


These include economist factoring of the theory. However, there are inconsistent results that show the impact of the school resources of the student’s performances. The education production function includes a number of tangible and intangible factors that determine the average student’s success. Nevertheless, owing to the intricate factors that are in contention, it is often difficult to measure the education production function. These involved the academic study of class size and achievement of the students.
From this the education production function of the student and University can be calculated from the formula
A = f (R, SC, P)
Where A= Academic Achievement in a time period
R= school resources
SC= Student Characteristics
P = Characterization of the peer group.
A number of intangible outcome variables can be added to measure the production function. Nevertheless, in this section, the measure of the student’s commercial success in the career has been detailed. This reduces the number of intangible factors and helps focus on the ways there can be improvement. The educational production function is not an absolute function. There is room for flaws. However, it also enables in the streamlining of the education system and in the identification of the tangible gaps that can occur in the process. Owing to this, the education production functions for these two universities are calculated. It is difficult to discuss these issues in absolute terms given the intangibles and complexities that are involved in measuring commercial success of the students after their graduation. The knowledge that is gained in the process and the application of the knowledge in their respective domain is difficult to quantify. However, this process would enable in the development of broad recommendations. It is for this reason that this particular function has been used in this research. Besides, the data that is used for the analysis plays an important role in the understanding the reasons behind the outcomes of the students at each institution. The education production system in this case would be the students who had completed their education and obtained their degrees. These alumni are facing the real-life challenges and they need to tackle it with the knowledge and marks that they had obtained from the colleges.

The LNU is ranked 118th and NEU is ranked 48th in the top institutions of China. They are operating in similar geographical area and have access to the same resources. China has also seen exponential growth in the current times. These two universities are publicly funded universities. The private institutions are found to have a practice-oriented approach.
These two universities are found to have multi-level funding. They gain many sources of funding. The public university such as LNU and NEU are government funded through the tuition fees. These fees are, in general, more affordable than the private counterparts. There are three levels of governance for funding in the case of China. These occur at the national, provincial and local level. . The local education authorities also supervise universities in China. Both these university have successful alumni who make considerable contributions. These private funding also improved the resources that are allocated.
One of the important factors that are used for the deciphering of the quality of education is education production functions.

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