


这本书选择评审是由作者Dave Kerpen和写的是关于社会媒体和营销在这些网络。这本书的名称是“可爱的社交媒体”。这本书的主要思想围绕着关键评估使用的广告说服听众。建议广告比口碑更强大。社交媒体的世界已经开发了新的沟通渠道,信息可以通过旅行显然比以前更快。作者解释了关于这一媒介的使用说服客户和客户怎么能使用这种媒介所吸引。之间的战斗品牌出现在市场,这给了客户轻松地开关品牌的机会。随着这个客户有权要求新东西之后一段时间。公司感到这种压力和聪明的姑娘正在使用什么是适合自己的品牌,他们的客户。作者需要读者进了山谷的劝说和客户的行为和趋势是如何变化的。这本书是知识在某种意义上,它讨论了市场的现状以及如何从亚洲东部和南部的新兴品牌。作者给出了几个建议欧洲品牌,这样他们就可以利用这些策略获得竞争优势。


The book selected for the review is written by the author Dave Kerpen and is about the social media and the marketing conducted at these networks. The name of the book is “Likeable social media”. The main idea of the book revolves around the critical evaluation of the use of advertisements for persuading the audience. It is suggested that advertisement is more powerful than word of mouth. The world of social media has developed new channels of communication through which the message can travel clearly and faster than before. The author explains about the use of this medium for persuading the customers and how can the customers be attracted by the use of this medium. The battle among the brands is present in the market and this has given the opportunity to the customers to easily switch the brands. Along with this the customers have the authority to demand something new after some time. Companies are feeling this pressure and the smart ones are using what is right for their brands and their customers. The author takes the reader into the valley of persuasion and how the behaviours and trends of the customers are changing. This book is knowledgeable in a sense that it discusses the current situation of the market and how brands from the East and South Asia are emerging. The author gives several suggestions to the European brands so they can gain a competitive advantage by using these tactics.