


旅游业是新西兰未来经济增长最重要的方面。目前,它为美国经济贡献了186亿美元,这也相当于美国国内生产总值(gdp)的9%。旅游业也是一个重要的就业来源,每十个新西兰人中就有一个在旅游业工作(Rochelle Turner, 2015)。旅游业也是新西兰最大的出口中心。国际游客每年为中国经济贡献83亿美元,占出口总收入的19.2%。新西兰被认为是一个迷人的高质量的旅游目的地。为游客提供的预订服务是非常方便和容易的。这个国家的旅游业高度致力于使游客感到满意和舒适。新西兰在澳大利亚与美国和印度尼西亚竞争。新西兰旅游业全年在澳大利亚开展许多不同的活动。因此,澳大利亚和中国是游客数量最多的国家(Gnoth, & Anwar, 2000)。



Tourism is the most important aspect of the future economic growth of New Zealand. Currently it contributes $18.6 billion to the economy, which also represent the 9% of the gross domestic product of the country. Tourism sector is also an important source of employment as one in every ten New Zealanders works in the tourism sector (Rochelle Turner, 2015). Tourism is also the largest export centre or New Zealand. The international visitors contribute $8.3 billion to the economy every year, which become 19.2% of the complete earnings from export.New Zealand is considered as an alluring and high quality tourist destination. The booking services that are offered to the visitors are highly convenient and easy. The tourism sector of the country is highly committed towards the satisfaction and comfort of the tourists. New Zealand competes with states of America and Indonesia in Australia. The New Zealand Tourism runs many different campaigns in Australia throughout the year. Thus Australia and China are the countries from where the maximum number of tourists comes (Gnoth, & Anwar, 2000).

China is the second largest visitor market in New Zealand.The tourism industry in New Zealand continuously identifies and puts forwards the strategies that will increase the returns on investments. They concentrate on generating business products and experiences that will go above the expectations of the visitors. The tourism has also concentrated on enhancing the environment of New Zealand, which could be enjoyed by the visitors and the future generations. Such products are being made, which could deliver good environmental positions (Zealand, 2012).According to the statics of New Zealand Tourism,“12.1% of the total number of people employed in New Zealand work directly or indirectly in tourism. That means 295,908 people are working in the visitor economy. The Tourism 2025 growth framework has a goal of growing total tourism revenue to $41 billion a year by 2025” (The Power of Tourism, 2015). The tourism industry also provided employment to 94,100 full-time equivalents (FTEs), which also makes 4.7% of the total employment in New Zealand. By the year 2015 the employment will increase to 36,000 more full time equivalent workers.