


从事精神分析的分析,从历史的角度在当前的一篇文章中提出的选择是“小事”的Susan Glaspell,一个第二十世纪早期的作者。在世界许多地方,女权主义的兴起时代正是教育和自由意志的优势,帮助妇女向知识和知情选择的方向发展。这是对妇女潜力的新认识的开始,也是她们自己的影响圈的形成。然而,他们小心翼翼地维持现状。他们想确保男人们继续认为他们是优越的,掌握了整个世界,而那些被赋予出生和再生的妇女。






The selection taken up for the psychoanalytical analysis in a historical perspective presented in the current essay is ‘Trifles’ by Susan Glaspell, an author of the early twentieth century. It was the age of the rise of feminism in many of the pockets of the world where the advantages of education and free will had helped women rise up towards knowledge and informed choices. It was the beginning of a newer recognition of women’s potential and the formation of their own circles of influence. They were careful, however, to maintain the status quo. They wanted to ensure that the men continued to think they were superior and had mastery over the entire world while it was the women who were given the charge of birth and regeneration.

Interpretations of the Repressed Mind: The Gender Dynamics

The current essay is a critique on the gender dynamics of interactions and psychoanalytical play of life situations and how people react to them. The research questions focus on the historical approach to the analysis. The historical perspective has been taken up because even in those times where women were confined to the background and were presumed to not have any say in the ‘matters of men’ woman managed to get their own will.

The hypothesis statement is that women are much more perceptive in their understanding of life situations than men. To elucidate the point further this quote from the text paints a poignant picture of the position of women in a given setting and their perception of their position in the scheme of things:

“We live close together and we live far apart. We all go through the same things – it’s all just a different kind of the same thing” (Glaspell, 2010).