


From these analyses, it is expected that the researcher can gain comprehensive view of different issues and the eventual solution that can be derived as a result of this paradigm. There is certain limitation in the case of case study. It can be eluded that there are subjective variables that dominate the construction of the scenario in each one of these cases. These create a cohesive system for the particular problem. To overcome these limitations the case studies were focused on specific time periods in different geographical locations.
It is also plausible for the researcher to develop a one-sided theory. Owing to this there must be efforts taken to collate all the information from different sources. These were the important factors that were considered in this schema.

This report is aimed at describing the importance of change management for organisation its motives and objectives, change management processes, how company can involve all the stakeholders for successful implantation of change management and the strategies that an organisation can adopt to implement the successful change. As an inception step, the overall dynamics of the Chinese companies have been detailed in the following.

China as a nation has vibrant culture and unique political ideology. The notions of free market in China have been embraced with a different ideology. There was a pragmatic approach that was undertaken by the Chinese companies to infuse the ideology of free market principles and the principles of their Marxists ideology. The companies have unique dynamics that suit the local culture to meet the global market demands.

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