


本研究的目的是认识文化对个人的影响,以检测文化对个人的影响,分析不同文化背景的人的饮食习惯。食物是人类生活的一个重要方面,不同的社会和文化有不同的饮食习惯。不同类型的情感、幸福、信仰、信仰都与人们的饮食习惯有关。研究个人进化的外部环境如何影响个人的文化和行为。文化源于个体生活方式的转变,它维系着社会(Mihet, 2012)。这种跨文化分析有助于在这种混合文化社会背景下收集文化的影响。


跨文化分析的基本作用是对跨文化进行比较,以创新一代文化中关于文化共性的思想和文化共有的特性。跨文化分析人员生成咨询数据和假设,以得出特定文化特征之间的关系。早些时候,社会进化论者已经开发出了这一方法,后来乔治·彼得·默多克(George Peter Murdock)将许多人种学研究结合成一个单一的数据库,称为人类关系区域文件(Human relations Area File, HRAF)。现在,一天的跨文化研究被用来发表跨文化分析的作品(Morris, 2011)。


The aim of the research is to recognize the impact of culture on the individuals and in order to detect the cultural impact on the individual, and the food habits of the people from different cultural backgrounds have been analyzed. Food is an important aspect of human life, and different society and culture have different food habit. Different types of emotion, happiness, faith, beliefs are associated with food habit of the people. The research study on how the external environment in which an individual evolves impact on that individual culture and behavior. Culture grows from the transformation of the lifestyles of the individuals, and it holds the society (Mihet, 2012). This cross-cultural analysis helps in collecting the influence of the culture in this context of mixed cultural society.

The basic role of cross- cultural analysis is the comparisons of cross culture used to innovate traits shared among a generation of ideas and cultures about cultural universals. Cross-culture analysts generate consult data and hypotheses in order to draw the correlation about the relationships between particular cultural traits. Earlier, the social evolutionists have developed the approach and later advance by George Peter Murdock, who combined many ethnographic studies into a single database known as Human Relation Area File (HRAF). Now a day’s Cross-Cultural Research is used for publishing works using Cross culture analysis (Morris, 2011).