

因此,可以看出,幾個不同的因素往往對個體的幸福指數有直接的影響。此外,每個因素的影響程度將與個人在變化的環境中感受到的幸福程度成正比。在相似情境下對不同的人進行研究時也會出現類似的分化(Li, 2015)。一個簡單的例子就是看到彩虹的影響。一個孩子看到這美麗的景象會感到興奮和激動。上了年紀的人也會快樂,但不會像孩子那樣快樂。詩人或畫家會從不同的角度看風景,而悲傷的人不一定能欣賞美景,欣賞彩虹。從上面的討論可以清楚地看到,不同的人對幸福有不同的定義。然而,中心仍然是這樣一個事實:所有的人都在尋找一種能帶來快樂心態的感覺。
只要我們能以一顆快樂的心看待事物,我們就能快樂(Happiness and the Good Life, 2012)。換句話說,幸福與我們擁有多少錢無關,而是一種心態(McKenzie, 2015),因此人們不應該為積累財富付出太多努力。相反,他們應該向內看,並努力實現內心的平靜和滿足,這將持續更長的時間。我一直認為幸福是一種發自內心的感覺。它創造了一種滿足感和成就感。當人們見面時,他們會感到幸福,但他們往往不那麼滿足。而人們不能通過金錢買到幸福;人類無限的慾望是侵蝕幸福的一個永恆因素。例如,一個擁有自行車的人想要升級到汽車,房子等等。


Thus, it is seen that several diverse factors tend to have a direct impact on the happiness quotient of individuals. Furthermore, the level of impact of each factor would differ in direct proportion to the extent of happiness felt of individuals under changed circumstances. A similar differentiation would be seen when studying different persons under similar circumstances (Li, 2015). A simple example would be the impact of seeing a rainbow. A child would get excited and thrilled to see this beautiful sight. An aged person would also be happy, but not to the extent of a child. A poet or a painter would look at the view from a different point of view while a person in grief would not necessarily be able to appreciate the beauty and enjoy looking at the rainbow.From the discussions above it, it can be clearly seen that different people have different definitions of happiness. However, at the center remains the fact that all individuals are in search of a feeling that would result in a mindset of happiness.
As long as we can look at things with a happy heart, we can be happy(Happiness and the Good Life, 2012).In other words, happiness has nothing to do with an amount of money we have, rather it is a state of mind (McKenzie, 2015) and hence people should not put too much effort for accumulation of wealth. Instead, they should look inwards and try to achieve an inner peace and contentment that would last for a longer period of time.I always think of happiness as a kind of a feeling that arises from the heart. It creates a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. When people meet, they will feel a sense of happiness, but they are often not so satisfied. While people cannot buy happiness through money; the unlimited human desires are a constant factor for erosion of happiness. For instance, a person who owns a bike would want to upgrade to a car, a house and so on.