

特易购(Tesco Plc)是全球利润最高的三大零售商之一。它在收入方面也显示出类似的资质,并被视为第二大零售商。这家杂货零售商的业务范围遍及亚洲和欧洲的12个国家。泰国、爱尔兰、马来西亚和匈牙利等国就是乐购(Tesco Plc)在其领土上做标记的一些例子。,2012)。作为特易购公司的创始人,杰克·科恩在第一天就以4英镑的价格卖出了1英镑的利润。现在,这个组织简直就是零售市场上的巨人。然而,每个组织都有自己的优点和缺点。本报告分析了Tesco Plc的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,为Swann Retail Chains提供一个谨慎的平台,形成一个marketing strategy (Berger & Pukthuanthong, 2012)。

SWOT是优势、劣势、机会和威胁的缩写。优势和劣势可以被称为组织的内部因素,而机会和威胁可以被假设为外部影响。本报告从SWOT各要素对Tesco Plc构成的各种挑战中得出推论。本报告还描述了该组织为解决这些问题所采取的适当策略(Lages, Mata & Griffith, 2013)。2014年的一项品牌财务调查显示,乐购公司(Tesco Plc)被评为消费者最看重的100个品牌之一。根据同一项调查,它的排名高于eBay,略低于宜家。乐购公司以其产品种类繁多、提供方便、物有所值和管理合理而闻名。Tesco Plc的经营范围包括世界各地6784家门店。


Tesco Plc is counted as one of the top three retailers in the world in terms of profit. It also shows similar credentials in terms of revenue and is counted as the second largest retailer in terms of revenue. The expanse of the grocery retailer ranges across 12 countries in Asia and Europe. Countries like Thailand, Ireland, Malaysia and Hungary are some examples where Tesco Plc has marked its territory (Bishop & Pagiola., 2012). The founder of Tesco Plc, Jack Cohen started off this venture with a profit of 1 pound through a sale of 4 pounds on the first day. Now the organization is nothing short of a colossus in the retail market. However, every organization has its own share of pros and flaws. This report deals with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Tesco Plc which would provide a prudent platform to form a marketing strategy for Swann Retail Chains (Berger & Pukthuanthong, 2012).

SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses can be termed as internal factors of the organization while opportunities and threats can be assumed to be external influences. This report derives inferences from various challenges posed by each element of SWOT to Tesco Plc. Suitable strategies adopted by the organization to tackle the issues have also been depicted in this report (Lages, Mata & Griffith, 2013). According to a Brand Finance Survey of 2014, Tesco Plc was placed among the top 100 brands valued by customers. It had a ranking above eBay and was slightly inferior to IKEA in rankings according to the same survey. Tesco Plc is known for its wide range of products, provision of convenience, value for money and management. The domain of Tesco Plc comprises of 6784 stores around various locations in the world.



“先生。《威尔逊的神奇内阁:管脚蚂蚁、长角的人类、烤面包上的老鼠和侏罗纪科技的其他奇迹》是劳伦斯·韦施勒的著作。这本书突出了历史背景和博物馆的作用。这篇文章写得很有风格,也很幽默。在整本书中,作者从《侏罗纪科技博物馆》的策展人David Wilson的角度带领读者参观侏罗纪科技博物馆。大卫·威尔逊的侏罗纪科技博物馆是一个非常奇特的柜子,它是由韦斯切勒在书中塑造的。它是以中世纪的神童为原型的,那是一个收藏珍奇和稀有物品的地方。这本书的所有措辞都集中在讨论自然历史博物馆作为一个讽刺的玩笑。一个合适的浮夸的声音,描绘了专业精神,已纳入叙述整个故事的博物馆,始终贯穿全书。韦斯切勒试图展示《神奇柜子》中那些好奇的物品,这有助于改变那些心甘情愿为荒谬所奴役的人类的行为。

