essay 代寫:關鍵績效計算


essay 代寫:關鍵績效計算
這兩個關鍵績效指標涵蓋了營銷計劃績效的量化和定性兩個方面。市場份額可以通過不同的計算來評估。一種方法是將整個零售市場的銷售額與該公司的銷售額進行比較,以確定該公司在該行業中的份額。這給了他們市場份額。另一種方法是比較企業產生的交易或零售賬單的數量,並將其與行業產生的賬單進行比較。這兩種方法都需要使用公司報告和行業報告(Kotler & Keller, 2011)。使用這種方法的目的是確定營銷計劃的結果或績效的量化性質。顧客反饋是一種定性的評估,用來評估情緒的變化,或確保預期的反應是否由營銷活動產生。沃爾瑪需要改善其作為一個社會責任品牌的形象,這也是營銷活動的目標之一。針對這一目的的顧客反饋將會在營銷活動之前在商店進行調查,然後在每年年底比較結果。
由於任何營銷或商業計劃都不能看到所有的事件,因此,一個好的計劃需要針對意外事件進行應急計劃。在營銷計劃中,對銷售、收入和市場對計劃的反應的預測取決於製定計劃的公司可能無法控制的某些因素。應急計劃包括評估基本假設的可能變化及其對營銷計劃的影響。應急計劃解決了這些偏差導致的問題(Baker & Hart, 2008)。為了管理風險,企業試圖確定不確定性的來源。它列出了風險,並分析了某些事件發生的可能性。對於營銷計劃來說,內部風險包括核心員工的流失,生產設施的物理損壞,以及內部的變革阻力。然而,外部風險來自於競爭環境、法律挑戰和監管行動。營銷風險評估關注可能影響公司營銷績效的事件,並對某一事件發生的概率值進行賦值(Homburg, Kuester, & Krohmer, 2013)。

essay 代寫:關鍵績效計算

These two key performance indicators cover the quantitative aspect and the qualitative aspect of the performance of the marketing plan. The market share is something that can be assessed through different calculations. One way to do it is to compare the overall retail market sales with the sales of the company to determine the share of the company in the industry. This gives them market share. The other way is to compare the number of transactions or retail bill generated by the business and compare it with the bills generated by the industry. Both this method requires the use of the company reports and the industry reports (Kotler & Keller, 2011). The purpose of using this method is its quantifiable nature for determining the outcome or performance of the marketing plan.The customer feedback is a qualitative assessment to evaluate the change in sentiment or to ensure whether the desired response is generated by the marketing campaign. Walmart needs to improve its image as a socially responsible brand and this is also one of the objectives of the marketing campaign. Customer feedback for this purpose will be taken through surveys conducted at the store before the marketing campaign, and then compare the results at every year end.
Since any marketing or business plan cannot see all the eventualities, a good planning therefore requires contingency planning for addressing unexpected events. In a marketing plan, the projections for sales, the revenue and the market reaction to the initiatives are dependent on certain factors that may be out of control of the company that is making the plan. Planning for the contingencies includes evaluating the possible variations in the basic assumptions, and their effects on the marketing plan. The contingency planning addresses problems that result from such deviations (Baker & Hart, 2008).For managing the risks, a business tries to identify the sources of the uncertainty. It lists down the risks, and analyzes the likelihood that some event would take place. For the marketing plan, the internal risks include the loss of the key employees, the physical damage of the production facilities, and the internal resistance to change. The external risks however come from competitive environment, the legal challenges and the regulatory actions. The marketing risks assessment look out for the events that may influence the company’s marketing performance, and assigns probability value about the happening of some event (Homburg, Kuester, & Krohmer, 2013).