

不同的性能影响变量如下。工作场所的消极情绪,缺乏热情,缺乏冷漠是其中的一些变量。研究人员试图确定整体的时间管理和人力资源应用程序是如何在这里遇到问题的(Dollinger, 1984;盖恩斯& jermy,1983)。当人们不知所措时,他们发现很难达到预期或最后期限。这会影响他们区分优先顺序的能力。这使得他们对自己平时的管理技能的控制力较弱。根据研究人员得出的结论是负螺旋(Ling, et al., 2014)。工作不是时间管理的恰当,这会造成压力。压力会导致恶性循环。当员工对自己的工作有更多的控制权时,他们就不太可能经历工作压力,他们更能控制自己的工作方式,更多地参与与工作有关的决策。在这里受到影响的不仅仅是工人,管理层通常被推到一个他们必须自愿替换员工的状态,或者在大多数情况下,他们不得不在员工离开时填补资源空缺。

当压力使公司工作变得不愉快时,员工开始寻找新的工作或考虑退休。失去有经验的员工会导致生产减少,并增加与招聘、招聘和培训新工人有关的成本(Kyriacou, 1987)。高周转率可以让公司的员工感到压力。长期以来,研究文献对压力对组织和管理影响的影响进行了探讨。Berlew & Hall(1996)在他们的文章中展示了对员工的表现的期望如何给员工带来压力,这些压力通过管理者的社会化和文化改进而减轻。与此类似,Dollinger(1984)和Gaines & Jermier(1983)提出了职场压力对员工的影响。这些影响使他们身心俱疲。工作场所的冲突和其他问题也是由这个原因引起的。


The different performance impacting variables are as follows. Negativity in the workplace, a lack of enthusiasm, lack of apathy is some of these variables. Researchers attempt to identify how overall time management and human resource application come under problems here (Dollinger, 1984; Gaines & Jermier, 1983). When people are overwhelmed, they find it difficult to meet expectations or deadlines. It affects their ability to prioritize. It makes them have lesser control over their usual time management skills. This according to researchers led to the negative spiral (Ling, et al., 2014). Works are not time managed properly and this causes stress. The stress results in a vicious cycle. Workers are less likely to experience work stress when they have more control over their work, have more control over the way they do their work and participate more in decisions that concern their jobs. It is not just the workers that are affected here, the management is usually pushed to a state where they have to either voluntarily replace their employees or as it happens in most cases, they have to fill up resource vacancies when employees leave.

When stress makes working for a company an unpleasant experience, employees begin to look for new jobs or consider retirement. The loss of experienced employees can cause decreases in production and increases in costs associated with recruiting, hiring and training new workers (Kyriacou, 1987). A high turnover rate can make replacing stressed employees difficult for a company. Effects of stress in organization and managerial implications have been discussed in research literature for a long span of time. Berlew & Hall (1996) in their article present how expectations on performance cause stress for employees that are mitigated by socialization and culture improvement in the workplace by managers. Similarly, Dollinger (1984) and Gaines & Jermier (1983) present the effects of workplace stress on employees. The effects exhaust them both physically and mentally. Workplace conflicts and other issues are also caused because of this.