


This briefing paper is meant for giving concise case study information to Education Overload Ltd. The case study is about Careers Australia Ltd, one of Australia’s leading private college training providers, spread through thousands of centres across Australia. The briefing is important for Education Overload Ltd because it being in the same sector the implications is far outreaching and also automatically impacts the company. The reason largely lies in the strict vigilance that the government has come to take after such incidents, to the extent which there may be surprised scrutiny in many educational institutes.

Such actions are dangerous for the education sector, that is our sector, and is must be investigated for understanding the implications that will and shall befall on all other education providers. This case is important because usually the government becomes more alert and devices new amendments, often stricter than earlier, to regulate the sector with more scrutiny and strict adherence to the requisite law. The actions that involved misleading students by representing wrong information that was never to be a part of the course or a promise offered, is a beach of the Consumer Law, and the company is liable for the losses of the students and the government. There are multiple other colleges who are involved in such scams, where they receive money from the government but the student for which the loan is secured never enrolled and actually took the class, one such example being Acquire Learning. This happens when competition is high, but the competitors wrongly interpret the pressure of competition, which makes them indulge into practices that are immoral, unethical, and permanently forbidden by law. The amount of money then that fails to be utilised elsewhere in social welfare is a burden on citizens and the citizens become contributors in such scandals much against their wish. This is because their money is given out to these unethical companies who play with the lives of students and spoils their reputation and of the entire sector, even making it difficult for competitors to sustain consumer trust.
Careers Australia Ltd has promised to pay back the amount held through a court enforceable undertaking. A court enforceable undertaking is an instrument that promises the undertaking mentioned inside in the witness of the court, and if it fails to do so, the court can take legal proceedings against the company, deeming such an act as unwavering. They could have adopted a simple undertaking where the court had no involvement, but they made a solid promise through a court enforceable undertaking.

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