



该剧在对流行的后殖民主义观念的同化方面表现出现代主义的元素,其中包括对传统叙事手法的背离。詹姆斯·艾奇逊(James Acheson)等评论家评论了该剧的情节结构。他批判地指出,观众一定会注意到情节的划分:它被分成两幕,由两个主要的主角扮演。这个角色发现他们自己与彼此的命运相抗争,必须与一个荒谬世界的可能性进行斗争(Akhter, 2016)。尤金·韦伯(Eugene Webb)也评论说,贝克特已经成功地将这部戏剧变成了一种文化符号,尤其是他对时间的巧妙管理。贝克特在剧中分解时间元素的方式确实值得称道。此外,对一个不存在的角色“戈多”的永恒等待在不同的视角层面上具有象征意义。值得注意的是,剧作家有策略地让弗拉基米尔和爱斯特拉根在一系列活动中消磨时间:交换帽子,玩游戏,考虑自杀(Beckett, 2012)。它反映和讽刺了人类所专注的病态和徒劳的承诺。此外,在剧中,相对重要的事情都被处理得很琐碎。悲剧和喜剧之间界限的消解,使悲喜剧元素融入了戏剧。最重要的是,等待元素推动游戏向前发展。


It has been observed that Godot stands symbolically of the essential driving force in Estragon and Vladimir, who is seen in an act of endless waiting. Beckett advocated the opinion that it represents the ultimate aim, quest, and search of man. It is a futile search that never ends. Both the characters have invested their absolute trust in Godot, thereby, manifesting the haunting insecurities of a human mind. Beckett has unravelled the inherent fears and uncertainties haunting the post-Darwinian society. The plot structure of the play, as it has been already pointed out, does not have any dynamism in terms of development. It has no situation development, conflict or conclusion. Nevertheless, the plot development successfully triggers a feeling of discomfort among his audiences as they’re presented with the brutal existential truth (Beckett, 2012). It must also be noted that timelessness is yet another essential quality of the modern drama.

The play manifested the elements of modernism in term of assimilation of the popular post-colonial conception which involves the deviation from the traditional narrative technique. Critics like James Acheson observes has commented on the physical structuring of the play. He has critically pointed out that the audiences are bound to notice the plot division: it is split into two acts which are acted by the two major protagonists. The character finds themselves pitted against the fate of one another and must struggle against the odds of an absurd world (Akhter, 2016). It has also been commented by Eugene Webb that Beckett has been successful in turning this play into a cultural icon particularly for his skilful management of time. The way in which Beckett has broken down the element of time in the play is indeed commendable. Besides, the eternal waiting for an absent character named ‘Godot’ assumes symbolic significance at different perspective levels. It is to be noted that the playwright had strategically engaged the character, Vladimir and Estragon in a series of activities order to pass their time: swapping their hats, playing games, and contemplating suicide (Beckett, 2012). It mirrors and satirises the morbid and the futile engagements that human beings are preoccupied with. Besides, the matters of relative importance are treated with triviality in the play. This dissolution of the borders between the tragedy and comedy renders the tragicomic element to the play. Most importantly, the element of waiting propels the play forward.

Therefore, it could be effectively concluded that Samuel Beckett has been a successful modern dramatist who had successfully incorporated all the elements of the contemporary drama. He brought forward his iconoclastic ideas through the medium of the plays.