这本书描绘了复杂的情况,就像书中谈到的博物馆一样充满好奇。作者勾勒出了博物馆的模糊性,这个故事与维多利亚时期的外科手术室有相似之处。维多利亚时期的外科手术室是17世纪欧洲的收藏品,描绘的是好奇心和伦敦的阿什莫尔博物馆(Ashmolean museum)。这本书的目的不是要比较对立的事实和虚构的概念,而是探索一种思想。作者的目的是在展示真理的同时让人感到惊奇。在书中,威施勒审视了博物馆、迷信和描绘奇迹的历史意识形态。韦施勒采用了保持严密叙述的技巧,仅仅通过阅读该书的封底,并不能帮助读者清楚地理解书中所分享的确切情况、惊奇和兴奋。通过第一次阅读这本书,人们可能会觉得它只是为了传递一些信息给读者而写的


“Mr. Wilson’s Cabinet of Wonder: Pronged Ants, Horned Humans, Mice on Toast, and Other Marvels of Jurassic Technology” is a book authored by Lawrence Weschler. This book highlights the historical background and the role of the museums. This writing has been penned down with great style and humour. Throughout the book, the author guides the readers through the Museum of Jurassic Technology from the perspective of the curator of the book named David Wilson. David Wilson’s Museum of Jurassic Technology is an extremely curious cabinet that is shaped in the book by Weschler. It is based on medieval wunderkammer that is a place where the collection of curiosities and rare things are exhibited. All the diction of the book has been focused to discuss the natural history museums as a satirical spoof. A suitable pompous voice which portrays professionalism has been incorporated to narrate the whole story of museums which run consistently through the book. Weschler’s attempt to show the inquisitive objects displayed in“Cabinet of Wonder” are helpful to change the behaviour of the humans who are willing slaves to absurdity.

The book draws complex situations and is as curious as the museum it talks about. The author has sketched the ambiguity of the museums and the story finds parallels to Victorian surgical theatres, the 17th century European collections depicting curiosity and Ashmolean museum in London. The aim of this book is not to compare the facts and fictional concepts on opposite sides but an exploration of a thought. The objective of the author is to display truth and to be amazed at the same time. In the book, Weschler takes a look on the museums, superstitions, and historical ideology depicting wonder. Weschler has adopted the technique of maintaining tight narrative and by just reading the back cover of the book will not help in explicitly understanding the exact situations, amazement and excitement shared inside the book. By reading the book on the first instance, one may feel that it has been written with the objective of just passing some information to the readers




非洲人口到2100年有80%的统计机会从35亿增长到51亿。亚洲有44亿人口,预计2050年将达到50亿。由此可以预测,人口数量将开始下降。其他大陆的人口预计将保持在10亿以下。这些数据与联合国2013年的预测相反。研究人员称,在这项研究中,数据的准确性更高。它提供统计驱动的评估,使预测更容易量化。这也提供了更多的确定性(Gerland et al., 2014)。利用这些数据结果,建议人们可以据此制定计划。除这些发现外,还发现它们缩小了研究范围和统计不确定度的发现。这导致人们形成了一种更健壮的方法来确定结果。


For the purpose of this analysis it can be seen that the researches had used data that was already collected. Secondary source of data was used to form conclusions. It is not possible for the researchers to collect world population information by themselves. There is a need for collection of resources and data from different data banks. Owing to this reason data that has been collected was not primary source of data. Nevertheless the analysis and the interpretations of the results are starkly different from other research theories. Rate of population and the sheer volume of numbers are found to be different from the other research findings for the same. World population is based on two primary ideologies. It is based on life expectancy and future fertility rates in the societies. This is found to vary between different continents. This is a statistical analysis that is based on Bayesian probabilistic method. It does not factor in many uncertainties involved in the process. This statistical analysis determines that in Africa population is projected to quadruple from 1 billion today to 4 billion by 2100.

There is an 80% statistical chance that population in Africa towards 2100 will grow from 3.5 billion to 5.1 billion people. Asia has 4.4 billion populations it is expected to reach 5 billion people in 2050. From this there is a projection that the population will start to decline. Populations in other continents are expected to stay below 1 billion. These figures are in lieu with U.N. projections from 2013 in this work the researchers claim there is more veracity. It provides statistically driven assessment that allows easier quantification of the prediction. It also offers more certainty (Gerland et al., 2014). Using these data findings it is suggested that the people can plan accordingly. Apart from these findings it was found that they have narrowed the scope and statistical uncertainty findings. This has led to people forming a more robust approach to determine the results.