




In this, Gramsci’s explains about the cultural means for influencing the shape to the world and to make them subject of the existing political or social order. In this situation, there is acquisition of the predominate culture. This is carried by the simple acts of coercion and oppression. This ultimately lead to the formation of hegemony. Hegemony is grounded on the voluntary acceptance and the approval for the public opinion (Witz, 2013). They strive to form the social normative standards and there is an intricate process of conflict balance. This leads to the formation of the cultural hegemony. This is completed in a complex dynamic process of struggle and the negotiation. (Rojek, 2013). In the classroom, there was discussion about the governor claims as to the use of the minority language. Owing to this, it can be alluded that the people are not controlled by violence in China. The people are controlled by propaganda and social factors. This in essence indicates about the formation of cultural hegemony. This cultural hegemony of the people is not really a question of competing for the leadership. It is about the control over the power of the leadership. This develops into the question as to how the leadership is accepted by the mainstream society. The language testifies and centers around unification.

Giroux (2011) stated that Gramsci wants to point about how the working place tries to establish their identity over the bourgeoisie. From a personal standpoint, I agree with the author that this causes the formation of the one-sided development and leads to the issues of class distinction in the society. Hence, the people in capitalism and the people under socialist education continue to feel alienated with the people. It is proposed that the socialist education must cultivate the people with the all-round development. This will point towards the holistic growth and empower all the people.
