


在罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)攻读本科期间,我攻读了经济学和数学的双学位。然而,每当我每年暑假回家的时候,我都会找机会去教书。我为想学英语的成年人做了1- 1的“顾问”。我还为一些小群的年轻学生做过数学助教。直到毕业后,我才意识到教育是我最擅长的职业,也是我想追求的职业。为我的双学位学习很有挑战性,当我为每个专业完成我的核心课程时,我意识到这不是我的人生道路。




During my undergraduate career at Rutgers University, I pursued a dual degree in Economics and Mathematics. However, whenever I went home for the summer to China each year, I sought out any opportunity to teach. I worked as a 1-to-1 “consultant” for adults who wanted to learn English. I also worked as a Math teaching assistant for small groups of younger students. I didn’t realize until after graduating that education is the career I am most skilled for and the one I wish to pursue.Studying for my double major was very challenging, and I realized as I was finishing my core courses for each major that this was not path for me.


I decided in my last two years to survey a variety of courses across different fields to discover what I was best suited for: Computer Science, Labor Studies, Roman Civilization, Topology, and so on. Although I enjoyed these courses, I did not find a good match.After graduation, I immediately sought out another teaching opportunity, this time with C2 Education in New Jersey, where I currently work as an SAT Math teacher. I find it an honor and true pleasure to be teaching as my first job after graduation. I enjoy every minute with my students and feel proud that I am able to help them improve and get prepared for college. This is when I finally realized that the work I’d be pursuing on the side all this time is really what I should be focused on as my primary career goal.