

在本篇论文代写-领导者和追随者之间关系的组成部分中 ,马屁精是那些唯唯诺诺的人。他们试图认同领导的所有反馈。它们朝着与本组织的价值观相冲突的方向前进。它们既不指向系统中的问题,也不提出目标。他们顺从领导的需要。在这种情况下,并不是每个人都是唯唯喏喏的人,每个人都有权发出自己独特的声音,或通过工会组织发出集体的声音。作为一个真正的领导者和一个仆人式的领导者,总经理以这种方式授权给人们。接下来有关论文代写-领导者和追随者之间关系的组成部分分享给大家阅读。

The critics are the opposite of sycophants. They try to challenge and question the leader. This can lead to positive development. However, the constant criticism can be detrimental to the operational process of the company. These can impede the process of the company. The realists of the company are used to provide constructive criticism. They agree with the main ideologies. In case of not agreeing with the ideology. They tend to challenge the leader. They try to offer constructive alternatives to aid the leader or the organizations to meet their aims. The loyalist of the company is the genuine supporters. They are highly engaged and they work hard to support the leader. More of the company followers are loyalists given that they have stayed with the company for a long time. There is not much data to understand how much of criticism the employees involve in. However, data is there to indicate that they bring their negotiations to the table so it could be argued that a fair amount of constructive criticism is indeed present.
Some people of the company usually choose to be observers. They do not provide any form of feedback. They work towards what is needed and do not agree not disagree. They choose to be members of the company that were they silent spectators. A more nuances form of sycophants of the company is the opportunist. They are looking for ways to use the leader. In this schema, the people are not only one kind of followers. They can be a mixture of two characters. It is difficult to categorize the people based on the different kinds of ideologies. In PA, the mix of observers, and opportunities might exist. However, as the general population are handpicked based on their attitude to serve with the company. it could be said that issues and concerns are undermined.
Perhaps the strongest form of follower in the organization is the participant follower. The participant care of followership is necessary when the organizations are trying to make impact. The participant follower agrees with the leader and question the leader’s action if they do not agree with the leadership. These are the main follower style and they are the most valuable followers for any leader. Now, much of the MDs ideas are unique, and hence having the right followership style is a strong necessity for the company and it could be argued that PA has this right followership style mix.

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