

论文代写-购物中心的建设分析。各地的增长趋势导致了购物中心的建设,这样所有需要的东西都可以买不到一个屋顶。同样,Fairview购物中心是由加拿大多伦多的当地人建造的,而Don Mills的商店位于纽约北部。这两个地方在文化、地理位置和人口方面都不同。本文的重点是比较这两家商场的地点、位置、位置、营销策略、布局与设计、店铺类型、网站审核和实地调查。

CF Fairview Mall highlights a dynamic mix of popular, brand name and specialty retail in one convenient, easily accessible location. Showcasing a collection of over 160 stores and services, premium, casual restaurants and cinemas, CF Fairview Mall is the destination for all shopping and entertaining needs.
CF Shops at Don Mills is where fashion, dining and entertainment come outside to play. This is Ontario’s first and finest open air center with exceptional shops, restaurants and services surrounding a lovely Town Square.
This report will discuss the related to the various activities and options at the places where these two malls are built.

Types of Stores
The Shops at Don Mills has total No. of stores and services 72 and Total retail floor area is 511,824 square feet (48,000 m²).
Fairview Mall was opened in 1970, and the centre has over 170 stores and services, including The Bay, Sears Canada, offices and a cinema complex. There are 170 no. of stores and services and no. of anchor tenants are 3 and the total retail floor area is 881,287 ft² (81,874 m²) with No. of floors as 2 (retail levels, plus 1 office and cinema level).

The website has become the most important factors in attracting new consumers in the city. In addition, the website provides the all information about the mall. The websites are built with view of the products and services available at the Mall.
Fig: Fairview Mall Website
In case of Shops at Don Mills, the website is built with mall services, offers, and with internal designs showing on the front page. The same design is followed for Fairview Mall, but the content of the website is changed as per the products available in the mall.

As per in-depth examination, it is found that both the websites are made with nice design and look that will attract the customers to browse more. All the information is available on the first page itself. The biggest problem is that these websites are not available on the mobile phone with the available products to buy online. In the current technology enabled world, the consumers do more searches and buy on the mobile phone, and hence, this is the biggest problem for these malls to reach more millennial consumers.

The malls are important part of life these days, and hence, their influences cannot be ignored among the people living in the city. The above analysis indicates that both the malls are located at the great location in Toronto. The designs and specifications are as per the demand in that specific city in keeping mind the technological, social, cultural and behavioral impact on the people in the city for long term. The green roof environment and ecological environment are taken into consideration while designing and constructing the malls.
Both the malls have good number of stores for various products of different brands. The marketing strategies are planned as well as per the consumer behavior in that local area.

The analysis above indicates that both malls are constructed with different geographic need and also as per the available location. New available technological options are chosen in keeping mind the long-term results and surrounding environment. The geographical attributes played an important role in these two malls. The malls have their own specific strategies in terms of location, place, population and consumer behavior. Based on both the Malls analysis, it is concluded that geographies are different and hence their products and services are different as well.

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