



购买意图描述并决定消费者对产品的购买反应。意愿越高,购买意愿就越高。消费者的反应、反馈和参与程度可以决定消费者的购买意愿。高度参与的消费者购买率较高(Napoli et al., 2014)。中国的信息产业发展很快。根据中国互联网络信息中心2007年1月发布的《第19次中国互联网发展统计调查报告》(Lien et al., 2015),中国互联网用户已达1.37亿。在这些用户中,79.1%表示他们肯定或可能会在上半年网购。


23.6%的用户回应他们上网时经常使用网上购物服务。2006年,有过网上购物体验的网民超过3000万。虽然现在网上购物中心通过给这些顾客打折来赢得越来越多的顾客,但是仅仅有优惠的价格是不够的。信任仍然被视为消费者购买决策的订单限定符。消费者不太可能光顾不能创造信任感的网络商店(Lien et al., 2015)。


只有当消费者相信卖方有能力提供和交付消费者所期望的质量的商品时,信任才会存在。此时,还有另一个重要的问题:消费者如何才能获得对网上购物中心的信任?在传统情况下,消费者的信任被发现受到卖方对实体建筑、设施和人员的投资的影响(Wang et al., 2016)。因此,可以说,由于在网络购物中心中,消费者和卖家之间没有身体接触,所以消费者的信任是由消费者的特征而不是卖方的某些行为所影响的,这是合理的。


根据哈比比et al。(2014)信托当事人的意愿是容易受到另一方的行动基于期望对方会执行一个特定的动作重要的弱势一方,无论脆弱党的敏捷监视或控制另一方。Kim等人(2004)将信任定义为相信另一方将在交换关系中以可靠的方式行事。Chang等人(2014)给出了一个最受追捧的信任概念化表。


Purchase intentions describe and determine the consumer response to purchase the offering. The higher the intention leads to elevated purchase of that offering. Consumers purchase intention can be determining through their responses, feedback and their involvement. Highly involved consumers shows high rate of purchase (Napoli et al., 2014).China’s information industry has been developing very rapidly. According to the 19th Statistical Survey Report on Internet Development in China released in January 2007 by the China Internet Network Information Center (Lien et al., 2015), the number of Internet users has reached 137 million. Of these users, 79.1% said that they would surely or possibly go Internet shopping in the first half of the year.

23.6% of the users replied that they were frequently using an Internet shopping service when they went on the Internet. In 2006, there were over 30 million Internet users who had an Internet shopping experience. Despite the fact that Internet shopping malls are now winning more and more customers by providing these customers with a discounted price for products, favorable price alone will not be sufficient. Trust is still regarded as an order qualifier for consumers’ purchase decisions. Consumers are unlikely to patronize Internet stores that fail to create a sense of trust (Lien et al., 2015).

Trust can only exist if the consumer believes that the seller has the ability to provide and deliver goods of the quality expected by the consumer. At this point in time, there is another important question: How can consumers gain trust in an Internet shopping mall? In traditional contexts, a consumer’s trust has been found to be affected by the seller’s investment in physical buildings, facilities, and personnel (Wang et al., 2016). Therefore, it could be said that since there is no physical contact between consumers and sellers in an Internet shopping mall, it is reasonable to suggest that a consumer’s trust is affected by the consumer’s characteristics, instead of some actions of the seller’s.

According to Habibi et al. (2014) trust is a willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other party will perform a particular action important to the vulnerable party, irrespective of the vulnerable party’s agility to monitor or control that other party. Kim et al. (2004) defined trust as the belief that the other party will behave in a dependable manner in an exchange relationship. Chang et al. (2014) present a table of the most sought after conceptualization in trust.