

ps代写-带传感器的无人驾驶汽车概述。无人驾驶汽车或汽车被认为是自动驾驶的车辆,它可以自己从一个部分驾驶到另一个部分,而不需要寻求司机的帮助。一些学者认为,无人驾驶汽车技术可以是非常重要的,有潜力改变交通行业。它将具有消除事故的虚拟能力。带有传感器的自动驾驶汽车可能在未来几年成为革命性的创新。这项技术的发展是非常遥远的,但也有许多适当利用这项技术的机会(Link et al., 2016)。然而,主要的挑战是提高安全性。驾驶员的主要方面是使用传感器系统,能够检测障碍物、道路、倒下的树木和行人等。这种车应该有速度感,并且必须能够推断出运动物体的方向。两个最重要的发展是基于两个主要系统。这两个系统分别是激光雷达(Light Detection and测距)和光学相机传感器(Luettel, Himmelsbach & Wuensche, 2012)。

The development of the driverless cars is far, it requires the reliable technology for overcoming many challenges. There are many automakers all over the world who are working towards manufacturing the driverless car with sensors. Intelligent Car Initiative of the European Union is working towards making the extensive use of the micro controllers, sensors and actuators to help the drivers to have an extra eye on the road in order to avoid accidents and mishaps. The computer technology has been used in the cars to help the drivers and assisting them to find the correct roads and turns. The near future of the technology will definitely experience a shift in the development and advancement of the technology. This advancement will help to overcome many problems that are associated with the autonomous navigation. Some of the significant issues with autonomous navigation are localization (where am I), Map building (from where I am coming), path Planning (where have to go) and path tracking (how to get on destination?)(Fagnant & Kockelman, 2015). The sensor technology in the driverless car will provide the complete control to the vehicle and driver will be mere supervisor for the sensors. The figure one explains the control system of the autonomous car. This system consists of the three main blocks as shown below. These blocks explain that in a traffic situation, the sensing devices will control the car through logic processing that will further aid in mechanical control. The sensors can help in enhancing the safety and overcoming those dangerous situations that are caused by the human negligence.

The autonomous driverless cars are not very far from the reach of the futures. For example, Mercedes and Audi have announced for being ready for the production of the driverless cars with highly advanced features (Rosenzweig & Bartl, 2015). The aim of the paper is to study and understand the driverless car technology with sensors. The transportation system of the world requires being more safe, efficient and balanced. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to understand the technological innovation that will make the transportation system safer and efficient.
The driverless cars with sensors will help to avoid the accidents, and will also warn about the dangerous conditions ahead. There are many institutions and companies that are working on various projects related to the driverless cars with sensors, so that they can create safe transportation network by the implementation of this innovative technology and can create intelligent vehicles (Luettel, Himmelsbach & Wuensche, 2012). For the purpose of this paper, the literature review section will be divided in three significant sections. The first section will focus on defining and understanding the concept of the driverless car or autonomous vehicle.

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