


E. Howard Hunt是前中央情报局特工,以及他是一个律师蠕变送达处罚33个月参与了水门事件打破了他的伙伴,是被法院Burglary,阴谋和窃听。他们以同样的罪名订人G. Gordon Liddy前联邦调查局特工服役4.5年;James McCord是一名前中央情报局特工,也是蠕变担任两个月的安全主任(rudalevige,2005)。他们都打破了“以任何形式,将在官方职责政府雇员具有约束力,没有个性化的性行为不应该遵守承诺,没有个性化的承诺可能对公共责任的结合。”
Jeb Magruder副主任担任了七个月的蠕变发现阴谋阻碍司法公正罪。首席检察官和蠕变John Mitchell主任担任处罚19个月,因为他也被判为妨碍司法。他们违反了“任何人不逃避的规则,法律和法律形成的法律,以维护宪法的美国和政府”。Carl Bernstein和Bob Woodward都是华盛顿邮报的调查记者和犯有非法采集信息从白宫高管(摩根,1992)。他们违反了“诊断的方式,可以执行的任务,以高效,有效的方式和具有成本效益的形式。”
马克·费尔特,前联邦调查局官员和“Deep Throat”是有罪的机密信息传输到两份报告,违反白宫的规则,甚至行为准则,以遵循白宫的官员。马克作为一个公务员“不得有用信息来他秘密而履行政府职责作出私人利润”。Charles Colson在白宫为总统的特别顾问担任了七个月的监禁被判犯有妨碍司法公正。John Dean亦因妨碍司法而被判有罪四个月。他们违反了行为准则,“最高的道德原则是所有公民的忠诚高于一切,高于忠诚的国家尤其是政府官员,当局和部门”。


E. Howard Hunt was a former CIA agent as well as he was also a counsel to CREEP served punishment for 33 months as was involved in Watergate break-up with his partners and was booked by court for Burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping. The others who were booked for the same charges were G. Gordon Liddy a former FBI agent served for 4.5 years; James McCord was a former CIA Agent and was also the Security Director for CREEP served for two months (Rudalevige, 2005). They all broke the conduct of “making no promises of personalized nature in any form that will be binding upon the official duties as government employees should not be abided with no personalized promises which may be binding on their public duty.”
Jeb Magruder Deputy Director of CREEP served for seven months as was found guilty for conspiring for obstruction in justice. Attorney General and Director of CREEP John Mitchell served punishment for 19 months as he was also convicted for obstruction of justice. They violated the principle of “no evasion by any individual of the rules, laws and regulations formed legally for upholding the Constitution of United States and the governments”. Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward both were Washington Post Investigator reporters and were guilty of illegally gathering of information from the White House Executive (Morgan, 1992). They violated the code of “diagnosing the ways in which the tasks can be performed in an efficient and effective manner and in a cost-effective form.”
Mark Felt a former FBI official and a ‘Deep Throat’ was guilty of transmitting the confidential information to the two reports and violating the rules of White House and even the code of conduct to be followed by the officials of White House. Mark being a government servant “must not have used information that came to him confidentially while performing government duties for making private profits”. Charles Colson was a special counsel for the President in White House served seven months imprisonment as was found guilty of obstruction of justice. John Dean was also found guilty of obstructed justice and served for four months. They violated the code of conduct that “the highest moral principle for all the citizens was loyalty above everything and above loyalty country comes especially for government officials, authorities and department”.