization of government assets and property, involving certain responsibilities and services of government to the private sector. State-owned organizations exist in all nations: developed and developing, socialist and market. They produce a wide range of products and services such as communications, power, fertilizers, steel, petrochemicals and automobiles (Ison, 2007). The performance of these organizations varies widely between and within the countries. However, the records of the state-owned enterprises show poor performance, particularly in the developing countries. The state-owned enterprises have failed to support and contribute in industrialization.

The government of UK moves towards privatization in order to efficiency and competition in the market. Therefore, the poor performance of the state-owned enterprises was the major reason for the government to move towards privatization. The ownership of the public enterprises was dissolved through liquidation which included the closure of the organizations, or the suspension of all or some of its operations, management privatization using management contracts and leases or privatization through the sales of the assets to private sectors (Krugman, Obstfeld, & Melitz, 2017). The main objective is to determine and evaluate the failures and successes of the privatization programme.