


Dove highlights the differentiation – moisturizer as well as pH=O in order to meet the requirements of the consumers. They are aimed at building a strong emotion and personal connection with the customers. In 1995 on entering the Indian market, the product price base was Rs 50 that was not preferred by the high income group. However, when Dove was priced at Rs 28, it attracted the upper middle class. Distribution channels were similar to HUL with competition from Pears and Lux (UK, 2017). However, use of a single distribution channel provided competitive advantage and popularity soared in the Metropolitan cities. The Dove promotional video had 30 lakh users on YouTube and the brand strategizes television commercials in comparison with similar price range products.

In the consumerism world, the probability of success for a brand is significantly dependent on its marketing among the end users. It is for this very reason that the brands make huge investments in their advertising campaigns. The marketing managers are required to follow certain key elements in their advertising campaigns for ensuring success and effectiveness. Clear content in the advertising message is crucial for effectively communicating with the end users. The summation of the significant aspects for an advertising strategy to be successful and reach the desired target audience most effectively has been done below:
Appropriately comprehending the DNA of the product
Being aware of the details pertaining to the target audience
Definition of the unique selling proposition
Effectively utilising different platforms of advertising

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